Book Presentation
The Science of Man
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya Book Presentation Overview General
Short Description:
The need for practice of Spiritual Science by man is immanent, in the context of the upsurge of material science. Man should find the technique to be fit to experience that which is revealed by Nature through Science. The technique is contained in the World Scriptures.
The book “The Science of Man” is an effort to furnish this technique, practice of which enables man to unfold from within. It is the application of technique upon oneself that reveals the Self to oneself.
The Scope of the Science; Royal Path of Yoga; Fear as Complex; The Riddle of Human Nature and its Solution; Secrets Revealed Never Before; Health; The Under-current of Human Civilization; Macrocosmos – Microcosmos; New Dimensions in Astrology; New Era Psychology.
The World Teacher Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 1993.
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Chapter 4: "Fear as Complex - Awareness"
Worry kills the soul of man. Though soul cannot be killed, worry makes a man dead towards the awareness of the soul. Life without this awareness is only a shell of activity which includes intelligence, mind and reaction to the environment which is purely mechanical. In such a condition there is no difference between the activity of a machine and the activity of a human being. Activity without awareness is but a living corpse. The corpse is also active in its course of decomposition. Similar is the activity of intelligence on the mind without awareness of life. Awareness of life arranges the activity around a centre whereas that centre is missing in the case of a life without awareness. Man is not his body, sense, mind or intelligence. Man is himself, above and beyond all these aspects. He is pure Consciousness which is but awareness towards himself. This is what we call the centre of consciousness. When the various aspects of activity are centralised, they live as one integral whole or totality. Every attempt is to be made to make a centre emerge in him. This is possible in the first step by only supposing a centre in him. Supposing means - believing with all his intelligence that he has a centre. Then the birth of centre takes place. Then, in the second stage, it is easy to locate that centre. Man becomes aware that he has a centre and he calls it Will. Gradually, he is more and more convinced of the fact, that he has a Will which is different from his intelligence and other faculties. Since then his activity undergoes radical changes about his beliefs, comprehension and routine. The values of things and persons will be rearranged in terms of acceptance rather than preference. He begins to accept realities of life instead of making a choice of what is real to him. The value of what he called value changes. Order of priority and preference will be replaced by propriety and fitness. Things which were hitherto useless and meaningless, begin to explain their meaningfulness to him. Hitherto his meaning of the word “WILL“ was his decision. The power to decide was being understood as Will. But, unfortunately, it was a decision according to his likes and dislikes. After transformation has taken place, his meaning of the word “WILL“ is different. What he means by Will is now his undisturbed state of Consciousness, which causes a poise of consciousness due to his capacity to locate his understanding.
A life with this understanding is no more chronological of its incidents. It is a simultaneity of existence in various levels of understanding, arranged like the petals of a flower around the centre which is himself. No petal has an individual existence or priority in a flower. Still, it contributes to the perfection of the pattern. Importance is equally distributed. Comprehension includes inclusion. Among the rules he has framed hitherto, he discovers the truth that every rule has its exception. This is the only rule existing and it applies to itself also. All the seeming opposites find their reconciliation in himself. The understanding of the opposites is replaced by his theory of supplementaries and complementaries. Opinions are understood as the items of the child's play of his mind. He follows what is natural and hence he follows only what is right. The perception of something wrong will vanish from his comprehension. This is the real positivism of life, which gives positive thinking. Health is natural to his constitution, while hope is natural to this intelligence. This skeleton of his intelligence is filled with the flesh and blood of his existence. Beauty lies in flesh and blood and not in skeleton. That means beauty lies in the relationship of the parts with the whole and not at all in the accuracy in noticing things. Accuracy is only a presupposition of that which exists naturally. Supposition always meets with opposition, while comprehension includes the seemingly opposites.
When such a state is attained by becoming aware of the existence of such a state, belief makes its first appearance in its true sense. Hitherto belief was only an attempt to believe things unknown. For example, morality is believed as a principle to be followed. Virtue is only a word, the unknown meaning of which was necessitated. God was being believed as an unknown quantity like the algebraical 'x'. Similar was the fate of terms like “Liberation” and “Bliss”. These terms begin to narrate their real story only after the transformation takes place. Now he calls the centre by the name “WILL”. In such a state he is called a “SOUL”.