Book Presentation
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom
Short Description:
Shambala was prophesied at the very beginning of the Kali Age, 5000 years ago. It is considered to be the seat of the Lord Sanat Kumara who esoterically rules over this Earth. Shambala is the mystic land. It contains the energy of deliverance to the beings on the planet. It has been a matter of great interest at all times.
To relate to this mystic land, a few teachings of Shambala are given in the book on “Shambala” by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar to inaugurate the dimension of Shambala to the readers. May it serve its purpose.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2022
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Recollect Shambala, bow down to Lord Sanat Kumara, and tread the path of Lord Maitreya, The World Teacher.
Shambala connects the sky to the earth. It connects the invisible to the visible and the visible to the invisible. It links up the divine to the mundane and enables the ascension from the mundane into the divine.
The ancients believed Shambala as the birthplace of Shasta, whose other name is Sanat Kumara. The invisible is symbolized by Shiva and the visible is symbolized by Shakthi; their meeting point is seen as the birth of Kumara. The Kumara is the ruler of this planet with Shambala as his citadel. The Lord of Shambala is also known in the Puranas as Subrahmanya.
Shambala is known only to the Adepts. They are ever silent while relating to the Shambala. They visit Shambala to receive the Plan. Their work is to be messengers of God upon Earth. The members of Shambala are all around on the planet; they also involve in tours and travels. They stimulate activities of goodwill and also manifest goodwill in action. They are bound by the Vow of Silence and speak not of their membership in Shambala. Their life is a life of offering; their inspiration is Shambala and the Lord of Shambala.
(Shambala is differently spelt in English, Shasta is also differently spelled, the Sanskrit phonetics are followed to give the right sound of Shambala and the right sound of Shasta. Shasta is one of the names of Sanat Kumara; the Mount Shasta on the West Coast of the USA is named after Sanat Kumara.)
Recollect Shambala, bow down to Lord Sanat Kumara, and tread the path of Lord Maitreya, The World Teacher.
The Puranas affirm that Shambala is in the second ethers hidden in the desert of Gobi. The Gobi Desert is within the geographical territory of the present day's Mongolian nation. It is hidden and is in-accessible to humans. Only advanced initiates gain access to Shambala as per the call from Shambala.
The members of Shambala are those who have demonstrated a life of sacrifice for the welfare of the beings. Only sacrifice enables the complete baptism by fire. Such ones, through meditation reach Shambala. The members of Shambala reside in the four corners of the world, preferring mountain ranges. They continue to serve and inspire the surroundings.
Some of the members of Shambala also hold high positions in the world affairs from where they steer the activity of goodwill and demonstrate selflessness.
The members of Shambala are courageous. They hold the Will of God and work it out on Earth.
Nothing in the World really attracts them. They are the dispensers of nature's wealth for the benefit of larger communities. Being human, they have all tended to be semi-divine through submission of personal will, and through sacrifice of personal will in favour of the Will of God.