Book Presentation

Sound - The Key and its Application

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Meditation

Sound - The Key and its Application

Short Description:

To understand sound you have to grow aware of silence, and to gain the ability to hear the sound you should first listen to silence. The book “Sound - The Key and its Application” explains step by step how our attitude towards sound and language should be. It is made clear how we can trace the source of sound when we learn to listen to harmonious sounds or mantrams and sing them.


The Double Triangle; The Five Tanmatras; Sound Subjective and Sound Objective; Instructions; Vowels & Consonants; Mantrams; Inhalation and Exhalation; Respiration and Pulsation; The Anahata Sound; Ida, Pingala and Sushumna; No Thought; The Annual Plan of the Earth; The Seven Seed Sounds; Utilization of Solar and Lunar Eclipses; Listening in Preference to speaking.

Ediciones Dhanishta, Spain 1993
Bilingual edition - English and Spanish
ISBN 84-88011-10-5

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Sound Subjective and Sound Objective

Sound is an important basis. According to the sound uttered, there is the formation of the phenomenal world. A harmonious utterance creates an harmonious atmosphere, and an utterance which is not harmonious creates its own phenomenal world.

How we utter gives a hint as to how we are. If we better our utterances we better ourselves and vice versa. Through better utterances we re-arrange ourselves better. The more and more we utter better, the more and more we are arranged better. The better we are arranged, the better we become magnetic. What is magnetism? It is only a proper arrangement of the cells in the magnet that enables the flow of the magnetic currents. So also the sound flows through when we are arranged better – that is, re-arranged – through proper utterances.

The sound we utter reveals the degree of light that we carry within us. From the most responsible utterance to the most irresponsible utterance, there are varieties of utterances. For an initiate the utterance is a very responsible act, because any utterance which is not responsible will demagnetize him. The moment we are demagnetized we are pulled down to make some more utterances which are not responsible.

What is the difference between an initiate and an average human being? The initiate lives in sound. He lives in tune with sound. Each time he utters forth, it is a happening but not a doing. He lives in sound, he moves in sound and remains a channel for the sound to flow through. The Voice of the Silence flows through him as speech. He has no other speech. His speech is a happening of sound and hence his speeches come true in the objective life. It is the Soundless Sound (Nada) manifesting through him as speech. He remains a channel for the sound to manifest. Truth thus speaks through him. The other names for truth are “The Voice of the Silence”, “The Word”, etc.

If we utter, there is a 50% chance; the probability is 50%, happening or not happening. If a pregnant woman comes and asks me if she will get a male or a female child, the probability of my success is 50%. So, we have to take a chance. But if it were to be an initiate, what he utters is what is already there.

Sound, as we now understand it, is the disturbance of silence. Whenever silence is disturbed there is sound. But there is also sound beyond silence. Sound exists beyond silence and sound exists below silence. Silence is the gateway for the sound to come through, just like the sky is the gateway for the sound to manifest the Creation. The Sound beyond silence is called “The Voice of the Silence”.

That which we know as Akasha or Ether is the silver screen upon which there is the manifestation of the Creation through sound. Silence is the neutral state of sound and there is a sound esoteric, beyond silence. We can make a triangle of the sound and it appears like this:


Sound Subjective (Positive)           Sound Objective (Negative)

Silence is the neutral point, sound subjective is the eternally existing sound, and sound objective is what we are aware of. The objective sound is nothing but the disturbance of silence. Each time we disturb the silence there is the sound. That is the sound we are aware of. It is called the sound negative. The sound which is subjective, that is, beyond silence, is called the sound positive. We only know the sound which is negative, but a spiritually realized person knows the sound positive.

Each time such a person speaks, he brings down sounds from the Higher Planes and not from the lower planes. Thus, the sound positive relates to the Higher Planes. This is called the Higher Triangle which contains the sound that comes from the Head Centre, the Ajna Centre and the Heart Centre.

The Head Centre, the Ajna Centre and the Heart Centre are the sources through which the positive sounds manifest. The sounds which we know and the sounds which we produce are from the lower centres; that is, our Base Centre, Sacral Centre and Solar Plexus. Whenever we speak about our viewpoints it is through our Solar Plexus, whenever we speak out our emotions it is through our Sacral Centre and whenever we express our base desires of life it is through our Base Centre.

There is the production of sound from the higher centres, which is positive, and there is the production of sound from the lower centres, which is negative. There are three higher centres and three lower centres in us. The Throat Centre connects that which is higher and that which is lower. Sound which is positive as well as sound that is negative are produced through the Throat Centre.

The Throat Centre holds the balance between the higher and the lower centres of sound. It is for this reason it is said in the Scriptures that a person who masters the Throat Centre is the disciple. It means that he is equidistant to the higher and the lower centres of sound. He makes an excellent work of bringing down the higher sounds to be uttered forth through the lower.

Imagine a musical instrument with seven strings, with three higher notes and three lower notes, and a middle string in between the higher and the lower. The human being is a lyre of seven strings. A Master is one who can play upon all the seven strings with ease. A musician is one who skilfully produces the sounds relating to the Seven Centres. Since as average human beings we only know how to work with the three lower strings of the musical instrument, our practice of sound is not complete. We only know 50% of the sound and we do not know its higher counterparts. Occult practices offer the opportunity to learn the higher counterpart, to interlink the higher and the lower centres of sound. The subjective sound is uttered forth by the higher centres and the objective sounds are uttered forth by the lower centres of the human being.

The subjective sound is the undercurrent for the objective sound. The subjective sound is the undercurrent and the objective sounds are the objects that float upon it. All our speaking is in relation to the objective sound. Speaking is a function of the objective sound. What is the function of the subjective sound? Speaking is the function of the objective sound and listening is the function of the subjective sound.

Those who listen are getting into a process of receiving into. When you are a listener, there is a way to consolidate the energies. When you are a speaker it is normally a way to spend away the energies, until you learn how to speak. Normally, when we speak we only spend out energies.

Astrologically speaking, the subjective sound is represented by Jupiter and the sound objective is represented by Mercury. In the Eastern Scriptures the subjective sound is called Brihaspathi, meaning the Jupiterian Principle in Creation. The sound objective is called Saraswathi. It is the process of flowing out. The sound subjective or that of the Jupiterian principle, exists beyond Akasha and through Akasha it keeps manifesting. Consequently there is the descent of the sound through Akasha as colour and form.

The first and fundamental understanding we have to make about sound is that it has two counterparts:

1) that it is subjective; that is, the undercurrent

2) that it is objective, which is the familiar sound which we know. To ascend from the kind of sound in which we are engaged in into the sounds of the Higher Planes, there are certain practical instructions given. In so far as these instructions are implemented in daily life, slowly we will be able to ascend into the sound subjective. He who knows sound knows all. The book imparts a systematized approach to speech that leads to silence. A book for self-transformation through speech.