Book Presentation
The Teachings of Kapila
Book Presentation Overview Wisdom
(previously: Sankya - The Sacred Doctrine)
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Short Description:
The doctrine of wisdom emerging from Kapila is the ancient most of the teachings of wisdom. Its study and practice liberates beings from conditioned living - conditioning by thoughts, opinions, desires and sensations and by environs. It is considered parallel in its depths to most sacred scriptures such as Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and even the Vedas. The wisdom teaching of Kapila is even comprehensible to the lay/fresh reader. It has no technicalities in its concepts and complexities in communication. The wisdom flowing from Kapila is recorded as catechism between Kapila (as the Master) and Devahuti (as the disciple). Devahuti is the mother and Kapila is the son and Kardama is the father. lt is the son who speaks of the wisdom to the mother at the instance of the father.
Kapila's wisdom appears in the Bhagavatha Purana, III canto, written by Veda Vyasa, the principal teacher of the Great White Lodge. Its Telugu versions are rendered in poetry by the great Master Potanarya in the 16th century and its prose version is rendered by Master E.K. in the 20th century. This work in English is based on the above. The terms used in this text are in tune with the terminology of Madame H.P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey. It is meant for all those who frequently, sincerely ask the “Why” and the “How” of the creation.
Kapila - The Teacher; Two-Way Study; He; Genesis; The Mind; The Wheel; The Path; Surrender - The Blissful Way
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 1993
Chapter Seven: The Path
Extract: The Essental Teachings of Kapila
1. The mind holds the master key for either liberation or conditioning. When you desire, it causes conditioning. It is so even when you desire liberation. Desiring liberation is also a desire. When you align mind with the universal consciousness, the liberation is the result.
2. Food, when taken in, gets assimilated into the system, losing its separate identity and helps energising the body. Likewise the individual soul, through discipleship can be assimilated into the universal soul, losing separative, selfish existence. The One in all is realised and there is no other.
3. The one who seeks liberation should forget desiring it. Acting as wife, the child, the co-born, the friend, the husband, the disciple, the Master, one should identify with the One in all and align with the One. When thus aligned, the liberated state of being is the reality. When not identified and aligned, the conditioning is the reality. The one who attempts to escape from the worldly relation to find liberation is the one who is tricked and is hopelessly caught. He is like the one persuing the oasis for water.
4. The creation, its process, the emergence of the cosmic, solar, planetary systems, the birth, the death, the stages of life (as child in the womb, child, youth, adult, old age) are the details of a grand play emerging from an idea-just like an idea from us manifests into a creation of our own. An idea to marry for instance!
5. The scenes and the characters in the dream seem different from the dreamer. As one wakes up from the dream, the scenes and the characters disappear into him. Only he remains as the One. Likewise through proper comprehension of wisdom, the existence as One (with no other) is experienced, where the concept of the other disappears.
6. The rivers flow with separative identity. But when they flow into the ocean, rivers cease to exist and ocean remains. The one aligned with the One is released from separativity and lives as a unit form of universal consciousness.
P.S.: Please note, it is different from unit consciousness. It is a unit form with limitless consciousness functioning through. Such is the Son of God or the Master of Wisdom.
7. The events in the dream are real experience while in dream. They are unreal as we wake up. So also, to the One that wakes up in the universal consciousness, the pairs of life cease to be real.
8. Amidst the limbs of the body, the senses, the feelings, man lives as one. So the Yogi lives as One amidst the Universe.
9. The Lord should be visualised within and without as well. The feeling that the Lord without form is greater than the Lord with the form is ignorance. The gold within the ring and the gold without the ring is gold only. Realise the One by visualising the One in form.
10. To realise the Lord in form, one has to practice compassion and virtues such as helping the co-beings and serving them.
11. Look to the One in the one that looks to you. Look to the light in all. Transact with light while transacting with the beings. This is the sure way to grow nearer to the Lord and to experience Him.
12. Remember that the growth and movement of all in the creation is the administration of the Lord. No one can transcend the Law of Administration within the creation. The Law of Administration is no different from the Lord. Knowledge is to visualise the laws, the commandments and the rules of creation as the Lord.
13. Some of those who studied the Vedas conduct acts of goodwill for personal benefit (seeking salvation). They are conditioned by their own personality. The others conduct acts of Goodwill realising the Lord therein. They are subservient