Book Presentation
Teachings of Master Koot Hoomi, Vol. 1
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Masters
Short Description:
The World Teacher Maitreya, the Masters of Wisdom Morya, Koot Hoomi, Djwhal Khul, Serapis and Jesus are some of the important Masters in the Hierarchy guiding the destiny of humanity. Having been liberated according to the time and need of the place they have been taking bodies to help spiritual progress of man, to co-operate with the evolutionary process of creation and to neutralize the karma of the race.
The book “Teachings of Master Koot Hoomi” contains seed thoughts expressed by him. They are elaborated and described by Dr. Sri K. Parvathi Kumar for easier comprehension of an average person.
Dhanishta Foundation, Visakhapatnam, India 2015.
1. The Bull
Every atom through time becomes a solar system. Every being, likewise, reaches the universality and becomes Brahman. The Word flows out of Brahman, which is a single syllable sound. From Word to Universe there is the eternal flow of sound which stands as the basis of the Universe. The fivefold vehicle of the sound is the universe of the five elements, the five sensations, the five sense organs, and the five organs of action — individual or systemic.
The Word flows through these four sets of pentagons and presides over the four of them. The other name in the Veda for sound is Sarasvati, for the sound flows through. It is also known as the Bull, for it expresses through. Creation is therefore mentioned as the roar of the Bull. Taurus is the presiding sign. Whosoever utilises the Word with responsibility can rebuild their life!
2. The Horse
The zodiac of 12 signs and 27 constellations was visualised by the Seers of Ancient times as a horse. The first constellation is called Aswini — meaning the horse-head and the last constellation in Sagittarius is called the tail — Uttarashada. From Sagittarius there is the double path. Thus the head and the tail are located in Aries and Sagittarius respectively. The former is one face and the latter is the counterpart. These two aspects are called the Aswins 'the not-untrue beings'. One is the face, the other is the base. An individual is bound to either of them in the body. Spiritual practices in the month of Aries and Sagittarius have therefore a special significance.
From Aries to Sagittarius there is the path of descent and from Sagittarius to Aries there is the double path of ascent. One is by retracing, via Scorpio-Libra, to Aries. The other, the more subtle but direct path, is via Capricorn. The former is the exoteric version of wisdom. The latter is esoteric.
3. Name and Mantra
OM is the source of all sounds. Names are group sounds. Man receives in each life a name, which is the replica of his quality. As he improves through evolution he keeps receiving improved names-group sounds. The ancients knew how to name beings as per their quality. In modern times this knowledge is lost. Today people name their children gloriously while their behaviour is otherwise. It is therefore a great responsibility if someone is named as Maria or Joseph or Jesus. These names have become sacred because of the original holders of these names. Even today they are called so, despite the fact that they changed bodies.
Through the evolution of the beings, the names also evolve. The name used in the incarnation in which one gains immortality, becomes the Soul-name and remains eternally so. Narada, Maitreya, Sanat Kumara are such names. Agastya, Vasistha are of a higher order. When the Soul realises itself as the likewise, the names of such persons become mantras. That is how Rama, Krishna, Jesus became mantras for the posterity. The tradition of chanting the name of a Guru as mantra emerged therefrom.
4. Truth and Religion
As Truth manifests through flesh and blood a religion or a cult develops therefrom. Every time a man becomes a Master, it is a celebration of Truth. Though Truth is one, it expresses in variety from time to time. This is so not because Truth has variety, but the soul/individual is different. It is for this reason, each time when Truth manifests, it is different from the previous manifestation. It looks as though it never manifested in that manner. For this reason the seers extol that it is Apoorva.
The variety of manifestation is joyful and is enjoyable. Poor are the ones who live in the differences of the variety. Besides the variance of the individual soul, the variance in place and time also contribute to the variety of manifestation. Those who wish to follow us are expected to appreciate the splendours of Truth in the variety. This is the Path of Synthesis.
5. Soli - Lunar Dynasties
The solar rays directly reach the earth. The same solar rays also reach the Earth via the Moon. The latter are called lunar rays. Certain souls directly reach the Earth and certain others reach the Earth via the Moon. The first ones belong to or form the Solar Dynasty, the second ones belong to are form the Lunar Dynasty.
The Sun stands for the Self and the Moon stands for the mind. The self-realised beings are the first category and the knowledgeable beings are the second category. The second are knowledgeable of the fivefold world of five elements, but they are not knowledgeable of the Self and its immortality.
The Path to the Sun is defined in the Scriptures as the Divine Path Devayana. The Path to the Moon is defined as a circular path Pitruyana. The story of Devayani and Sermista is repeated in all the world scriptures. For example in the Old Testament, Abraham is said to have two wives; one gives birth to holy children, the other gives birth to non-holy children. The story is symbolic. It presents a profound principle in Creation. When it is taken by the superficial meaning, the scripture is bound to be misunderstood. The Earth always carried children of good and children of the world. They coexist but their goals are different.