Book Presentation
The Seven Waves of Life. The Path of Human Evolution
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom
Short Description:
Humanity on this planet is as old as the planet itself. According to Eastern scriptures the planet was conceived as a habitat for the beings, who are seven in their gradations (mineral, plant, animal, human, and three gradations of devas). Seven are the waves through which the human evolution on the planet is traced and envisioned. The topic is intricate and is beyond a chronological presentation. The initial presentation was given by the seers, which is preserved in the world scriptures. Madame H. P. Blavatsky spoke of the seven waves in her classical work “The Secret Doctrine” which are but the seven waves of the humanity which come again and again into incarnation for self-realization.
May the book “The Seven Waves of Life” by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar serve its purpose and help the seekers find their way and eventually find the human destiny.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2021
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1. Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis
Hearty fraternal greetings and good wishes to the brothers and sisters that are gathered here for this year's seminar. We have been gathering in India annually during these times from 1988 and taking a dip into the ancient wisdom.
Ancient wisdom as such consists of two parts: cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis. A wisdom student is required to engage himself in a detailed study of cosmogenesis and of anthropogenesis. This is how the scriptures were conceived in ancient times. Srimad Bhagavata speaks of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis; the first canto of Mahabharata symbolically gives an overview of cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis. Likewise, in ancient times study of wisdom meant study of how the cosmos came to be and how man came to be, and what the cosmic intelligences involved. Engaging oneself with such knowledge is very essential and it would help man to lift himself up from the localized conditions and the localized identities. When you are ideating about the cosmos, the galaxies, the related intelligences, you are not bothered about the insignificant issues.
In a mundane life, i.e., the life on Earth, even the most intelligent man is engaged with very mundane things. An average human mind is engaged with the global, economic, religious, political, and social activities and conflicts. Anything global seems to be big, but the globe itself is a mustard seed in relation to the cosmos. So, we are talking about an activity within the mustard seed and then we invite the related conflicts into us. There are others who step down from global concepts to national and local concepts, and from local to small community concepts. Community concepts mean group concepts, which are minor concepts compared to the globe. The global level itself is also insignificant when compared to the cosmos.
So, how petty we remain when we just engage totally with something which is the pettiest of the petty things? Are we not localized with our thoughts relating to the group and group members? Does it not make us very petty?
The scriptures speak of cosmic intelligences. Relating to cosmic intelligences, and relating to something beyond our solar system would instantly lift us up from our local situation. When engaged with such things, petty problems of family or the group do not exist. Everything is petty in com-parison to the cosmic system because this global activity is not even a mustard seed compared to the cosmos.
All this wisdom relating to cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis is a means for man to lift himself up from this petty thought plane. When you are looking at an elephant, do you bother about a mosquito? So, that is how you can relate to the cosmos and thereby lift yourself up into cosmic presence. That is how wisdom helps us. It is like our being is lifted up from a cell or a prison house. We are lifted up to something which is grand and unlimited. So, we breathe fresh air, and we feel fresh. We feel a sense of expansion. And in that expansion, individual problems look small. Otherwise, our petty problems loom very large for us.
How are we to minimize a problem? Make the problem small! The whole game is in the mind. When our awareness expands, our problem is diminished. But if you consistently give your energy to the problem, the problem grows. This is one of the purposes of engaging oneself with wisdom: to lift up from a limited situation, to uproot from localization. Uprooting from localization helps the individual consciousness to enter a pool of universal consciousness; and it brings in energies relating to the cosmic presence which find their expression through you into the surroundings. That is why it is said that whenever the cosmos, related intelligences, and their work is pondered upon, then the minds open and receive the cosmic presence, and through such minds it is transmitted to the surroundings. Group life contemplating upon cosmic wisdom is considered a great service for this reason.