Book Presentation

Wisdom Buds

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom

Wisdom Buds

Short Description:

The booklet “Wisdom Buds” contains seven talks given by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar at different occasions on seven topics of spiritual value. The talks are short, but deeply effective. They unfold within the being as brilliant lotuses when contemplated upon.

The White Island; The New Age Teacher; May Christ Return to Earth; The Principal Teachings of Lord Krishna; The Path of Gradual Unfoldment; Upanayanam; Marriage - A Sacrament.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 1994

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The White Island

“THE WHITE ISLAND” deals with the Plane of Light and the Plane of Light is the field of the Soul. An interesting narration of the Kingdom of Light, is rendered for the beings to recollect within them their original abode.

The White Island is beautiful in quality and in form. It carries the divine brilliance and splendour. It is ever illuminative, eternal and perpetual. The very thought of the White Island makes one stable and pleasant. The vision of the Island destroys once and for all the cycle of death and birth. The residents of the island live with bodies of radiating light. They are ever engaged in uttering the sacred word that guards the worlds. The rays of Love and Light form the brick and mortar of the residences in the Island. The human brow centre is a replica of this sacred land. In this land, the residents and the residences have no difference in identity.

The residents of the White Island are competent and hence are not desirous. The fruit of contentment is enjoyed as a consequence of their desirelessness. Although they are desireless they have plenty and are not empty, Liberation is their way of life. They experience the world of forms as their own forms and carry the thought of no-other. Others desire and hence they experience emptiness - lack of that which is desired.

The Lord of the most high shines forth in purity and poise endlessly, untouched by the hyper and hypo activity. The gardens, the parks and the pathways carry the splendour of the mercurial green light coupled with the tinge of red (Sree) the glow of the golden hew with the electrical blue centre and circumference (Ha) and the warmth of the Nature Divine (Ri).

The glorious White Island is not a place or a plane to be ascended. Wherever one is, it manifests when one gains 'identity of himself with that of the surrounding'. It is hidden within the whole World as the latter's 'blueprint' and is the 'basis brilliant' of the worlds that are built up.

The sound and the light are in total unity in this Island inter-laced in their function. “The voice of Silence” is ever heard in all sounds and the body of Light is ever perceived in all forms. The Island is ever protective when thought of. Even when the worlds go upside down, the sacred island remains untouched.

The reality of “One in all” and “All in One” is fully manifest in this Island. The pair of subjectivity and objectivity culminate into existence in its centre, while they co-operate within the island. The other name for this island is “The Land of Welfare and Well being”.

The trees in the Island are seasoned for all seasons. They sanction fruits of experience that call forth the end of desires. They are called “the trees of Progeny”. They give fruits throughout the 12 months and the six seasons and thus perpetuate creation. They bestow growth and spread fulfillment to those who take shelter under them. Other trees have no place in the Island.

The stunning beauty of Time is experienced in the White Island. The Time is eternal present, devoid of future and past in the mysterious land. The residents live in eternal present. They have no past memory and future expectations. The past and the future culminate in the present. It is a state of being where memory is not and expectation is not.

The flowers of the gardens spread the fragrance of the Present. The blessed residents inhale the fragrance and experience the nectar as the honey secreting from the flowers.

Filled and choked with the experience of the eternal present, the residents immerse in uttering forth the story of the “eight syllabled one” (Narayana/Christna). The sacred utterances utter forth themselves through them while they are in the state of pure experience. The feeling that they are experiencing also falls off. When they feel that they are experiencing the 8 syllabled one, they fall off. When the feeling falls off they remain in experience!

The beings of the Island fly. Their bodies, made up of the fabric of light, form their vehicles of flight. The measurements of their bodies are beyond measuring. They expand and contract.

They grow lighter and heavier. They are elastic like plastic and transparent like glass. For them there is no difference between their bodies and the plane of their existence. The bodies are just vehicles to facilitate their contemplation upon the Plan - the other name for the Lord.

The birds of the Island sound forth musical notes of life. The rhythmic unfoldment of the music seem to balance the involutionary and evolutionary seed sounds of Ham and Som.

The male and female move in couples as friends and are not suffered by lust. The cupid fears intimidating their state of togetherness in friendship - a perfect state of Yoga.

Those who are indifferent to the Universal consciousness and its Oneness, those who are interested in other things, those whose ears have inclination to listen to criticism, those who are impure in mind, in senses and in body have no place in this Island.

Even those who are self disciplined and well versed in the scriptural knowledge of Universal Self also miss this island on account of their estimates about themselves. Those who estimate others are unfit to be in the island. And those who estimate themselves are also unfit because they are stuck in their personalities. Many well-meaning scholarly people are stuck because of their interest in their personalities. The island belongs to those who are concerned of the unhappy and the needy people. In the latter, they see the manifestation of the one consciousness as no different from them and therefore work for them, without feeling that they are working. This is due to their realisation of oneness. When one scratch the left hand with the right can it be said that the right hand rendered great service to the left? You feel it so natural a phenomenon that you do not ever think of it. The residents of White Island too function in this fashion. Conversely all those who function in this manner belong to the White Island.

Until the learned see the ONE in the heathen, the learned have no entrance into the Island.

The White Island is like a White Lotus in shape and carries structures that have pyramids as peaks and unfolding lotuses as bases. In the Centre of the Island there is a circular pericarp. Upon it rests a five-hooded serpent - coiled and with the hoods unfolded. Within the circular space of the coils exists the electric blue that which is eternal and endless.

The entrance of the island is well guarded by two dwellers on either side of the threshold. They do not permit entrance when seen!