Book Presentation

Wisdom Teachings of Vidura

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom

Wisdom Teachings of Vidura

Short Description:

Vidura was the chief counsel in the Royal Court of Dhritharashtra. He is an initiate which knew the law and advised the king untiringly and patiently. He is considered as the Machachohan* in the theosophical world. His teachings to the king are eternally valid. They are given in brief, chosen form from the Mahabharata **.

* Maha Chohan: the chief of a Social Hierarchy of the trans-Himalayan mystics.

** Mahabharata: the great epic composed by Veda Vyasa in 18 books. The Bhagavad Gita for part of it.

A Word about Hierarchy; Introduction; 360 Teachings of Vidura

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 1997

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A Word About the Hierarchy


1. Sanat Kumara:

He is the Planetary Logos, The King that presides over the planetary evolution in general. He resides in the 2nd ether around our Globe in an ashram called today as “Shambala” - originally known as “Shyama Bala”. meaning “the blue boy”. The ashram is hidden in the region of the Gobi Desert, originally known as “Gopi”, meaning “the hidden”.

The evolution of the planet is threefold:

  1. evolution of the beings,
  2. of the form of the beings, and
  3. of the social formations of the beings into tribes, communities, groups, nations, and their inter-relationships at various levels - social, cultural, economic, and spiritual.

Sanat Kumara presides over such threefold evolution of the planet. He represents the spiritual will of the planet.

2. Lord Maitreya:

He is the World Teacher that presides over all global teachings, writings and related activities that enlighten the beings. He is the Teacher of the teachers and presides over the Hierarchy of Teachers at the global level. He resides in the caves of Kalapa - North Himalayan range.

3. Manu Vaivasvata:

He is the Global Architect that presides over formations of matter - mineral, plant, animal, human, semidivine. His work is to evolve the moulds of the forms (of the beings) that would contribute absorption of greater measure of light. He descends from the Universal Hierarchy of Visvakarma - the Great Architect of the Universe. He is the 7th of the Manus.

4. The Mahachohan:

He is the global chief of evolution of civilizations, economics, nations, societies, tribes, groups, communities etc.. His work is to build a healthy social order that tunes up to the spiritual will.

The Dhyani Buddhas are the conductors of messages as between the Planetary Logos and the threefold Hierarchy.


The man*
who is encountered by
an enemy more powerful than him,
the man who lost his wealth,
the man who is in lust for a woman,
and the man that desires to thieve,
cannot sleep.
they suffer from sleeplessness.

* In the ancient language, “man” means the human soul, the beings that work with mind, and hence it includes woman. It is an equivalent term for “human being”.