Book Presentation

Working with the Full Moon and the New Moon

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Astrology

Working with the Full Moon and the New Moon

Short Description:

Working with the cycles of the new moon and full moon is the fundamental step to open the doors of initiation. As occult students, we are expected to tune up to the new moon energies and the full moon energies of every month and experience the special characteristics of each of the twelve sun-signs in terms of the new moon and the full moon.


The booklet “Working with the Full Moon and the New Moon” is based on the teachings given out by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar at Rigi, Switzerland, in December 1998 and at Vitznau, Switzerland, during the Aquarius Full Moon of 2003.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2022

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2. Full Moon and New Moon

Working with the cycles of the New Moon and Full Moon is the fundamental step to open the doors of initiation. As occult students, we are expected to tune up to the New Moon energies and the Full Moon energies of every month and experience the special characteristics of each of the twelve Sun-signs in terms of the New Moon and the Full Moon. As we take to this discipline, we shall gradually progress to become eligible to experience the initiations.

When we tune up to these energies, it enables entering into the unseen and divine fields of light through the visible world. 'One-fourth is visible, and three-fourths are invisible and divine', says the Veda. One cannot therefore be satisfied with the visible mundane world. A true enquirer deciphers the visible, to find the invisible, which, truly speaking, is unfathomable. The sixteen dimensions of the Moon are seen as the complete light in creation, which is called an Avatar. The Avatars, therefore, are attributed all the sixteen dimensions. We speak of the World Mother as complete, with all the sixteen dimensions as sixteen splendours! This is the reason; the Scriptures speak of Avatars as the youthful ones of sixteen springs. There is also a symbolic truth in this. Each time the Soul enters the form, it enters into, and illumines the sixteen principles of the body. The body is the vehicle with sixteen principles into which the Soul enters.

Lunar means the reflective principle that receives and reflects. The Soul is a reflective principle. It also receives to reflect the solar principle. Soul is but the Super-Soul reflected through the three qualities of nature. In the Soul, there is life and awareness. It receives the life from nature and awareness from the Super-Soul. When the Soul merges in the Super-Soul, it is like a New Moon. This is called Samadhi.

It is a Full Moon when Moon receives from the Sun and reflects the light upon Earth. Similarly, when the Soul reflects the Super-Soul, there is experiencing of the full light, even at the mental plane. The body itself feels enlightened. The magic of the Full Moon is experienced by the Earth. Likewise, when the Soul reflects the Super-Soul, it is experience of Full Moon by the body. This is called the kingdom of heaven upon earth. Our mind receives thoughts from the Soul and reflects them upon the world of matter. Mind plays the role of the Moon, which is but a reflecting principle. Be it, the Cosmic, Solar, Planetary or the individual mind, the ability to reflect the higher onto the lower and the ability to transform the lower into the higher is the work of the mind. When the mind is turned inward, the objective world does not exist; it opens the subjective world. When the mind is turned outward, it makes the objective world visible. When the mind is tuned to a state of complete objectivity, it is called Full Moon. When it stands totally subjective, it is called New Moon or No Moon. The seers say that the subjective light is New Moon while the objective light is Full Moon.

The discipleship or the practice of occultism, helps to develop the subjective light or the subjective mind concurrently with the objective light and the objective mind. Moon helps to turn either towards subjectivity or towards objectivity and thus stands as a gateway between the inner man and the outer man. Within each one of us, there is the outer objective mind; and there is also the inner subjective mind. Their source is the inner spiritual man! Unless we arrange the life in such a fashion that we are able to prepare for the Full Moon and for the New Moon, and thus receive the energies of the Full Moon and the New Moon in a very silent, ardent and meditative mood; the subtle side is not revealed to us.

Unless one is aligned to the cycles of the Full Moon and the New-Moon, there is no subjective or subtle experience or deeper experience of either the plan or the initiations relating to the subtle side. Be conscious of the New Moons and the Full Moons because all initiations are possible only when one has worked out the energies of the New Moon and the Full Moon. For that reason, you should also be conscious of the presence of the symbolic presentations of the New Moons and Full Moons as well. The numbers 12 and 24 are important. The symbol of a cube is also important.

The Full Moon, New Moon, and eighth Moon phase mark great changes - a change of order, a change of the course of events, and should therefore be dedicated for inward work more than outward work, and to tune up to the changing energies. Mark the dates of New Moon and Full Moon in the calendar. Keep them relatively free by prior arrangements at work. Maintain quietude of mind and calm surroundings. Reflect upon the inner self at least three times during those days at the rate of 20-30 minutes. Try to be on simple food and ensure that the body is light.

Meditate upon the brow centre, gradually raising your awareness and stabilizing it at the brow centre. Let this practice be carried out on the New Moon and Full Moon days. On the New Moon Day, the meditational practice enables the desire centres namely Swadhishtana (sacral centre) and Manipuraka (solar plexus centre) to turn upward jettisoning the heaviness of thoughts of desire and of mundanity. If the New Moon cycles are regularly observed and meditated upon, the desire body, which harbours around the lower centres, weakens and thins down, releasing the magnetic etheric currents of the lower mind into the higher centre (brow centre).

A meditation on the Full Moon Day enables the formation of astral light, meaning, the reflected light coming from higher circles. The meditations done on the Full Moon Day enable strengthening the influx of light coming from Jupiter and Neptune. This practice of meditating upon the cycles of New Moon and Full Moon truly opens the doors for the student to release himself from his own ancient past, the conditioning psyche.