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was prophesied at the very beginning of the Kali Age, 5000 years ago. It is considered to be the seat ... Morya, Vol. 2 Master Morya states: “Let the new age begin with you. Evaluate your own work and your o... some messiah doing it for us. This would be truly Aquarian!” More : Sample : PDF : Order Temple Service... r such topics as: 1. The White Island; 2. The New Age Teacher 3. The Path of Gradual Unfoldment, etc.
Merry Life Day. The 26th of July
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ry “Kundalini” in the aspirants who relate to the Aquarian age, the sound of CVV. It was a grand achievement in
Online Books: Other Publications
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ty of Prana and how Master CVV has ushered in the Aquarian speed into the process of spiritual evolution of ... rst incarnation of Lord Dattatreya in the present age. In an exciting and entertaining way, it gives an