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Master CVV
18 Hits, Last modified:
August 1868 in Kumbhakonam (the name meaning “the Aquarian Angle”), the famous temple town of South India. H... d as the mayor of the town. He was married at the age of 12 to Sow. Rukmini and had three sons and thre... ough Halley‘s Comet, enabling him to transmit the Aquarian energies to the planet and to the beings of the p... ynthesis. He is said to be an incarnation of the Sage Agastya, who is also known in the Theosophical ci
Master EK
8 Hits, Last modified:
extensively all over the globe spreading the message of Eternal Wisdom and Universal Love. His main work was to sow the seeds of the Aquarian Energy, which was received by Master CVV, who tra... irala Krishnamacharya was also entrusted with the age-old teaching and healing work, which is the main ... e of the patients. master-ek Master EK - The New Age Teacher Master EK He authored many books in Eng