The Divine Plan
An Endless Plan
If a house is to be built, the builders need a plan. The engineers and masons can put up the structure only according to a finalized blueprint that was previously created by the architect. The person who draws the plan first builds it in the “empty space” of his mind according to the idea of the customer. Without the intent of the original idea, no building can be created.
There is also a Plan for the creation; it exists for the entire universe. There are intelligences, Devas, who work as architects, and others who develop the plan and give shape to it before the builders become active. The activity is conducted in accordance with the schedule.
Each time a creation arises, it is an expression of God's pure love to give the beings an opportunity for development. The Divine Plan would thus enable fulfilment to all beings who have not achieved their goal in an earlier creation. As long as this goal is not achieved, one life takes place after the other. Universe after universe is created, until all beings have realized that they are images of God. This is an endless Plan.
The Plan of creation is for all, not just for a special solar system or a special globe like the Earth. In this grand Plan, the appearance of man on Earth is only a very small part. The creation happened long before us. We should bring our own plans into accord with the Plan of creation. The Plan includes all, and it intends to lift up the entire humanity. The task is enormous, and the progress seems to proceed at a snail's pace. But the events ripen according to a time plan and our responding to it will lead us in a smooth way so that we can fulfil the purpose and the goal of our life.
Receiving the Plan
The Divine Plan can only be received via the soul, not as a personality. The soul can come into contact with the super-soul. The descent is from Atma via Buddhi to Manas. The Plan is thus passed on from the spirit to the soul and from the soul to the disciple.
The Masters have the ability to receive the vision of the higher Plan and to ensure that the light can come down to the mental matter. They receive the Plan in complete silence and work without talking much about it, because much talk leads to a lack of alignment. They look out for sensitive people who have enough aspiration to connect to the Divine and who constantly maintain their aspiration. There are just a few such people in a century. The Plan intended for manifestation on Earth gets blocked by humanity through ignorance and inertia. The characteristic of this age is a strong tendency to mundane matters; this causes retardation.
We usually try to adapt the Plan of the soul to the comfort of the personality. We are often busy with other things than the objectives of the soul, and we interpret the impulses of the soul according to our own goals and motives. It is part of the essence of the personality to keep on deviating from the Plan of the soul. Many also want to work for the Plan but they cannot because they do not live in the presence of God. Many people who read spiritual books would like to manifest the Plan of the Hierarchy and spread the knowledge about the Masters. They dream about the Hierarchy and Shamballa but they cannot even manifest their own plan, and, still less, the Divine Plan. The path to the Hierarchy is to serve the world. Reading about it looks so nice but when it comes to action, most people are concerned with personal growth and with personal health or finances.
To realize the Divine Plan we do not need books, they mostly confuse us. People coming from normal life can work better for the Plan. As long as we are in beness, the Plan flows through us but when we are busy in mind, we are an obstruction to the Plan. No program can be received on television when the channel is not set correctly.
How can we realize the Plan and know that it is the Divine Plan? How can we adjust to it and then work for it? With introspection we can have a kind of dialogue between the personality and the soul. This will remind us what we should have done and what we did instead. The Plan is received in silence. Through the voice of silence, we develop sensitivity towards the Plan and realign the personality this way. It is highly recommended to connect with the Plan through a prayer before falling asleep.
To get impressed with the Plan is a process of perception or impregnation. Some receive the impression as a vision, others in the form of sounds or sometimes both. Spiritual perception is another name for intuition. One of the main conditions we need to cultivate in order to perceive the Plan is to be alone. The Divine Self can speak to us in solitude. In the silence, the Master can approach the soul and impress it with knowledge. He can also inform us about the work plan, provided we are silent enough to receive it.
Plan and Karma
If we do not wait, but feel that we must do something, we create more karma, as long as we do not use discrimination. Discrimination is particularly important for proactive people. The Masters do not propose independently a scheme of action or restrict the aspirants of their plans or instigate them into any act. According to the stimulations of the qualities of Rajas, the proposals emerge from the aspirants.
If we stop continuing to make any proposals, the Plan comes to us every day in the form of our duties and responsibilities. If we act dispassionately according to this Plan, the Plan conducts itself through us. Ignorant of the crafty work of Nature, people think that they are working out their individual plans. Verily, Nature's plan only works through.
As long as we are in the personality, the Plan relating to our karma comes to us. According to the Plan, Nature brings us our work - what partner and how many children to have, how much to do for our job, etc. We are born where we can gather the experiences we need for our development as per the goal of our life.
We should not get enchained by the things we have built on the physical plane; otherwise, we will get imprisoned by them. We should not generally carry the idea to do a good work or the other but wait until our task comes to us. We should not teach and heal unasked. The persons who are to be served through us will come to us and seek our service. If we wait and only pick up where we see our obligation, we can trust Nature - it brings us our plan. Master C.V.V. says: “I shall be actively associated with you not only as per your soul life but also your personal life.”
Implementing the Plan
When an initiate receives the Plan in contemplation, he carries it out accordingly. He acts as it is given to him without personal motives. He does not try to know in advance about the Plan, but the Plan projects into him. If he would come up to the Plan, he would create an obstruction. He does not brood over what has happened a moment before nor does he project expectations into the future. The past and the future culminate in the presence. This does not mean that we do not have a clear plan for the future. Master Morya avers: “A special energy is attracted when the thought about the future is alive.” It is important to have a plan to which we strive and for which we fight.
To translate a good plan into action, people in the East first worship Ganesha and invoke his energies so that they get the right details at the right moment and construct the right thought pattern. With the Ganesha’s sound GAM a transformation takes place in us. If we have a confused plan, it is better to abandon it and start again.
The Plan for humanity is concerned with the mental and spiritual upliftment, with the full expression of light and love. Everyone is needed in the Divine Plan and has their place. Everyone should contribute their fragment to the great design and work out their part with their own responsibility for which they have come into incarnation.
For each solar year there is a Plan as well. Each time when the Sun enters into Aries, the Plan is passed on to him. Aries is related to our head and thus also with the Plan connected with us. The spiritual impulse of Aries is awareness in Taurus and is mental awareness as male / female energy in Gemini. In Gemini the Plan of humanity is transmitted to humanity to unfold itself on Earth. Then in Cancer, it enters through the solstice into matter. Each sun sign has its own message. We should adapt to it and work in accordance with the plan of time: “Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”
K.P. Kumar: Occult Meditations / Notes from seminars. Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India