Lord Maitreya
Keeping Open the Path to the Light
Every concept has many dimensions. If we look at it only from one side, we cannot understand it correctly. A partial truth leads to prepossession. Holding on to views and concepts is an obstacle to our growth. Every time teachings are received, they are being interpreted and also recorded according to one’s own personality. Thus the teachings suffer the fate of being handed down incorrectly, being understood wrongly and spread in the wrong way. All fighting about them is based on thinking that you yourself are right and the others are wrong. Wisdom however is simply there – for those who align with it. It doesn’t advertise and proselytise, much less does it take on a militant view.
Humanity has not yet grown so far into the light that it is ready for a comprehensive understanding. It needs time to understand that those who have reached truth take sanctuary in it without taking up a fixed position, without claiming something for themselves and without defending themselves. Jesus demonstrated this to the West by not defending himself. Yet truth defended and glorified him. We defend ourselves with our personalities, because we haven’t yet reached this truth.
Wisdom lives by the principle of making itself available. The teachings are given to those who are searching for them. The teachings of the World Teacher emanate through the Spiritual Hierarchy and their disciples from time to time to inspire those few human beings who are sincerely searching for Truth. The World Teacher has committed himself to keep the path to the light open for the people during the present dark age or Kali Yuga.
Friend of All Beings
For over 5,000 years, Lord Maitreya has been holding the office of the World Teacher. Other World Teachers in other cycles have preceded him. The World Teacher is the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy; he is revered by the Hindus as Maitreya, by the Buddhists as Bodhisattva Maitreya and by the Christians as Christ. The word “Maitreya” comes from the Sanskrit root “Mitra”, meaning friend. Maitreya is friendly towards all beings, irrespective of their behaviour; he does not play the game of love and hatred. This friend is in us the I AM-consciousness, which has its seat in the heart centre. Therefore, the heart centre is related to the Spiritual Hierarchy; it is the seat of love and of compassion.
He who works on the path of the World Teacher remains simple – common among common people. He inspires the persons in his surroundings by his silent spiritual work in all areas of life, without declaring that he works with the Hierarchy. Lord Maitreya said: “Be the same as your fellow human beings, without being as ordinary as they are.” This means, behave like all others do.
Maitreya’s Training
In the incarnation in which Lord Maitreya was appointed to the office of the World Teacher, he was a young, beautiful prince of Benares in Northern India, who was considered to be very intelligent and virtuous. He knew the martial arts as well as the wisdom teachings, and he was also a great healer. In his younger days, he heard of Parasara, the World Teacher back then. So he travelled to the Himalayas to meet the master, around whom he found many advanced souls. He felt as if he had come home. Parasara permitted him to stay and trained him together with three other disciples on the same level of wisdom. Parasara explained to them: “The Highest Lord has decided to come to the planet and he needs some co-workers for His work. My work will be fulfilled when I can hand over to Him these helpers.” Maitreya was very much inspired by these words. He returned home and explained the whole wisdom that he had received to his father and also explained the plan of the descent of the Avatar. Then he requested that he should be relieved from his princely responsibilities, so that he can work for the Plan. The father was happy about the decision of his son and gave the succession to the throne to the brother of Maitreya.
After having achieved yogic powers through his training, Maitreya came with the proposal to his teacher that he would like to work for the Light and fight against evil. Parasara told him: “Since you have been born in a royal family, there is still the instinct of fighting within you. If however you stoop to fighting, you will lose this wisdom and destroy yourself. If you continue with the truth, you will have the opportunity to experience some of the highest enlightenments.” And thus Maitreya learned that destroying evil through fighting is not part of the divine Plan, but rather enlightening the ignorant. A man of wisdom should realise the duality of life and settle in the golden mean. It is his task to transform ignorance into knowledge, darkness into light and evil into good. Those seeming opposites complement each other; synthesis serves to accept duality and to transcend it, without taking sides. The talks between Maitreya and Parasara were recorded in the very first purana, the Vishnu Purana. The details of the biography of Lord Maitreya are contained in the Bhagavatam Purana and also in the book “Music of the Soul” by Master EK. There are countless stories in the Puranas telling of the great beings who are guiding us today.
The Radiant White Robe
Together with Parasara and other masters Maitreya participated in a ritual which provided a pure etheric body, into which the avatar, Lord Krishna, could descent. This body is also called the radiant white robe and has been maintained on the planet: Before Krishna finally left his body, he transferred this etheric body to Lord Maitreya. According to the wisdom teachings this body of light was later also given to Gautama Buddha and again to Jesus during the last three years of his life. Therefore Jesus was called the Christ, and Jesus referred to it when speaking of his radiant white robe. The great initiate Shankaracharya also had the same etheric body. This robe was given as a blessing, so that the teaching of synthesis and of compassion could be imparted to the people from time to time.
Through Lord Krishna Maitreya achieved awareness of synthesis. Krishna gave him the wisdom as a plan for the future, how the wisdom is to be spread and darkness is to be transformed into light, and also how those who hate and kill are to be included into the synthesis. Krishna promised him to give His presence for the fulfilment of this plan, for the presence, the soul awareness, can transform and lift up the personality.
The Community of Lord Maitreya
Krishna also gave Maitreya the direction for the foundation of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as it is existing on the planet. An esoteric triangle was formed between Lord Maitreya, Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi, through which the entire hierarchy manifested itself. A lower triangle was formed with their main disciples, Master Djwhal Khul and two other masters. Together with Buddha in the centre they form a septenary that works for the benefit of the planet in order to manifest the Plan.
At his departure from the physical, Lord Krishna installed Maitreya as the World Teacher to help people on the path of evolution. Since then, Maitreya has imparted the “Word” through the path of yoga, through service and sacrifice. “Yoga” means “union” and stands for the state of fusion of the individual self with the Divine. And yoga practice means the transformation of the human nature through systematic, scientific exercises.
This subtle process has been going on for more than 5,000 years. Some people realise it and consciously cooperate with it. If we are receptive and align with it, it is more active for us, but it progresses, whether we recognize it or not. To say that Lord Maitreya is coming nearer only means that his work has come into the lives of many and that perhaps we are opening now our window.
The community of Lord Maitreya arises out of the unification of souls and overcoming of the personalities. We must see what we have in common. An awareness of the differences leads us to disagreements and diverging opinions. If we look at what is common we tend to be more together in communities. Thus we connect ourselves with the soul in the others. At first we see ourselves, the light in us, then we see the light in the others. Then we try to see the light in all others. Thus nothing but light remains.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: Lord Maitreya – The World Teacher. Ediciones Dhanishtha, Barcelona.