Existence and Consciousness
Pure existence is eternal. It is the basis for everything that happens. We are existence, but we usually think about many things but not about existence. We do not need to be told that we exist; no belief of existence is required. We simply exist eternally as a unit of existence. We also exist independently of our awareness of existence. We come into consciousness in the morning, and when we sleep at night, consciousness goes back into existence. We are existence and we periodically attain consciousness.
Consciousness emerges from existence, from us, and it is the same with consciousness in the universe: universal consciousness periodically emerges from existence and directs a period of creation. This is how existence emerges as consciousness. This consciousness is an emanation of existence; we call it the 'Mother of the World'. She gives rise to the whole of creation; without this Mother there would be no world. Existence is the Father; the Mother is the mediator who makes the Father visible to creation. The two principles of existence and consciousness are regarded as the male/female God. In the East, they are called Shiva and Shakti and in their unity they are referred to as Ardhanari.
The wisdom teachings do not see God as a person, but as an energy that has its patterns, its laws and its cycles, even if it is described personified for the sake of clarity, such as father and mother. We need to understand all this in order to understand what God is. God is neither male nor female, but when we use language, we call him HE or SHE, ancient wisdom calls him THAT or IT. IT or THAT, which is beyond, manifests as two and then develops the third. This is how the birth of the Trinity happens and through the Trinity the sevenfold creation happens.
The Law of Periodicity
In our quest for wisdom and truth, we try to understand the laws of nature. We attune ourselves to them in order to slowly transform our nature from the animal to the human and from the human to the divine and from the divine to the ultimate truth. The spiritual Hierarchy helps us to do this; it wants to lead us to the eternal laws of nature, to our own nature and the nature of creation. Madame Blavatsky learned from the Masters the universal laws which time produces: the laws of alternation, the periodicity of time, pulsation and the regular flow of involution and evolution. She gave many keys and opened doors to wisdom.
We should try to understand all these laws mentioned in the ‘Secret Doctrine’ of HPB and observe them in ourselves and in creation. We will then retain the laws at the higher mental plane. Our mind has the ability to remember. This kind of knowledge is important so that we do not enter the realm of wisdom like blind men. The knowledge of these cosmic laws releases us from our narrow local limitations and connects us to the awareness of existence.
The eternal energy manifests and dissolves again and again. According to the law of periodicity, everything that appears must also disappear again in due course. This applies to us humans as well as to universal consciousness. Nothing that appears is there forever. Only the background of existence, which is called Brahman in the East, is eternal. Everything else that manifests itself dissolves again after a while.
Therefore, the Mother of the World is also always periodic. The Mother emerges from pure existence, unfolds and reaches a stage of fulfilment. She withdraws back into pure consciousness and then merges with existence again. New projections periodically emerge from existence, and each projection has a periodic existence. It is the nature of the Mother of the World to re-emerge after a while in accordance with time and normal periodicity. The periodic happening is not finite; it exists eternally. On the background of existence, there is eternally a periodic happening of active and passive states. After a period of inactivity, creation re-emerges as an active state.
We can also observe the law of periodicity in our lives: we are born, grow up, grow to our optimum, withdraw again and reconnect with the origin from which we have emerged and will periodically emerge again.
We wake up in the morning, and our wakefulness only lasts for a certain period of time; it comes to an end when the next time for sleep comes. Sleep comes automatically, whether we want it to or not. In the same way, we wake up again, but we don't wake up ourselves; instead, consciousness emerges and then we have the feeling that we have woken up. Even if we use an alarm clock - we are woken up from within. We then go into activity, come to a climax, slowly reduce our activity again and are brought back to sleep. In the morning we come into consciousness and while we sleep at night, consciousness returns to existence. The whole thing is a play of awareness on the platform of existence.
Stabilizing the Awareness
In sleep, we are not able to realize our connection with the eternal being. When we wake up, we do not remember this connection either, as long as we do not consciously remember that we are in existence and that we periodically come into awareness. To establish a relationship with awareness, we need to stabilize our awareness. To do this, we have to keep reminding ourselves of existence and thus relate to it.
Relating to existence means relating to Brahman. It means that we enter into a state of pure existence with awareness. This sometimes happens during prayers, but also when we focus our mind on the respiration through observation. If we can relate deeply to existence and enter into an absorbed state, we can also penetrate the environment. This is how a siddha or an initiate who sits with his eyes closed penetrates the environment and influences it through his presence. It is the samadhi consciousness of a pulsating unit of consciousness that comes forth consciously linked to existence and permeates the environment.
Those high souls who live in the perception of the eternity of existence clearly recognize the One who projects everything. Every projection has a periodic existence and is a play of eternity. It is not our life and consciousness that flow through us, but we are a projection of life and consciousness that allows us to emerge and also withdraw by His will.
Once we begin to understand the periodicity of time and the law of alternation, we begin to sense the truth of the existence of life after death. For now we realize by analogy that just as a period of sleep alternates with a period of wakefulness, so also a prolonged period of sleep after death alternates with a new span of life in which we wake up again in a new, tender body. We call this rebirth, and we develop a firm realization of rebirth - not according to a religion or according to the idea of any group of people, but according to our intuition and because, without any alternative, we begin to sense the truth. We develop a trust that is greater than any belief. This trust is a transformation that takes place from our centre of the I AM to the circumference or horizon of our consciousness.
Cycles and Periods
Time is cyclical and also periodic. One revolution of time is a period of time. In the circular movement of the cycles of time, there is constant change. Every time we reach the same point in a cycle, it is actually not the same, even though it may seem so. This circular movement with constant change is called periodicity. On the cyclical path, periodicity allows us to progress upwards. Time as a principle of rotation in creation is related to development in the period of a lifespan. Within the lifespan, we can perceive rotation in the periodic phenomena of day and night, full moon and new moon, months and years. Periodic phenomena also include the woman's period, the periodic flooding of rivers, the tides of the seas and the great natural disasters caused by the precession of the equinoxes and the pole shift.
Astrology gives us an understanding of the effects of periods and sub-periods. There are vibrations that come to us daily through the influence of the revolution of our natal ascendant as it touches the four cardinal points of the day. There are vibrations of the moon caused by its monthly passage through the signs and phases of the moon. There are the higher and stronger vibrations of other planets that form aspects to the natal Sun, natal Moon or Ascendant as they transit. Particularly important are those that come once every 12 or 30 years, such as the vibrations of Jupiter and Saturn. We should use the favourable vibrations for our spiritual progress and the so-called bad ones for the practice of neutralizing our polarity with the objective world. The intensity of our polarity depends on the type and amount of our past karma.
Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Lectures on Secret Doctrine 1; div. seminar notes. Dhanishta Publications / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India. (