The Spiritual Hierarchy
The Origins
The spiritual knowledge reveals itself according to the laws of time. An era where it is concealed is said to be a dark time of ignorance. When it is disclosed again, it brightly shines out and seems to be new, as if it were given for the first time. But according to the wisdom teachings the knowledge exists from the very beginning of humanity, and the great teachers who impart it are called the Spiritual Hierarchy. There were even teachers since the formation of the north pole and the northern hemisphere, though not in a dense physical form. In eastern wisdom the first and oldest teacher on the planet is called Kapila, the number consciousness. It took on form and gave the first teachings, as it is believed, from that place which today is called California. This teaching called Sankya is written down in the third canto of the Bhagavatha Purana of Vedavyasa; it has been rendered in a modern language by K.P. Kumar.
The wisdom teachings tell that 18 million years ago some spiritual light was planted into man by the Spiritual Hierarchy. It was part of the Great Plan to stimulate the mind, in order to awaken the awareness of the “I AM” and thus to make man self-conscious. This crisis of individualisation transformed animal man to a human being. With the blossoming of mind today’s influence of the Aquarian age brings about a second crisis, in order to make man finally a spiritual being, a member of the fifth kingdom of nature, of Spiritual Hierarchy. The soul takes on a higher rhythm and transcends the human kingdom.
Today’s Opportunity
Since thousands of years it is said that man has to be reborn a second time, in order to work on a higher plane in the spirit. We have the choice to adjust ourselves to the Light, the Love and the Life of spiritual nature and use or miss the opportunity. If we miss it, we are like the many who remain in a lower cycle for a long time. For those who want to ascend there is the help of the Great Ones who have lead the way.
Whether we are ready or not, the higher energies will intensely affect our bodies. We have to align our personalities higher, in order to be radiant enough to withstand them. From the standpoint of Hierarchy the time is running short. Therefore it manifests in manifold ways, in order to inform us, so that we understand the process and can adapt to it. It is the vision of Hierarchy that within the next 300 years humanity undergoes a great transformation. Humanity will transcend death and experience the continuity of consciousness and thus immortality. A remarkable large number of mankind will be convinced of the immortality of man; it will nearly become routine talk, like today it is with the internet. There are people who consciously work for this; they continuously impress the consciousness of mankind with this truth of immortality.
Hierarchy makes its presence felt stronger and stronger. There are most various reactions on this, like rejection and prejudices, but also dreamy idealisations or gushing channelling which pretends to be in contact with the highest circles. Only those who can forget themselves and devote themselves to service with pure intention can be channels. When about 120 years ago H.P. Blavatsky brought out the truth about the existence of Hierarchy, she was exposed to serious calumnies. The same happened with Alice Bailey and others. Some of their followers narrow the work of Hierarchy down to the teachers known to them and according to their understanding. They doubt the authenticity of other sources or even fight against them. It is said that ignorants easily can transform into tigers and might even persecute us. Therefore it is better not to share the knowledge with everybody or to discuss about it. Time will break the separatist attitudes.
The World Teacher
The work of today’s Hierarchy and the present World Teacher, whom we know as Maitreya or as Christ, already started 5000 years ago. In that incarnation Maitreya was a prince of Benares. In his youth he learned about the then World Teacher, Parasara. He met the master in the Himalayas and joined his group of students. Parasara revealed to him the divine plan for the coming cycle, and Lord Krishna inducted him into the office of the World Teacher. When Krishna left his body, he promised Maitreya that he would give him his constant presence for the fulfillment of the plan on this planet. Together with six other masters Maitreya laid the foundation in order to ensure the Path of Light on the planet. For the benefit of posterity he organised the Hierarchy we today call “The White Brotherhood”, and he made thus sure that the Wisdom would be kept alive for humanity throughout the dark ages. Nearly all heroes who have helped humanity are pathfinders who have worked for humanity under the inner guidance of the World Teacher.
When we say that the World Teacher and Spiritual Hierarchy are today externalising, this means that they are entering into the lives of many. It is a subtle process, one that is already going on since long ages, even if we may not realise or recognise him. Some think that he has only begun now, because they have opened the window to the Light only now. Some people like sensational news and others like to give these news, but the Work is far from being sensational. If we are receptive and acknowledge the fact of the work of Spiritual Hierarchy, we can co-operate consciously.
Finding Access
Many are searching for Hierarchy, but in vain, since they are not willing to take the first small steps to right living. Hierarchy is not interested in dreamers and theorists, it needs people who are givers, not takers. We only can become givers, when we fulfill our responsibilities in the right way; then more and more responsibility is assigned to us. The disciple following the path of Hierarchy remains simple, a common man among common people, but he inspires those around him to follow the path of truth through his active love and silent, continuous work. When we manifest good work, we are an example for others, so that they get inspired also to follow the path. Wisdom is more taught by being a living example of it than by talking about it.
People who are totally material, mental or emotional don’t find access to the work of Hierarchy, even if they read a lot about it. Many therefore assert that Hierarchy does not exist. A master of wisdom becomes visible for those who have realised the Self. As long as we don’t realise the soul, the I AM, we also cannot meet masters or assimilate their teachings. All teachings of Hierarchy are basically only meant for us to ascend from personality and attune to the higher Self or the Soul.
Accepting Responsibility
The master or teacher is no other for us than the mirror of our own soul. Since we are used to looking outside of ourselves for guidance, Hierarchy guides us to realise ourselves and decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. We have to learn to think freely and to use our will in freedom to find our way to wisdom. When we want to cooperate with Hierarchy, we have to accept the responsibility for all we are doing. In earlier times the teachers took responsibility for the students. Today they give knowledge and everyone has the freedom to choose. They give the information, but they don’t influence us. They respect human freedom and help when asked. Thus people are going their ways according to their inclinations, and they are making the related experiences. No doubt everybody makes many mistakes, but this doesn’t matter, because every failure teaches us something. This is the freedom of the Aquarian age.
Today we prepare the seed for all that will come in future cycles. The vision of Hierarchy spreads over centuries and more; we should not think that all development will happen today. He who walks into light in a greater measure has a greater responsibility to come back and to serve. Those who intensely labour for the Work in this life are not in it for the first time, and they will also continue in future incarnations. The Masters of Hierarchy keep on coming down to us, in order to restore the Law and to help humanity, but not to set up cults and religions. They are for us an example, so that we develop cordiality, inclusiveness and one-pointedness.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: The Teachings of Kapila / seminar notes. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.