Working with the Key of Time
Cycles within Cycles
The clock is a miniature form of the zodiac and the movement of the planets. The short hand makes 12 hours in one circulation. In the same time, the minute hand circles 12 times, and the sweep hand 12 times 60. Thus, a clock has different wheels which correspond to the different dimensions of time cycles. One day is a miniature form of one year, and one year is a miniature form of greater cycles, of centuries and ages. Cycles within cycles exist, which are organized by beautiful patterns of time scales in space. The old seers of India understood time as a pattern of flowers, in which the petals of the different augmentation scales are imbedded. The seers had the vision of the law of analogy which they applied to all time units - the daily schedule of man, the cycle of reincarnation, the purpose of evolution, and the impacts of the ages.
Knowledge of time is one of the most important tools on the path of wisdom. Every one of us works, consciously or subconsciously, through the plan of one’s life by time. Thereby we should recognize the qualities of time as well as the currents of time. We should not fight against the powers within or around us, but rather try to understand them and rise above the cross currents. That way, we can set sail and don’t have to work against the currents.
Each day offers a new combination of energies that are a result of reciprocal actions of the planetary principles with the qualities of the sun signs. Understanding the action of the planets, their frequencies due to their movements, and their influence on the Earth, allows one to arrange ones actions in harmony with the heavenly beings. Through a right understanding of those influences in us, we learn to choose right action at the right time. Lord Krishna describes this right action at the right time and with inner ease as Yoga. The key to this art lies in the true science of astrology; this does not necessarily mean the astrology of the astrologers. The key of time and astrology is only revealed to those who follow the spiritual principles. Whoever uses astrological knowledge for foretelling of death or similar things abuses this subtle science.
The Cosmos within Us
For we should use astrological knowledge to recognize favourable and unfavourable times, to respond positively to higher vibrations that come to us periodically and to eliminate disharmonious vibrations of lower nature. Since ancient times, the masters recommend to check on the moon phases and planetary combinations in the morning hours on a daily basis. The pure knowing of their positions and aspects will help us to neutralize certain potential manifestations. In the morning, we should look at those aspects for one or two minutes and simply hold them in our thoughts, without trying to achieve a deeper understanding. The energy of comprehension will develop as we pay attention to the aspects of time on a regular basis.
The planets and sun signs do not only exist in the cosmos but also within us. Their movement in the cosmos is not of so much relevance to us. We should rather consciously feel and trace their movements within us. Each planet represents a plane of consciousness in us. The sun represents the centre of consciousness which we call “I AM”. The moon rules our mind, Mars rules over courage, while Mercury dictates intelligence. Jupiter rules over wisdom and the sense for happiness. Venus represents the idea of beauty, while Saturn represents experience.
The twelve signs of the zodiac are also reflected in our physical bodies: the upper head to the brow corresponds to Aries; from the nose to the neck it is Taurus; from the shoulders to the hands it is Gemini; the chest area belongs to Cancer; the midriff is Leo; the inner organs are Virgo; the navel belongs to Libra; and the reproductive organs to Scorpio. In spiritual astrology, the path of return follows Scorpio, where Sagittarius is in the higher Muladhara and Capricorn in the higher heart centre, which is located at the same height as the shoulder blades. Aquarius corresponds to the higher third eye, while Pisces is at the uppermost part of the head and is visualized at the hair line.
When we visualize the zodiac from head to the base centre, we can realize all the planets and their positions in our meditations. Now that Saturn moves through Leo, we should feel his energy in the heart centre and realize how he works on transforming the heart by destroying the undesired and developing the desired qualities. Uranus is in Pisces. Hence, we visualize him at the head. He is of a penetrating energy, thus the head can be transformed fast.
Planetary Patterns
The ephemeris or the astrological calendar help to find the positions of the planets. We should look at them in the morning and feel them in our system. We can visualize the following three things daily in our bodies:
- The constellation of the planets of our birth horoscope. They form a particular pattern which shape the different predispositions in us. Presuming Jupiter in Capricorn, for example, we visualize Jupiter in the higher heart centre.
- The constellation of the planets in the progressive horoscope. For this, we start with our birthday and add one day per year of life and calculate the horoscope for this day on the basis of the same time of the day. This is based on the law according to which the predispositions present as seed forms develop with the time cycles on the greater scales.
- The transit planets, which means the actual daily position of the planets.
These exercises transmit to us the corresponding energies on all three levels of the birth, transit, and progressive horoscope. We can also integrate them into our practise one by one. They open the cosmos within us and help us to substantially neutralize karma.
We should also keep in our thoughts which planetary frequencies are predominant on a certain day. On Sundays, it is the sun. It is the day of consciousness. The moon rules on Mondays, which stands for the reflection of the consciousness in the world. Mars reigns on Tuesdays, and we should ensure that our power is expressed in a regulatory way. Mercury brings discriminatory power to Wednesdays. On Thursdays, Jupiter’s qualities are predominant: generosity, expression, expansion. Fridays, Venus, have the characteristics that let us experience the beauty in us and around us. Saturday, Saturn, helps us to finish the work of the week and to clarify matters.
The Chemistry of Time’s Quality
A further aspect of the key of time is the disposition of the mind in the morning. It is an indicator for the trends of the day. Our disposition is a result of the interactions between our own energies and the ones released by nature after which our experiences develop. If we silently watch the day from the first minutes to a maximum of two hours, we can realize the course of an entire day. For example, if we cut, it indicates that counter-active currents are working and that the day demands greater attention than usual. Thus, we can understand the chemistry of time’s quality and are well prepared to start the day.
Generally, the instrument of our consciousness indicates the nature of time and our surroundings. An old eastern wisdom teaching says, “Whether time or the other person is good or bad - your inner voice will indicate similarity.” When we are able to read our instrument without identifying with it, we will be able to recognize the intentions of a person who approaches us; he/she will be in a similar condition. Thus, we can understand the person’s situation and are able to help. We should pay attention to the moods that dictate or cloud our consciousness.
Things and situations change constantly, because change is a constant in nature. When we align with the constellations and the moon phases, by and by, we can recognize changes that occur in accordance with the phases. Alignment with the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly cycles is very important for discipleship.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: Time. The Key / div. seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Wisdom of the Heavens. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.