Book Presentation


by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Astrology


Short Description:

In this booklet you will find a dimension of Time and a practical way of alignment with it. You will also find the fivefold key of time, the importance, characteristics and qualities of constellations, the relationship between the moon and the 27 constellations, the 12 houses, the effect of the planets on us, and how to liberate yourself through meditation.


Ediciones Dhanishtha, Barcelona, Spain 1999

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Working with the Key of Time



Time - Let it be auspicious.
In the form of time I keep an account of all.

The creation is the network of time. Time segregates and aggregates. The ways and plays of time are mysterious. All happenings are through time. No one is capable of escaping the dictates of time. Wise one can tune up.

I. Time - a Dimension

The ancients carried an understanding of time, which the moderns are tending to respect and even agree in some aspects. A study of time is interesting and engrossing. Many attempted to study time, some seem to have succeeded.

Time is considered as an unending coil of serpent with many hidden layers within the coils. Time is considered cyclical with its periodicities. Time is accepted as the ultimate to conquer. Conquer with time to conquer it, is the phrase of the wise. Time is the eternal remainder of the creation. Creation unfolds through time and folds back too through time. Time is the last impermeable, says a Master. Time is as comprehensible as darkness says another.

The Seers of Himalayas have the count of time, its cycles and periodicities. They visualised, verified and re-verified their visualisation and have given out their detail. Today's Big Bang Theory is not far from their visualisation.

Time, according to the Seers is fourfold and each carries its own characteristics. Cyclically the characteristics of time manifest. The fourfold time is put forth as 4 Yugas: Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali.

Kali is the model unit of measurement which is taken at 432000 years. Dvapara is two times Kali. Treta is three times Kali and Krita is four times Kali. All the 4 put together is called Maha Yuga, which is ten times Kali (1+2+3+4=10).

432 000 Kali Yuga
864 000 Dvapara -Yuga
1296 000Treta Yuga
1728 000Krita Yuga
4320 000Maha Yuga

432 is the mysterious number and the zeros indicate periods within periods. The number 432 is product of:

144×3 or 108×4
12x12x3 or 27x4x4

12 is the number for solar energy. 27 is the number for lunar energy. Sun moves in the-12 sun signs and moon moves in the 27 constellations in the solar and lunar cycles respectively. The number 432 holds the soli-lunar key to the time cycles. A further analysis leads to:

12x12x3 or 27x4x4
3x4x3x4x3 or 3x9x4x4
3x2x2x3x2x2x3 or 3x3x3x4x4
33 x 24 or 33 x 42

Time functions through the power of triangles and squares or through the potential of the numbers 3 and 4. The 3 and 4, the 3 in 4, the tetraktys, the dodekaedron are the basic concepts of Pythagorean Wisdom too.

The Himalayan Seers perceived further cycles i. e., beyond the Maha Yuga which are bigger cycles. They are:

72 Maha Yugas as one Manvantara
14 Manvantaras as one Kalpa or a day of Brahma
360 Days of Brahma as one year of Brahma
100 Years of Brahma as the cycle of one creation

There are series of creations happening upon the canvass of space! They describe that:
a) The present Brahma (Creator) is in the 2nd half of his life having just completed the first half. His age is 50 years and one day.
b) The present Brahma is the 7th one, 6 preceding him. His name is Padmabhu.
c) The present Manvantara too is the 7th one, presided by Vaivasvata Manu.

II. Time - Alignment

Alignment of body, mind and soul is important to experience the fullness of human life and its related splendour. Holistic life is the keynote of the human. Socio-economic life with spirituality as the basis is the Seer's understanding of life.

Alignment is effortless at certain times while it needs effort at other times. The dawn and the dusk hours, the Full Moon and the New Moon days, the Equinoxes and the Solstices are time's gifts to man to align. Alignment causes the fusion of the divine and the human in the body. This in turn enables the divine to express through the body. The other name for alignment is Yoga.

The “I am” consciousness in us is the replica of the Sun. The mind (reflective principle) in us is the replica of the Moon. The body we hold is replica of the planet Earth. In the sky, when these are related by sextile, trine, opposition or conjunction aspects, the human also relate them within.

Likewise, the intelligence in us corresponds to the planet Mercury, the wisdom to Jupiter, the force to Mars, the experience to Venus and the limitation to Saturn. Advanced human units develop in them the related correspondence and even to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Time offers opportunity to recognise, realise and thus experience the systemic existence within the human being (the Micro Solar System). Such is the importance of time and alignment.

III. The Fivefold Key of Time

To tune up to time, a daily practice is recommended which is five fold. A student of time may pick them up gradually.

1. Observe the moon phase every day. Carry in you the awareness of the day's moon phase. There are ascending moon phases culminating in Full Moon and descending moon phases culminating in New Moon. In due course you will realise which of the moon phases are favourable to you. This enables planning certain important actions during these moon phases.

2. Observe the predominant planet of the day. That planetary vibrations generally presides on that day. You carry certain planets in your birth chart that are stronger than others. That day which is presided by your strong planet is generally favourable to you. If your birth Venus is strong, Friday is favourable to you.

On the following days, the following planets preside:

1. Sunday Sun
2. Monday Moon
3. Tuesday Mars
4. Wednesday Mercury
5. Thursday Jupiter
6. Friday Venus
7. Saturday Saturn

3. Observe the moon constellation of the day. Moon's placement in one of the 27 constellations has its message to the student of time. This is because each constellation has its characteristics.

4. Observation of the energies presented by the moon through the constellation leads to some more understanding of time. The characteristics of the 27 constellations will be given later.

In further study of time observation of the daily planetary position lining the sunrise hours and understanding the message of that day's planetary combination is suggested. A day's planetary chart reveals the nature's plan for the day. The basic understanding of planets, Sun signs and their aspects is needed for this observation.

5. Planning one's own action on the basis of aforesaid 4-fold study is the ultimate step to experience the opportunities of time.