Book Presentation

Ashram Leaves

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom

Ashram Leaves

Short Description:

“Ashram Leaves” contain the gems of the experiences of the composer strung together as in a song and lovingly presented before the plethora of seeking souls. Each leaf is complete and comprehensive in itself. It is different from and relevant to another leaf! This is the beauty of this book. Though they were compiled from the composer's seven year cyclic newsletters to the spiritual groups abroad, they are, purposely, not printed in a bookish order. It is entirely up to the studious seeker to arrive at the continuity - which is very much there.
Each leaf is at once obvious and subtle. Each passage is a soul-teaser. Each message is a challenge to the mind. The purpose is to inspire the mind to abide in its abode. They are not obvious as they are not strung together artificially. They are already together - like the leaves and the branches and the flowers of a plant. You may find in them psalms sung from a higher plane.


The leaves of wisdom are gathered from the Ashram of Love-Wisdom. The wisdom contained in the leaves is a direct flow from the Ashram via the Master.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 1993

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Paragraph 27: Symbol

Man is a symbol of himself in all his planes of existence, from the lower to the higher. Likewise, the form and the phenomena of this universe are the various symbols of the ‘universe’. The point of unity is called 'purusha' (the cosmic person) and his personality is calledthe prakruthi (cosmic nature). The physical is the symbol of the mental and the mental is the symbol of spiritual. Thus, stands the symbol of the individual, who is a symbol of the globe he is living in. Again, the skeleton is the symbol of the man in flesh and blood. Thus, the principles of the universe are the skeletons and the truths subtler, form the flesh and blood.

The Earth, the Sun and the Moon are the principles and the planets Earth, Sun and the Moon are the symbols.

The numbers are the symbols of the knowledge and form 1/7th of the gateway between the knower and the known. The shapes likewise are the symbols of knowledge and form the 1/7th.

Astronomy is the symbol of the cycle (bigger or smaller) and the year is a form of symbol of the creation. The circle is the symbol of oneness of the inner and the outer (subjective and objective) personality. The polygon with its numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively is the symbol of the foundation of the creation.

Sounds of the elements are the symbols of the language of the elements. Sounds of the living beings are the symbols to express their feelings. Language is the symbol of knowledge and is the vehicle of knowledge from one individual to the other.

The transmission of uttered language once again reaches the other through the vehicle called ether. The shapes of waves of the ocean are the symbols of the sea water. Every drop of the wave is the symbol to represent the whole entity - ocean. Thus all shapes of this creation are symbols that represent the Creator himself of whom the individuals are made up.