Book Presentation
Your Birthday Gift
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya Book Presentation Overview Astrology
Short Description:
Astrology holds the key to life. It is necessary to get into the secrets of the time relating to one’s own life in particular and relating to humanity in general. The “Birthday Gift” is the first step towards an understanding of Time and also a right understanding of the human psyche.
You can understand many things about a person when you know his date of birth and month. The temperament and the psychological setup can be known, the way of thinking can be understood and also the purpose for which a person is born. Many an intelligent and gifted young soul wastes his valuable man-power and genius and lives away a life of wilderness and confusion by not knowing the purpose for which he is born. Each of the zodiacal signs bestows its characteristic touch to all the aspects of life. You can find the detailed study of everything about yourself or your friend in this booklet “Your Birthday Gift”.
Foreword; Your Birthday Gift; Aries; Taurus; Gemini; Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpio; Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius; Pisces.
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2002
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SAGITTARIUS - November 22nd to December 21st
This month runs from November 22nd to December 21st. This is true with every year. This month is called the month of the sign Sagittarius (Dhanus). The symbol of this sign is an archer who is half-man and half-horse, shooting an arrow. The full symbolism as is known from the Puranic tradition is an archer who is half-man and half-horse. Shooting five arrows aiming to fell the fish, to raise the Virgin to be the wife of the five. Here the bow and the five arrows represent your tension for some ideals towards which your five senses and the sense organs are focused. The arrows represent also your speed and the ability of the personality. A horseman represents your high sense of justice since horse is the vehicle of Kalki, the Law-giver who is to come at the end of the Kaliyuga.
The whole picture represents a life which aims, all through, at very important point. Tension is the key-note of your personality if you are born under this sign. You are direct and powerful in all you do. You are straight in understanding and forceful in expressing. You have a suddenness of doing things which is generally guided by your intuition. Your outward personality may be gentle and seem to have less quickness but your individuality has the swiftness of an arrow. Your suddenness of thought does not allow you to bear others' moods and opinions patiently. This is the reason why you cannot put up with the majority of your fellow beings for a long time though you wish to do so.
You are socially above the rank and have much magnetism in you. You use your magnetic vibrations only for the good of others. You will never use your potentialities for your personal ends. Your want is filled by your labour and the unexpected gifts you receive. Your merits are to be showered in charity. You are fond of friends. All types of persons gather around you. It is easy for them to approach you, though from a distance they fear you at first. Afterwards it is difficult for them to keep friends with you for a long period since they lack in the continuity of purpose which you have. The faults in their behaviour make them desert you and you have to live undisturbed by false friendships.
You are impatient to tolerate any injustice. Illicit procedure is foreign to you. You have an instinctive dissatisfaction of your present status. You believe in show, and name and fame. But you may be too good to notice this in you. This complex gives changeability to your behaviour. In your early life you are changing your ideas, plans and jobs. Always you will aim at great and noble things and get things planned and executed very easily, but the moment you feel dissatisfied with the environment, you would immediately cut off the project however costly it may be. You will begin something fresh with higher ideals. Thus the tension of the bow increases keeping pace with one aim after another. Then there is nothing that you cannot achieve in this world.
Frankness in speech and openness in behaviour are your keynotes. If you can avoid roughness and brutality in exercising them, you can achieve anything in this world. If you cannot avoid this, you create ruthless enemies who prove impediments. If you belong to the lower type of this sign, you show tendencies of gambling and there is a likelihood of impoverishing yourself through your wasteful habits, and spendthrift nature. If you belong to the higher type, you will do successful business, earn large amounts and spend them for public purposes.
You are best suited for professions which require reliability, responsibility and nobility of behaviour. Giving advice (legal or medical) for the betterment of man and administering justice are the things you are best suited for.
As a broker, salesman, exporter or importer, you are successful. Occupations dealing with public finances are also well suited. Bank, insurance, municipality and corporation require your presence so that their wants are properly met with. You have a powerful expression and you can be a successful lawyer, teacher or an actor. You can also be a good politician but a fall awaits you due to your roughness of speech. You can be the head of any business or industrial concern where finances are involved.
Marriage and Family Life
You will marry either very early or very late. Sometimes the traditional and domestic barriers delay your marriage. You will have to face some opposition with your parents or elders regarding your marital life some day. You will keep faithful and loyal to your wife and children. You try to keep ideal home and set up a noble family tradition. There is danger of a hasty marriage to a mentally unequal partner due to family pride or traditional limitation. You are bound by some conventions of your own, which are no doubt noble but at times lacking in tact. Either such self imposed mental limitations or the elders of the domestic circle may be the cause of your hasty marriage. In spite of this you make the world think that you are among the happiest at home.
If you are a woman, you are more noble. Your partner is an idol of god to you even though he is all clay. You will hold your husband and children in high esteem and manage the household affairs in an ideal way so that others think that you live in peace and calm.
You will have the moderate number of children who will become prominent in life. Every one of them passes through a serious illness before it completes the third year. You may lose one child or there may be some miscarriage. You have more male children than female children.
Again tension is the keynote. You will suffer from the strain and stress of overwork. You go on working until your mind and limbs disobey. Tension of brain and nerves will be felt from middle age if you do not practise the art of relaxation. Blood pressure threatens you against which you have to practise meditation, yoga and relaxation. Your body should enjoy timely, nutritious food and good rest if you want to keep yourself fit for a long time. You are endowed with good appetite and taste for food. Be careful about over-eating and indulging in rich foods as well as strong drinks. If you allow these things you are sure to undergo an abdominal operation.
Keeping yourself busy amidst many things at a time makes your life-forces deplete. Exposure to cold causes trouble to vocal and respiratory organs. You are inclined to be careless of the extremes of the climate. This causes a breakdown. It is very rare that you fall sick but when once it happens it will be a serious matter with high temperature and a long period before you recover. If you are born after 6th December you may have to spend most of your time in travel. This causes much dissipation and shortens the span. Illness generally starts with the disorder of blood and liver. Regularise physical wants and minimise the use of drugs and drink. Give the mind more rest and practise relaxation and pranayama. Regularly meditate upon golden yellow light between your eyebrows. These things will keep you fit and make you live upto legitimate lease of life.
- In any year the following months bring you success :
- March 21st to April 20th.
- July 21st to August 21st.
- November 21st to December 21st.
- Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are favourable to you.
- The following dates go in your way in any month: 1, 3, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 21, 27, 30.
- In dress and other daily and household items, colours of Gold, Orange, Honey colours suit you the best.
- In Jewellery like rings etc., Topaz, Zircon and Rock Crystal are favourable to you.