Book Presentation

The Doctrine of Ethics

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom

The Doctrine of Ethics

Short Description:

Ethics are the need of the present times. In truth, ethics have an eternal value in human activity. Ethics need to be studied and understood from their force aspect and not for their moral, religious or spiritual value. Ethics help transference of the Soul from self-centred emotional nature (solar plexus) to harmonising rhythm of life (Heart Centre).


This Doctrine of Ethics is for the parents who wish to guide their children.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2002

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The tongue that does not: Utter words of good will, Invoke light and Express brotherliness is no better than leather.

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Meaningful life is preferable to long life.

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Good results do not follow bad means. Gold does not result from melting brass.

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Approach not: The horse that is drinking water, The elephant that is ferocious, The bull charging towards the cow and the man that is ignorant.

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To help a helper is mediocrity To help a non-helper is Divinity.

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Tasty food can be sickly in the long run. Hasty friendship can be prickly in due course.

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The skilful one accommodates the other's view point and wins friends in the world.

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Do not associate with Men of ill will. It's like living under the shade of the serpent.

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Power and money attract people. The water in the lake attracts frogs. Realize the unfriendly.

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Select not unripe fruits. Ridicule not the relatives. Retreat not from crises. Transgress not the commandments of the Teacher.