Masters and Disciples in the Modern Age Masters and Disciples in the Modern Age

As per Madam Blavatsky, the word Master denotes mastery over many things. Mastery over the physical body, mastery over the desire nature, mastery over the mind and thoughts and finally mastery over themselves. They are the Masters who can handle the human constitution, to make the machines of the body and the mind function in their proper manner so as to tune them to the higher intelligence in man.

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Master CVV Master CVV

The word Master means one who has a complete mastery over the threefold personality. This fascinating book describes the work of the Master CVV and the work of senior disciples, Master M.N. and Master V.P.S., plus the founder of the World Teacher Trust, Master E.K.

A section of the book is also devoted to the science of Yoga where Master CVV is described as “…the founder of the raja Yoga path in a form which is most suitable and practical in the modern age.”

This is a book that gives a valuable perspective into the work of the Masters who serve the divine Plan for the evolution of humanity and our planet Earth.

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The Wisdom of Pythagoras The Wisdom of Pythagoras

Pythagorean wisdom unfolds itself through initiates who function as souls. It can not be learned in classrooms through intellect. It needs to be lived in life and that needs firm resolve. The teachings contained in this book help the readers to understand the oneness of the Ageless Wisdom expressed differently at different places and at different times. The aim is to accomplish spiritual fusion of East and West. It also gives an initiate's approach to wisdom.

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The World Teacher. Advent of Lord Krishna The World Teacher. Advent of Lord Krishna

An Avatar is the descent of the Omnipresent One, to be one with the beings. He descends to uphold the law and to establish the law in the beings. Among such Avatars the Avatar of Krishna is considered full and complete, not only by the Puranas and Itihasas but also by the acts of the Lord as Krishna. The wheel of light that emerged from him has been piercing through the envelope of darkness that dawned around him during his time and the present times. The actual incidents in the story of such a “World Teacher” have taken to the form of this book.

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