Book Presentation

The Etheric Body

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General

The Etheric Body

Short Description:

Building the etheric body is an inner work. It helps man to realize his original identity and the sense of his life. The etheric body reveals the truth of immortality of man. The book “The Etheric Body” by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar gives the corresponding technique and is from a lecture of August 23rd, 1996, in Solingen, Germany.


The Purpose; What is the Etheric Body; Chief Function of the Etheric Body; The Immediate Work; Work - Objective; Karma; The Triple Aspect of Karma; The Square - Squared Up; Subjective Work; Respiration; Sound - its Use; Colour; Some Hints Relating to Colour; The Etheric Body and Healing; Venus - Antahkarana; Venus - Pisces.

English-Spanish version: Ediciones Dhanishtha, Barcelona (Spain) 1997
ISBN: 84-88011-29-6
(The English text is also contained in the book on Venus).

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The Purpose

The purpose of building the etheric body is to function effectively as a disciple. The purpose of discipleship is in turn accomplished when the etheric body is built. A well built etheric body is the means for translation of intangible spiritual principles into tangible acts of goodwill. It enables the manifestation of the Divine Plan. It elevates the individual to the state of immortality. One overcomes death and continues with his identity as a soul fulfilling the plan of the Higher ones. Such is the state of the Masters of Wisdom.

The spiritual practice belongs to the soul and it continues through series of births and deaths. Each incarnation carries with it the programme of the soul as also the programme of the personality. The programme of the personality commences and concludes in each incarnation, to recommence in the next birth on the basis of the individual karma. Such individual karma is carried until the doctrine of action (Karma Yoga) is practised and realized. As long as the Karma conditioning continues, every death washes off one's memories.

The programme of the soul too continues through spiritual practices during all these series of births and deaths as seed tendencies. There is a hidden continuity of its work as part of one's consciousness.

The spiritual part of the one has one name through all incarnations as the codename. Through this code-name one is known and is identified. The personality part of the one also is given a name for every incarnation, but it keeps changing from incarnation to incarnation.

Linking up the two layers of consciousness enables man to realize his original identity and his purpose in life. Such link-up is possible when the etheric body is built, strengthened, vitalized and made magnetic. It is a process of initiation, meaning inner work. Such inner work is possible only for those who have fairly accomplished a natural and normal temperament in the outer world. Once the etheric body is built up to the required vibration, man becomes semi-divine and semi-human. It becomes the divine-human as contrary to the human-animal. He becomes a bridge between the divine and the material worlds - a messenger of God upon Earth as per the scriptures.

What Is the Etheric Body

The etheric body is the body of light formed of the four higher sub-planes (of the seven sub-planes) of the physical plane matter. The physical body of the human being is a composite body formed of two parts, the dense physical and the subtle physical. The dense physical is formed of the matter of the lowest three sub-planes of the physical plane. The etheric part is formed of the four higher sub-planes which are subtle in matter, enabling radiation of light. The etheric part of the human body, being formed of subtle, transparent matter, enables transmission of spiritual energies viz. Light, Love and Will.

The dense physical body corresponds to the planet Earth. The etheric body corresponds to the planet Venus. The esoteric astrology tells us that Venus is the higher counterpart (elder sister) to our Earth. It also tells us that Venus is the guardian angel of our Earth. In the involutionary process, the descent of the physical man as we now know, is from the etheric state. Hence, the etheric form of the human being forms the basis for the dense physical human form. In the evolutionary process (the spiritual pursuit) the human being once again gains the etheric state. The Aquarian Age is suitable for gaining such subtle state of existence.

All the spiritual practice is aimed at shifting the emphasis from the gross to the subtle, from the dense physical to the subtle physical, from the darkness to the light, from ignorance to knowledge and from a gross and material-conditioned existence to a subtle, spiritual and liberated existence.