Book Presentation

Just Adjust. Yoga of Synthesis

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General

Just Adjust. Yoga of Synthesis

Short Description:

Ever since humanity appeared on the planet, we continue to fight because we have not learnt to adjust and coexist. Among the humans, there are some who learnt how to coexist with seeming differences. They found the key. That key is called adjustment. If you make a little adjustment in you to coexist with another being, it is not so very difficult.


The booklet “Just Adjust” by K. Parvathi Kumar shows, The one that learns to accept and adjust finds the clue to joy.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2011

Multilingual edition, English, German, French, Spanish

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Just Adjust

For two to unite, there is an adjustment needed from both sides. The more one learns to adjust, the more one is in yoga. The more one finds complaints, the less one is in yoga. In nature, even the opposites merge to become complementary. If we understand this working of nature and the adjustment of many for coexistence, we see that in nature there is perfect yoga. In a forest, different trees learn to live together. In the earth, different minerals and different metals coexist. The minerals, the plants, and the five elements have perfect harmony between them. Fire and water find their agreement. Water and matter find their agreement. The planets in the system, though different, find their agreement. We see all this in nature.

There are only two species that are unable to find agreement through adjustment. One is the animal and the other one is man. We find the animals fighting and we find the humans fighting. And there are fights on the planets. Ever since humanity appeared on the planet, we continue to fight because we have not learnt to adjust and coexist. Among the humans, there are some who learnt how to coexist with seeming differences. They found the key. That key is called adjustment. If you make a little adjustment in you to coexist with another being, it is not so very difficult. Our problem is that we want the other to make adjustments. We want the whole world to change according to us. Instead of seeking for the world to change, it is much easier if we just adjust and co-exist in harmony.

I give a new definition of yoga today - 'Just adjust'. If you are just, you can adjust. Speak to yourself and see how you can adjust to coexist. People do not want to adjust themselves. They want their own conditions to prevail - everywhere - so that they are comfortable. Everyone would like to have a temperature of 24° C. It is agreeable for the body, but in India there are people who exist with 50° C.

When we come to Argentina, especially in this season, and we get to know that the temperatures are low, the mind gets agitated. The mind plans so many things. The mind inquires a lot whether temperatures in Buenos Aires are low in June or not. If so, how low? Some say around 12° C. Twelve degrees! But there is always the Sun. Yesterday, a flight attendant, who is an Argentinean, told me that Buenos Aires is a very comfortable place to reside. He says so because he is from Buenos Aires. He has his own logic why Buenos Aires is comfortable. If you ask the two Swiss ladies who are present here, they say Switzerland is heaven on earth. But for a poor Indian, be it Switzerland or Buenos Aires, it is cold. Likewise for you, if you come in summer to India, you will say, “Wow, wow, wow, very hot!” People in India use fans. People in Europe do not. In south Europe, they use fans while in north Europe they do not use them. When they see a ceiling fan, they are disturbed. But those who are used to ceiling fans, when they are not there, they are disturbed. There are places where there is always wind. There are places where generally there is no wind. Pleasant wind can also be seen as a draft by some!

If you are used to cold, get used to heat and vice versa. Get used to wind or no wind, get used to moist weather and dry weather. Learn to adjust - it is the first step of yoga, according to me.

“Seetoshna sama sukhi,” that is what yoga says. Be it cold, be it hot, a yogi is not disturbed. Yoga practice is to expose to cold and to expose to heat without getting disturbed. This is how we should really start with yoga. To adjust leads to Synthesis. The more and more you learn to adjust, no one can disturb your joy. No one can disturb your happiness. No one can disturb your happy disposition. No place, no situation, no person, no animal, no weather condition can disturb you!

Do you know what happened yesterday when we were landing? The pilot announced that in Buenos Aires it was 2° C. When we went into Rodolfo's car, he said, “Master, this is the coldest day. When we were coming to the airport, all was very white, totally foggy.” I said, “Yes, the Master greets me as I Land in Argentina. The Master says, 'meet the cold and be happy'.” That is yoga.

Meet the heat and be happy. Adjustment is yoga. Just adjust on the physical plane. Likewise, in the emotional plane, just adjust. Also on the mental plane, just adjust. Only in these three planes you need adjustment. Beyond this, you do not need adjustment.