Book Presentation

Occult Healing - Vol. 2

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Healing

Occult Healing - Vol. 2

Short Description:

Modern life takes away routine-minded people from the basic principles of wise and healthy living. Unconsciously they may affect their etheric web by not noticing the subtle signals that the body gives. Disorders to the etheric body can also happen due to extreme emotions, which produce poison in the body and affect the pranic inflow, assimilation, and distribution. Medicines are not always the right remedies in such cases.

The book “Occult Healing - Volume 2” is based on a continuation of articles written by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar for the magazine “Paracelsus Health & Healing”. Dr Kumar presents in detail profound subjects like the etheric body and Prana; extrasensory perception through meditation; sounds, colours, symbols, numbers and their impact on mind; healthy and harmonious functioning of the soul, mind and body; psychic energy and its influence on health.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2020

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13. Hypnotic Healing

Hypnosis is but an art of healing with mind, which is pure, powerful, and magnetic. A clean life and a pure way of life indicated by the seven steps of Yoga regulations coupled with meditation, one can land into hypnotic healing. Hypnotic healing involves generating a very powerful thought and projecting it into the patient. The process involves hypnotization of the patient's mind, which would result in stimulation if magnetic currents in the patient. These currents would reinforce the blood stream and the blood stream generates WBC (white blood corpuscles) and expels the sickness.

The power of mind energises the brain, and the brain can send thought currents all over the body and reset order from disorder. Just as when one thinks of a tasty food there is already a secretion in the mouth, and just as a young lady thinks of her boyfriend there is already a chemistry happening. Similar chemistry can be generated through a thought of love and power. For this mind needs to be pure and man needs to practise the steps of Yoga stated before. When the steps are practised and man is able to meditate, he can stay in a state of peace and poise. From that state the hypnotic therapy can be initiated. Without this prerequisite, hypnotism is not possible. Staying in that state one can say to the patient that, “By tomorrow your sickness disappears. Remember this when you sleep tonight that the sickness disappears and that you would wake up healthy next morning. Be affirmative of this, affirm three times and sleep.” When the affirmation is effective the brain sends signals and initiates the related chemistry and in the sleep hours the cure initiates. Depending upon the power of the thought sent by the healer and the power of receptivity and retransmission into the body of the patient the cure happens.

For hypnosis to happen not only the healer has to have a well-trained mind, but the patient is also required to carry the necessary degree of faith. Doubt in the mind of patient causes disconnection. If he doubts the healer, hypnosis does not happen. It is easy to hypnotise a child and cure the child than to hypnotise a grown-up man of intellect. If the patient has too much logic in him his logic works contrary to him. It is for this reason hypnotism is a therapy of mind, but it demands patient's confidence in the healer. When the patient has complete confidence, he is fully receptive to the transmitted energies. When the patient is not, the related cure cannot happen.

To men of intellect, of logic, of reason and of rational the hypnotic therapy can be explained and they may be advised to do self-hypnotism. It is also part of hypnotic healing. When the patient of fairly good intellect intents to clear the sickness and accepts it totally, he can use the power of his intellect to do the same work of hypnotism as the healer does. He can build an intense thought of healing his sickness and transmit that thought to the centres of the body to which the sickness belongs to. This he can do with the following steps:

1. Prepare the room with serenity, ensuring it to be clean,

2. Open it enough to light and breeze, with perfumery lighted in the room or incense and a candle to the east,

3. Lie down on a flat surface without pillow (a cushion and a cot are not prohibited), but the body has to be flat and cannot afford to lie in curvages on the bed.

4. Lie on the back, look at the roof and gently close the eyes, and visualise at the brow centre with closed eyes.

5. Ensure that the body is relaxed from head to foot.

6. Gently breathe for a while until the whole system is calmed down.

7. Propose with a peaceful mind: the sickness shall be cured by the healing energies that I generate from within and from the surroundings. Say so and visualise that the life stream is moving from the head via the brow centre up to the throat and unto the heart and the life stream joining the blood stream is circulating the whole body. The emphasis upon the area of sickness the flow is cleansing the sickness and the impurities of sickness are being gathered for urination and defecation by the next day morning.

8. Staying in that state one may sleep, while in the sleep you may unconsciously change the posture, but it does not matter. The effort is until you get sleep.

When one does it regularly one would find good results vis-à-vis his health.

There are records to show happening of such healing in many traditional Yoga schools.