Book Presentation

On Silence

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General

On Silence

Short Description:

Man needs Silence. He needs to experience Silence. In Silence man finds himself. He encounters himself. It is the self meeting The Self! He lives enough in sound. At other times he sleeps. But between sound and sleep, he has a world - a world of beauty, of divinity, of Silence.

This book calls forth man into the world of Silence!

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, Inde 2006

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Silence heals and restores normalcy.
But drastically imposed Silence
can lead to sickness.

Silence may not be imposed
on the emotional beings!
It may cause liver troubles,
gastric difficulties and even cancer!

All healing work is silent work.
Speech makes the work shallow.

In silence:
Love can be transmitted to cause healing!
Light can be transmitted to impress thoughts.
Power can be transmitted to uplift the weak.
The Divine may approach you
to encounter yourself or your phantom!

The Teacher answers the student
in Silence.

Teaching through Silence
is the highest form
of teaching.

Meet the questions of others
with Silence.

Silence is the best weapon
to answer the critics.

Silence can sometimes be understood
as acceptance.

Silence is half-acceptance,
says the human law.

The world exists in noise.
The subtle world exists in Silence.
Sound links the two.

Today people buy other’ Silence.
If not, the latter are silenced forever.
This is Kali’s usage of Silence!

Observe two minutes Silence.
Conduct three deep respirations!
You get harmonized.

Silence is helpful if one observes it
before embarking upon a task.

Silence is helpful if one observes it
before embarking upon a task.

It requires courage to face Silence
since it puts you face to face –
yourself to yourself!

A real good wise man silences you.
He calms you down.
He does not inject new vocabulary.
He lends his Silence and
lets you to Be.

The wise man leads you
to your centre of Silence.
He does not lead you
to himself.

The wise man shows in you your centre of Silence,
gives the technique to reach that centre.
There you meet yourself.
There he too can meet you!
All this is done in Silence, not by speech.
He is your friend in your moments of Silence!

Death of thoughts leads
to birth of Silence.

The buds of thoughts,
when exposed to the light of the sky,
unfold the flower of Silence
and fills you with tranquility.

Silence is death:
to thoughts,
to respiration,
to pulsation.
Three times you die in Silence
to reach Stillness; Be-ness!!

Activity at any level
(physical, emotional,
mental, buddhic and pranic)
is sound!
Silence is the basis!

Silence has no barriers – sound has…

Silence permeates.
Sound manifests.

Silence is Be-ness.
Sound is awareness.
The former is immutable,
the latter is mutable.

Silence is the source of the soul!