Book Presentation
The Science of Healing
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya Book Presentation Overview Healing
Short Description:
Healing is the age-old art of mankind. The origin of life includes the origin of the principles of life preservation. Knowledge is the heritage of man and primitive ages were no exception to it. All the ancient nations have their own approach to the Art of Healing. The present age of materialism in medicine has narrowed down the scope of healing but it is a passing through a phase which is necessary before a rediscovery of the ancient truth.
A few lectures which Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya gave out at different places in the Occident have been gathered and published in this book. This contains all the seeds of the various branches of the Healing Wisdom of the ancients.
New Era Healing; Healing, Homoeopathy and Ayurveda; Homoeopathy and Spiritualism; Spiritual Healing; Yoga and Spiritual Healing.
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2001
ISBN: 81-85943-09-5
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Spiritual Healing: Some Fundamentals of Healing Art
Healing is a science as well as an art. Every science and art has certain fundamentals to be carefully observed. The same is the case in case of healing too. These fundamentals are necessarily to be adopted and observed for successful and effective execution of healing work. So, the important things to be observed are explained below.
Proper Tuning:
You know that if a radio or television is to work, there should be a proper tuning between the transmitting station and receiving station. Unless the radio is tuned up to the transmitting station, there cannot be a programme in the radio-set. Similarly, there should be a proper tuning between the healer and the healed. If the healer has no liking for the patient due to some reason or other, healing cannot take place. Likewise, if the patient has no liking for the healer, however great the healer may be, healing never takes place. So, we have some fundamentals to be observed for healing. The first requisite is that the patient should have confidence in the healer and the healer should have liking and real observation for the patient. If the healer and the healed have previously antagonistic attitudes existing towards each other, no healing takes place, however efficient the healing methods may be. The first requisite, therefore, is what we call proper tuning.
Place of Healing:
The second thing is the place of healing. Unless there is a proper place for healing, healing never takes place. Even in case of meditation, this applies. If the place is not good, if the attitude is not good and if the daily routine of work and rest are not ideal, either medical healing or spiritual healing never takes place. Even with medication, it is only up to 20%, the medicine works. The other 80% depends upon how the patient eats, behaves and spends his day. Only when he co-operates, the other 80% of healing takes place. It is the same with the spiritual healing as also with the medicinal healing. So no success can be dreamt of, if the patient gets the healing just for about 5 or 10 minutes a day and for the rest of the period if he behaves according to his own likes and dislikes. Therefore, such a patient is not vulnerable to healing.
So, the prerequisites of healing include the attitude and the daily routine of the patient and the place where the healer conducts healing. The place should be either a room or a hall which is not very narrow nor congested. There should not be too many things in the room to make the patient feel too much congested of the things. It should not be completely empty but be felt spacious by the patient. The patient should feel the room quite spacious with space to move liberally in the hall or room. It is necessary that the room should be used only for prayer and healing and meditation purposes. So, in a way it should be a room for good work. If the room is being used for a very long time for healing purposes only, then healing can be done more efficiently in that room. So, for a long time the room should be used for healing purposes. In such a room, the different currents in the hall flow more easily and invoke the finer forces.
Another factor to be observed is periodicity. Do you know how the heart beats? - Because of periodicity. The heart valves begin to beat with greater curiosity until it is stopped; same thing with respiration also. In' the periodicity, when once it responds, it continues to respire. Same thing continues to beat until it is stopped due to external reasons. Till then, the respiration continues. Because there is periodicity in space we are living in space. So, in space, there is a tendency of things repeating in equal resource. Equal in the source. As a result, we have heart-beat and respiration. Another example is: when we begin to eat at a definite hour of the day, after two days we feel hungry at the same hour, because the secretion starts. So, the periodicity has a very influential part in all the functions. For example, in a zoo, if you call all the animals to feed at the same hour every day, the animals will gather around you exactly at the same hour. That is what you call periodicity. It is there in the Galaxy and so in the Solar-system.
We know that astronomy depends upon the periodicity. For example: the Saturn completes a round once in thirty years; Jupiter - once in twelve years; Sun goes round once in a year; the Moon goes round once in a month; the Earth goes round once in 24 hours. Every movement is based upon periodicity for its existence. In whatever manner you wish to establish periodicity, it becomes established - that is what we call habit. If we make a good habit, it establishes periodicity; if we make a bad habit, it also establishes periodicity. So it is our duty as a healer and a patient, to establish new habits that are healthy. So, the creation should be having an activity during fixed hours, so that it can produce periodicity. For example, you heal in your healing room daily from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. or 9.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. or both the times. Then, we can observe that the prescribed time for healing activity establishes periodicity and during that hour, the healing currents will be easily and readily available in the room. That is why we keep our clinic open exactly by 7 o'clock every day in the morning. Likewise, every clinic has its own fixed hours of working. Unfortunately, healing system is not properly understood, but only medical treatment is understood. Medical treatment is also a part of healing. So, if you want to be a healer, you can use medicines also but remember that the healer is more than a medical man. A medical man entirely depends upon medicines only whereas healer depends upon the prayer. So, you should establish periodicity in the room.
Purity of the Healing Hall
Another important point is - we should not use the room for any office purpose. If that room has thought forms of the office, such commercial thoughts work as hindrances for healing. That is the reason why commercial healers are hindered. Suppose one establishes a healing centre for purely commercial purpose. He can never practise to live with healing. Because commercial thought - currents are there in the same hall which he maintains for commercial purposes. So it hinders the healing.
The Shape of the Healing Room
There are few fundamentals in maintaining the place. Another thing is the room should not be a square, but it should be in a rectangular shape. The best thing is to have 1:2 proportion. The healer should sit on one side of the hall - length wise. Then you will feel as to how the healing currents pass and you begin to feel them.
Suppose, a lecture is arranged in a hall, which is square, all the people will not receive the lecture completely but only partly, because psychologically they are not in a comfortable position in a square hall. Also in a lecture hall, if the person who lectures stands at one point on the central line at one end and the audience are asked to sit facing him, even then, they are not in comfortable position. So, only half of the work will be transacted in such a hall. The lecturer can give only half of what he wants to impress and the audience will receive only half of what they are to receive. When the lecture is conducted in a length-wise hall, then there is the fullest advantage. The lecturer can give what he wants to give fully and the audience can also receive it fully. Thus there is the difference not only in healing but also even in ordinary lecture halls. Even if the lecturer is, the same person, the lecture is not so impressive in a square hall than that of a lecture in a rectangular hall; because the etheric currents will not be comfortably flowing in. There is therefore, a natural advantage in a rectangular hall.
Seating Arrangements
Another thing is - the healer should sit in a bit higher place and the patients, who want to be healed, should sit in a bit lower place. Then only the magnetism flows from the healer to the patients smoothly. If the healer sits on the same level of the patients, it is difficult for the magnetism to properly flow. Of course, even then, healing can be done, but with great difficulty. The effects will be minimum. Suppose, the healer makes the patient to sit on a higher place and the healer sits in a lower place, then no healing at all takes place. Why? Because the currents do not flow upwards. They follow the order of the Sun's rays. The Earth receives Sun's rays downwards but not upwards. Even in simple hypnotism, you will be a miserable failure, if you make your patient sit on a higher place and you sit in a lower place and try to hypnotize him. You will never successfully perform it. If you make the person sit low, then only you can hypnotize him. In some places there are some galleries arranged where people sit higher than the person who gives the lecture. It is very disadvantageous because the import of the lecture received is very low.
Thus there are natural advantages and disadvantages; so the healer should always sit nearby on a high place in a rectangular hall. The same thing in teaching also. That is why in colleges and schools, we find a small platform for the person who teaches. It automatically indicates that the teacher should sit on a higher pedestal; otherwise, it will be very poor. In some universities we find the teacher and the students sit at the same height. Of course, the students have to put a lot of effort afterwards. Even if he sits nearby and opposite, the student should be more alert but the teacher cannot impress him. It is the least advantage that the student derives with greater exertion than the teacher exerts. So it is a disadvantage. Always the healer should, therefore, be on a higher pedestal and the healed should be on a lower pedestal, because the magnetism flows downwards.
Let There be no Auto-Suggestion
Now, some care should be taken so that the healer or the patient does not get any harm. Suppose the healer begins to meditate that the healing magnetism is flowing from him into the patient. Many people do like that. Some people touch the palms of the patient or some people touch the head of the patient or the throat of the patient; then they meditate that the healing magnetism is flowing from them to the patient. Then what happens is - gradually the healer becomes a patient within a short time. Why? Because he believes that the healing magnetism flows from him to the patient. So the healing force or etheric currents flow from the healer to the patient and they are being spent up. He wrongly believes that his healing currents are being used. So it works according to the auto suggestion; then that makes him to spend away his own etheric force. Gradually he becomes a psychic patient. In such cases, whenever the healer heals a patient and comes out, he feels greatly fatigued and suffocated. It is the flow up of his own auto-suggestion. Why? Energy follows thought and his suggestion makes him spend away his own energy.
This is one of the truths expressed by the Tibetan Master D.K. Whenever there is a thought, energy follows it. So if the healer believes that energy is flowing from him, it actually flows from him as a channel outside. As such it works against him and kills him. Virtually the healer becomes nervous, fatigued, sometimes going into obsession and depression. Because the more the number of people he begins to heal, the more the quantity of his energy is spent away in healing. So he feels that once again he should recoup his energy. But he does not know how to recoup it. Sometimes he prays, he gets some energy and then he loses it more than what he gains. This is the wrong way of doing it. In this way, the healer becomes a nervous wreck. You will find that 80% of healers in Occident are patients, because they believe in wrong things. In all places we have seen, 80% of healers, who mean much good to others, have become nervous wrecks simply because of this mistake. They are not doing a bad thing but they are doing a good thing without a good sense. So we should avoid this. How to do it?
The healer should believe that the energy is flowing not form him but through him into the patient. Is it correct to say the electricity comes from the wire? The healer is serving the purpose of an electric wire. He is only a medium, i.e., only a passage. He is a receiving and transmitting media. Through him it is passing. He is working like a lens to the Sun's rays. So wherefrom the energy comes into us? First of all from the Sun's rays and also from the other planets and also from the good cause of the persons working on this globe.
Every moment is a prayer time on the Earth at some place. If it is noon to us, some where it is morning and some where it is evening; like that, it is a prayer time. So throughout the day, it will be a prayer time to some people on this globe. So those who are praying, they wish good to the world either in the beginning or in the end. There is an invocation in every prayer for the good of the humanity. In the prayer of every religion, every cult and every sect, either in the beginning or in the end, there will be an invocation for the weal and welfare of the entire humanity. So we find the availability of good invocation and good cause and benevolent thoughts available at every moment on some part of the earth. So we have the healing thoughts on this earth from many people, working in the space around us. The Sun's rays, the planetary influences and the constructive thoughts of others, all these put together saturate the atmosphere around us. When we use a good place and stick to a good time for healing, all these things flow through us into the patient. When the healer believes these, there is no possibility for him to become sick. Why? Because there is no foolish auto-suggestion that he is pouring the healing energy.
Healer - A Media of Energy
Energy does not belong to us but to the solar rays. Though it is working in our bodies, it does not belong to us. Can you say the person working in a bank is the owner of the bank? He can never own it. Suppose there is a cashier in a bank. He does not own the cash though he holds or possesses the money for the time being. Similarly healing energies are like the money in the bank and we are like the persons working in the bank. So, the energy in every one belongs to whole solar system as a unit. So whenever and wherever it is required, it flows through us. Let us have no foolish auto-suggestion that we are owning energies. When we feel that it is not the energy of ours, then there is no danger. Only when we believe that we have the energy of ours, then there is the danger. So, we should look and take another caution. Always we should begin to meditate about receiving energy and transmitting energy. So, the healer is only a medium; that is all!
Time for Healing - Purpose
Time nearer to sun-rise or sun-set is the best time for healing. Either a little before or little after the sun-rise or sun-set should be selected for this purpose. We have greater advantage during that period. It is highly desirable to keep up the same time always. It need not be the exact time of sun-rise but an hour before or an hour after sun-rise / sun-set; that is good enough.
Attitude towards the Patient
Now, about the patient. We should take some care regarding the patient also. Suppose, the patient is in dire need of healing, so the healer makes a strong flow of thought currents of healing towards him. Then the patient cannot resist such strong flow and becomes weaker. Likewise, if your healing-thought is too strong for the patient to bear, then that also is harmful to him. When we propose it vehemently it is harmful; but if we propose it compassionately, it is good. So it is the attitude that makes the harm. If we make it as a boastful attitude, then it is harmful. It should always be soft and smooth. When the healer wants his flow of healing energies powerfully about the patient, it is harmful. It is enough if we observe a compassionate attitude towards the patient. Never allow strong currents flow to him. If the healer is worried and anxious about the patient, then also it is harmful. Because it makes the flow of current very strong. So as a rule, one who is anxious cannot be a good healer. One who is worried can in no way heal. One who is apprehensive i.e., suppose a healer fears the death of the patient, he may be able to do harm to the latter by his thought current. So a healer should be plain in his heart first of all, before he heals others. Suppose, the patient is in a very serious condition, undergoing medical treatment and suppose we want to undertake healing also, then we are spending healing magnetism. If we fear about the survival of the patient, then the thought will be conveyed to the patient. So fear or suspicion and anxiety works harmful to the patient.
Belief and Faith in Healing work
Finally, the healer should have belief, confidence and faith in what he is doing. That means he should know the difference between the terms i.e., between the belief and faith. When you are exposed to belief, you want to believe that healing is true. In the beginning, if the healer wants to believe that he has no belief, it never works. It is the same case with many hypnotisers also; So, they are failing. They want to believe that hypnotism is true, that means they are not believing it and the thought works against it. That is - the thought works as an impediment and they also believe that it is a struggle in their mind. So in God's side also, belief never works. It is the faith that works. The same is true in healing also.
The Truth of Healing
When these stages are gone, you begin to feel the truth of healing. Then you will get the second stage of comprehension. That means - the first step is knowing, but knowing is not enough. The second step is feeling the truth of it. Knowledge of anything will never fetch any use to you. The second thing is feeling the thought of it will to some extent help you. The third thing is to be fully convinced; thereby gradually your nature will change. If your nature is totally changed, then it is called faith. Until then it is only belief which never helps you. We have many beliefs which never help us. We are mad with our beliefs. So we should be able to differentiate between belief and confidence. We should understand if we have real confidence over the truth of the Art of Healing or not. Confidence belongs to the heart, whereas belief belongs to the mind. So, things belonging to the mind have no basis in Truth. Things belonging to the heart have a basis in truth and there in the heart you will find the change finer.
Stability of Consciousness
When you reach this stage, you will have what is called stability of consciousness. Unless the healer has attained the stability of consciousness, he can never be a successful healer. So when stability of consciousness is achieved, you can do wonders in healing. For instance, if you want to make the patient sit before you in your presence, you can make the patient better within few minutes and then establish a progress in his auto healing centres without his knowledge. Then you send him home, that progress continues for 24 hours. That is the best way of healing.
Best Way of Healing
The best way of healing is unconscious healing. The consciousness of the healer can be involved but the patient need not be conscious during the process. But you should establish a link. First you shall talk to him enquiring of his welfare etc. Then you should establish a link after 5 minutes and give stimulating healing so that he will heal himself and that stimulation works for 24 hours. Next day you receive him and ask him again. Then within 4 or 5 or at best 10 days you can give him the stimulation by talking and questioning. Like that you can establish a healing centre in him so that he can heal himself within one or two months. Thai is the best way of healing. We are adopting the same procedure in our clinics. The patients never feel that healing takes place in them because they are always thinking of medicine. But while questioning them, you ask some points for recording or cut some jokes with them, taking them into pleasant moods. While talking, we make the magnetism flow. He will be healed very easily. It is very difficult to make it known when the patient is conscious that the healing is taking place. He may offer some resistance. For instance, when persons are asked to sit for a photo, they become photonegative. They offer some resistance and put all sorts of dirty faces. So if you take a photograph unconsciously, you will get the best one. The same thing also takes place in healing. The moment the patient knows that he is getting healed, he offers resistance and it will be difficult to heal him. So you should never allow the patient to feel that healing is taking place. Much healing will take place in this way. Not to vex him but by standing there looking at him smilingly and greeting him and asking him some questions regarding his family, children, education etc.
Like that you can establish healing. If you do this repeatedly that will establish healing. If you do this repeatedly that will establish its own healing centres without his knowledge. If it is done once in a week or once in 2 weeks, thus for 2 or 3 months then an auto-healing centre is established in many of the patients though not in all. Of course, there are people, in whom such auto-healing centres cannot be established because of their stage of evolution. So in about 90% of the people, you can establish such centres. In others, it may not be possible but still a temporary healing takes place in them. This is about the application side of the healing. Then we have to tackle another subject.
How to do The Healing: Healer's Position
Let the healer sit facing towards the East or North. That will be congenital to the healing magnetism. Let the healer sit on a higher pedestal than the person to be healed. Then let the patient sit at a distance; at a range of 6 to 12 feet. If it is less than 6 feet there is no focussing or receiving of healing magnetism. There should be sufficient distance. If it is beyond 12 feet, sometimes it may be out of reach. So, that is the average range for sitting. (6 to 12 feet).
Let the healer observe the routine of physical and mental cleanliness i.e., he or she should wash the body at least once in day completely. Whenever he goes to places that are congested or places that carry the vibrations like butcheries etc., once again he should wash hands, feet and face at least. Such things he has to observe not because of physical causes, but the places carry thoughts that are against healing. Because they carry thoughts that are against the Art of Healing. It is very difficult if we carry such thought-forms. So it is better to wash our feet and face.
It is needless to say that we, as healers, should change our clothes at least once in a day.
Collective Healing
If there are more than one person for healing, it is better to take up a group of patients at a time than one person. That is the next rule; i.e., take all patients as one group, instead of taking each patient at a time. You know why? When a group of people sits in a room in a passive attitude, then the living magnetism begins to work cumulatively and it will be very powerful and very strong. Even in meditation also, it is very difficult if one person sits and meditates. If a group of persons sits and meditates, you will easily go into meditating mood and you will receive the energies very easily. So it is the same thing in healing also. There is also that difference. So do you find the difference between meditation singly and the group meditation? Always the Masters advise group meditation. There should be, according to the Masters, odd number in a group including the Master and the disciples i.e., not even number, but odd number only. Why? Because the distribution should be harmonious and congenial. There should be one centre and the others to receive it; all put together, should be odd number. Because those who receive form the even number and the one that works as a heart centre, forms the central point. The same law holds good in healing also. Let the number of people be odd number including the healer such as 7, 9, 11 like that.
Sitting Arrangements
Whenever there is more than one patient to be healed, you see that they sit in an order. Suppose you sit before two patients; let them sit opposite to you, (the healer) forming a triangle; on either side before the healer. Suppose there are 3 patients - let them sit forming a diamond. Suppose there are 4 patients, let them sit forming a square. In case of 5 persons let them sit like the corners of a five-pointed star. If there are six let them sit in 2 rows. You arrange them to sit in a design just as the fighters in a squadron are arranged. In a regiment the military arrange people to march, in the same way, you should arrange them to sit. The same method holds good here also. Then the healing magnetism flows through you into them in a uniform way very easily and again it recirculates in the room for a long time. The same energy works with more and more healing power, if the arrangement of sitting is good. These are the preparations you should do so that economy may be observed in energy, time and work.
Looking at the Patients
Then, let the patients close their eyes first before the healer closes his eyes. Let not the healer close his eyes first. Do you know why? Those who close their eyes they begin to receive something mentally. If the healer closes his eyes first, he receives the sick vibrations of the patients, mentally to himself. He, therefore, forms the negative pole. So let the patients close their eyes and form negative poles, so that positive pole starts from the healer with the healing magnetism. So let them close their eyes first and let the healer look at the patients for about two minutes.
Some Methods Explained
Now there are some methods practised by healers to look at the patients. One is - to look at each patient individually for a few seconds at his brow centre. Another is to look at the throat centre of the patient. Another is to look at the heart centre of the patient. Another is to look at the naval centre of the patient. These are the four methods of healing. First look at the patients before they close their eyes and then begin to heal, so that a channel may be formed. This is one way of healing but it is not very good. Why? Because if the current of energy flowing from the healer into the patient is too strong some times, then it will be a great strain to the constitution of the patient. There may not be any soothing effect and sometimes there may be disastrous effect upon the patient. If he is too weak and very advanced with the disease, then he will feel very weak, because you may be sending group magnetism. See how the same water which saves you when you are thirsty, kills you when you jump into it. Similarly if the same vital force sent is too strong it makes the patient very weak, if he is already too weak. So instead of looking or concentrating like that, you take the whole patient on a totality like a temple on a tower. Then look at him totally, not at his centres. Then a uniform flow of energy will be there. It never touches the patient harshly at any place.
So first of all look at every patient in his or her totality. Imagine that it is a little temple where the God lives. You should have some thought as vehicle. The best of all the thoughts is to understand the body of the other person as a temple. And then look at each patient like that for a few seconds. Then finally look at the total group. Then close your eyes and meditate. Then imagine the life energies flowing from the SUN through you into the patient. And if everything is in order? The circuit will be complete like an electric circuit. If the connections are good, the circuit will be healthy. Similarly when all the conditions are fulfilled, you will feel the circuit i.e., you will feel the energies flowing into you like an electric current. You will feel that the energies are flowing into the body and mind. This feeling grows more and more definite and strong as the time passes on, because in the beginning, your vehicle offers some resistance to the energy, because there will be physical sides that are not accustomed to the energies and hence working as non-conductors. In course of time, all the sides will undergo transformation and begin to work as good conductors of the energies.
Also in the beginning the healer's mind also offers some resistance, because he has his own ideas about healing and they will work as non-conductors. The healer will be having his own ideas. These ideas come in the way of healing and work as non-conductors. So there will be some resistance in his mind also in the beginning. Gradually, all these things will go away as the healer gains confidence. So, the more the experience the healer has, the less the strain he puts forth.
One caution is, if at all he has any strain in the body or mind, then the healing magnetism stops to flow. And also, if he is very anxious about healing, even then the anxiety stops the magnetism. If he is anxious, the magnetism stops because anxious mind stops the currents. It will be easier if he know the patient. But in many cases, there will be no opportunity to know the personal life of a patient; even then you can heal, if the patient is completely passive. It is not necessary to know the history of the patient. But if the patient is more intelligent than intuitive, then the patient offers resistance. Therefore, you should know the history of the patient, so that you may influence his health properly. So in the case of meditative patients and intuitive patients, it is not necessary that you should know the history of the patients. But in case of intellectual patients, it is very difficult to heal them because they recollect talks on their way. So, in certain cases where the patient is overcritical and intelligent, you should elicit the history of the patient so that you may show a thought of sympathy about his past history and then eliminate the barrier of the intelligence of the patient. Of course through experience you will gain all these things.
Now, healing has something to do with breathing also of the patients; so you advise your patients also to do the same type of breathing as you do during healing. You are all well informed of the uniform type of breathing prescribed by Patanjali : i.e., slow, soft, prolonged and uniform inhalation, and also same slow, soft, prolonged and uniform exhalation. The method should be explained to your patients on the first day and ask them to observe you.
You should demonstrate the breathing with one or two inhalations and exhalations before you begin to heal. Then you should ask them to do the same type of respiration. You should instruct them to observe the movements of their own respiration. All, in the group, need not have the same breathing length for uniformity, as some people will have short breath and some people will have long breath. It is not possible for all the persons to have the same magnitude of breath. So everyone should have the same attempt to do the breathing and while doing the respiration, first of all, let all of them inhale slowly and exhale slowly for three breaths and do another set of three breaths. You should ask them to inhale slowly meditating upon the sound 'OM' because 'OM' forms the channel from the SUN to the patients through you.
While inhaling, you should mentally do OM and while exhaling, you should vocally do OM. You should demonstrate this so that later they can follow it. So the first three respirations should be without OM, just uniform respirations. The next three respirations should be with OM. During this time, you also breathe along with the patients i.e., the healer should join them. Then let them stop it for two minutes. Just let them breathe quite free. And then again three respirations without OM and then two minutes pause. Let them breathe free. Then again three respirations. So three respirations and then a pause, three respirations and then a pause, three respirations and then a pause and then three respirations. So do this daily in the same place, same hour and minute. This is essential for healing work and then there are some auxiliaries also. You can add those things according to your conveniences i.e., a little light, incense in the room. That will help healing very well.
Thank you all.