Personal and Divine Karma
In the Eastern Scriptures the word karma is used with regard to divine action. The universe is called in Sanskrit as Vishva Karma, the universal action. According to the plan, it expresses the divine will through the chain action of creation. We are part of this chain action; it exists as our nature, as the background of our individuality. The chain does not begin and does not end with us, but we live in the chain of causes and effects, of the karma of the universe. We begin our lives in the middle of the chain. The part of the chain that includes our consciousness is called individual karma. Thus, we have our own individual way of thinking, of doing things and of responding to others. If we behave correctly towards others, this individual karma remains without bondage. As long as we act in accordance with the background Karma, we are a creator on the background of creation. If we know the correct behaviour, we can act with joy and interact with others without living life as a burden. Then we are said to be following the Path.
Action in accordance with the divine Karma is called Dharma; it is a selfless act in compliance with our duty. Dharma does not bind us: it even dissolves bonds which have been formed until then. Action as such does not bind anyone. The divine action keeps on happening; it is a flow of energy. The obstacles to the flow are formed through the problems created by us. We are free to act either in accordance with the background karma or not. Since we have chosen to disobey the divine law, we have generated binding karma. We have woven a network of karma and have enmeshed ourselves in it. It is woven from our self-centred actions. The tendency of selfishness lives in us as a seed which sprouts in appropriate situations. When we speak today of karma, we mean this bond. These are the impacts of actions that are not in accordance with the Law. Plants and animals have no motive and no personal choice in their actions. Until they become self-conscious through the mind principle, they also have no personal karma.
Our deeds of the past have created the karma for our present life situation. In the present we sow further seeds for the future, as long as we do not act according to the divine Law. Good deeds as well as selfish and evil actions bind us. Neutral actions do not bind us. The acts of good will bring good results but we also must not get stuck in them.
The doctrine of Karma makes us better understand our own situation and accept it. Then we see the cause of our problems no longer in others, but in ourselves. If we are not doing well in the present, we have not conducted ourselves well in the past. Some people do not have much money, some have no good family, some have no work, and some have no good health. What we are lacking is the area in which we have to work. Right now, we can only change little about it, but we can do something for the future, by now sowing good seeds. So we can work for a better tomorrow or a better next life or even free us from the influences.
With the Indians and the Greeks, the binding karma is presented as three spinners who keep on weaving the threads of destiny. What we experience as destiny is the cumulative effect of the past karma. It lives with us as our natural behaviour and stimulates our mind, our actions and our language. The entire seed is hidden in the Linga Sarira, the causal body. From out of the total accumulated karma we take a small portion for the imprints of the current incarnation. According to our karma, we are then drawn as souls to the parents that are suitable for us.
Karma in the Horoscope
The moment of birth shows the tendencies of the past karma and prospects of development. The law of karma is the basis of astrology. In the horoscope, the seeds for manifestation can be located along the degrees of the houses and planets. These seeds are repeatedly called forth into sprouting by the transits of planets during the life. The transits serve as basis for experiences; they strongly affect the behaviour of the animal man. Through repeated transits they lose the intensity of their influence; the next transit of the same planet will have a lesser impact. If we take to a spiritual practice, the influence of transits slowly fades; then the influence of the progression is the only thing left. The progression shows how the seeds of karma speedily sown in one life in the subtler planes are reaped slowly through bigger periods of time in the grosser planes.
The slower a planet is, the stronger is the experience. Though the planets condition us, they do not compel us. When we reach the Buddhic plane, our past karma is exhausted. We are no longer driven by the forces of habit but have to take decisions. The planets act as indicators and helpers for the Plan. After their liberation, the accomplished initiates come back to the world to help humanity as wisdom teachers, as rulers of good will, as scholars or as reformers in the fields of economy and society.
Collective Karma
In addition to the personal karma there is also family karma, national karma, racial karma, global karma. The subtle effects of human atrocities are severe and last for a long time. Humanity suffers from the consequences of violence, exploitation and manipulation. Thieving, be it physically, emotionally or mentally, brings heavy binding karma. The exploitation of emotions is usually not recognized as theft but it creates intense karma. The manipulation of a people by their leaders, profits of enterprises at the expense of the general public or the utilisation of emotional weakness for money or for the opposite sex - all this has consequences, which we cannot escape from. The quality of a leader embodies the collective karma of a nation. Only when the karma for suffering of a country is reduced, the right leaders can emerge.
Through crises karma is adjusted, in individuals as in nations. The nations reap today what they have sown, in the form of disasters, diseases and crises. Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is working on the elimination of the evil of the past karma of humanity. Through his transits he enforces a balance and corrections of past mistakes. The keyword of Saturn is patience.
As per the scheduled program, the heavy karma coming from Atlantean time could not have been cured for times. In the meanwhile, however, the Aquarian energies have set in and the karmic reprocessing was speeded up. Uranus is now working with Saturn to clear large amounts of karma of humanity with high speed. While some karma is already cleaned up a lot of karma is currently neutralized in various ways.
In the last phase of his life Master CVV received a lot of information about the planet Saturn and said, “Saturn is functioning at present to eliminate the evil of the past karma of the human race. I have taken up the intricate and tough task of neutralizing the past karma for the benefit of humanity and for the removal of the ignominy attached to the planet.” Working with Saturn means eliminating deficiencies. Therefore, the Master said that he had come to correct Saturn.
Neutralization of Karma
In the past yogis did great penances to burn their past karma. People, who live in society, cannot do this. Master CVV said that he will help to neutralize the karma, “With My presence you will be able to neutralize karma. Karma is neither cleared nor postponed. I will ensure that it is neutralized.”
If we invoke the Master, he sends us difficulties to kindle our energy for clarifying the karma. All difficulties will be returned to us quickly. In this, we will be cooked and learn to face the problems. The Master also distributes the karma of his disciples on thousands of people so that no one suffers from the pain as he would do as an individual.
When we serve and let things happen through us, without aspiring for them or clinging to them, our personal karma is neutralized. Service for the fellow humans and sharing of resources accelerates the neutralization. Master CVV has distributed large amounts of resources by liquidating 30 houses in 12 years and distributing the money in the form of food and clothes. We should not think that with our service we do great world service; our service is similar to how children can help. But slowly we grow thereby.
Karma is there to make us learn something. By neutrality we learn more and more to see the One in all. Our karmic bonds fall off and our ability to meditate grows. So we become free - without the karma of the past and without future karma. And we live forever in the Divine. That is the beauty of this path, the path of yoga.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Saturn Regulations / Notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India