  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Appearance of Hierarchy

Imprisoned in Matter

The Appearance of Hierarchy

The Wisdom Teachings explain that 18 million years ago the Hierarchy was formed on Earth to implant spiritual Light into the brain cells of human forms and to develop the mind. This event marked the beginning of human individualization. It was part of the great Plan to make humanity self-conscious, enabling us to think “I AM”. Humanity was guided by the Hierarchy and endowed with wisdom. There was a profound knowledge of the purpose of the human form: Our body has a limited lifespan. When it dies, we take on another body and continue our striving until we can live freely while surrounded by the material world.

As souls, we have descended into the mind and into the body of flesh and blood. The knowledge of how we can consciously return to our spiritual home has been lost in the process. We have forgotten that we are souls and that we have a body. We think: “I am the body and I have a soul”. We have lost our identity and have become prisoners of our body with all the suffering and pain that entails. Because knowledge has been lost, we are prisoners of our possessions and our mind; this mind does not show the way back. Shambala and the Hierarchy were always ready to help humanity, but humanity fell deeper and deeper into matter. Wisdom was misused and this led to great wars and the sinking of Lemuria and later Atlantis.

The Second Crisis

Individualization 18 million years ago was a crisis and an initiation for humanity. Spiritual Light was given, but two qualities were held back: spiritual Love and spiritual Life. The emerging influence of the Aquarian Age today is a second crisis and brings a blossoming of the mind. This crisis is preparing humanity for a second initiation. From the point of view of the Hierarchy, there is an urgency to give this inform to people and thereby allow them to orient themselves towards spiritual Love and Life.

The first effort of the Solar Angel, the soul of the human kingdom, changed the animal man into a human being. The second effort will turn humans into spiritual beings together with the experiences gained in the human family. The Solar Angel transcends the human kingdom and works out the realization of “THAT I AM” on a higher plane. For thousands of years it has been said that man must be born a second time. The present crisis will enable man to overcome his limitations and become “born again in spirit” as a part of the developing fifth or spiritual kingdom of nature.

The Solar Angel has realigned and is now moving into a different rhythm, returning to the Plan of the solar system. We can either align with it or fall away - the choice is ours. The great beings are working hard so that as many as possible can get on the “plane” because we don't have much time left. It is therefore necessary to understand the process and adapt to it. From the point of view of the Hierarchy, time is pressing. Therefore, the Hierarchy is manifesting in many ways to inform people and to allow them to align themselves with the Light and thereby also with the Love and Life of the spiritual nature. These will appear in due time. Whether we are ready or not, the stronger electricity will enter our “device” (body). If we can keep the energy, we will enjoy it. Otherwise, we will get burned by it. Either way, it's up to us.

This is what we now call the coming influence of the Aquarian Age. A strong pull is being exerted on the Solar Angel to bring about a second fertilization of humanity and thereby prepare it for another initiation. There are certain groups on the planet today who have missed the earlier steps and they are now causing more problems than if they were cooperating. Such a situation should not arise again. That is why the work is now proceeding with greater acceleration. This is the urgency with which Master DK spoke in the book “A Treatise on White Magic”. We too should feel this urgency to align ourselves and not get lost in the trivialities of life.

Even those who call themselves spiritual or aspirants spend too much time on trivialities in a very casual way and too little time on the essentials. Forgetting the personality and focusing more and more on the soul should be our main occupation. This is why the Master speaks of the vocation of discipleship, of seeing the soul throughout the day. It is important that we do not play with spiritual concepts without putting them into practice. We should be responsible to ourselves in every aspect of life and independently organize our personality life and then be receptive to the rhythm of the soul. Hierarchy needs real co-workers to do its work. We can choose to be those co-workers.

The Plan

For eons, the Hierarchy remained secret, until the present Aquarian Age. Although the names of the great Masters such as Maru (Master Morya) and Devapi (Master Koot Hoomi) are mentioned in the Puranas, no one knew of this until recent times unless it was pointed out. Helena P. Blavatsky was the first to reveal the Masters and their work to a wider public 150 years ago. She gave a push to bring the Hierarchy into externalization and acted as an instrument of the Hierarchy. The names and teachings of the Masters became known because it was their will to reappear. A further push came through Alice A. Bailey and through Helena Roerich. It also came directly from the Hierarchy, especially through Master CVV, Master MN, Master EK and Master KPK.

As part of the Plan, Master EK founded the World Teacher Trust (WTT) organization in November 1971 with the aim that the touch of Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher, might reach many aspirants. The Plan did not start with Master EK, but began long ago, and it was continued by Master EK. On the day of the founding of WTT, Master EK showed the pictures of Lord Maitreya, Master Morya and Master Kuthumi to those present. He said that these Masters form the core triangle of the WTT and guide the Trust invisibly. He said that their Plan has been worked out for over 5000 years on this planet and they work as per the instructions of Lord Krishna. And he mentioned that one of the aims of the WTT is to bring the Hierarchy into manifestation. Since then the pictures have been published many times and are now available to groups all over the world.

Master KPK mentioned that he inspires people everywhere to build an altar to the Hierarchy, because it is part of the Plan to introduce the Hierarchy to humanity as much as possible. The images of the great souls on the altar are not emotional worship. When we think of Master Morya or any other Master, we receive inspiration. Just the conviction that Masters exist in our surroundings will bring us into contact with them.

Establishing Contact

This is not a miracle or a mystery. Trust and modesty alone bring about the first contact. It is enough for a normal person to lead an average moral life without deliberately harming others through thought or deed. From the moment we establish contact with the Masters, our mind receives thoughts that have never come to us before. Such thoughts are also contained in books. From the moment such a thought begins to take effect and is put into practice, a change takes place within us. We need not be aware of the contact, but it begins to take effect in the form of good thoughts. For a while, we may mistake these good thoughts for our own.

We are to become aware of the Masters, their work and their teachings; then the expansion of consciousness will continue. Once we have understood the basics of their teachings, we must demonstrate this by fully and consistently engaging and acting on our own. It is an important first step to adhere closely to the guidance given by the Hierarchy and apply it with unwavering commitment. This is also practical and beneficial.

We can feel free to teach what we are practicing. It gives us a safe direction to teach from the books that come from the Hierarchy. This can be done in a very subtle way and we can find our own way of doing it. We can establish with the new members the rhythms through which the teachings of the Hierarchy shall find expression in humanity. The appearance of the Hierarchy is one dimension of the Plan, the externalization of the teachings of the Hierarchy is another dimension that we should take up.

The Masters do not need to appear physically to us or to anyone else. Only in very rare circumstances, when there is an absolute necessity, do the Masters appear. When major changes are needed, instructions will come, but we should not expect instruction on insignificant matters. It is not a matter of clinging to old ways, arguing or objecting. We can find meaningful solutions without abandoning our beliefs. By connecting with the Hierarchy and with Shambala, we expand our consciousness and become able to receive knowledge from all directions and express it in our lives.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age, Dhanishta Publications; div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: The Masters of Wisdom. Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India. (www.aquariusbookhouse.com).