Healing Mantram
“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”
Meditations and Rituals | Meditations
The Healing Meditation
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Book: Mantrams - Their Significance and Practice | Mantrams
OM Houm OM Zoom OM Saha
OM Bhur OM Bhuvaha OM Svaha
OM Trayambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam
Urvaruka Miva Bandhanan
Mrutyor Mukshiya Mamrutāt
OM Svaha OM Bhuvaha OM Bhur
OM Saha OM Zoom OM Houm
OM Svahaha
The mantram can be chanted for the welfare of humanity or for the protection from any disease. There is no restriction to chant this mantram. It can be chanted as many times as possible and at any time you like.
In the book of Master EK on “Sound and Colour - Overseas Messages Vol. 12”, p. 67 f, Master EK gives the following explanation of the mantram:
“The sound means, life in a living being. It belongs to the ancient most of the languages into archaic Sanskrit themes. Basis of the word Zhoo, that is a group of living beings are kept. The word zoology comes from this. This single syllabled word belongs to the Senzar language. When uttered like this, it is called preserver of life. So, in the science of Mantrams, this total word is called conqueror of death. That means your consciousness entering into your higher principles leaving the three lower principles.
In the science of Mantrams, this is the best sound that heals yourself and others either from defects or from ailments or diseases on any plane. This is the healing Mantram of the ancient most scientists. It is called Mrutyumjaya. The word Mrutyu means, death. You know same word in some Indo-Germanic languages also. For example, martyrdom, mortuary and in French they say Morgue. So, it comes from older Sanskrit. Jaya means conquering; so, conqueror of death. It is called Mrityunjaya Mantram.”