Ekkirala Kulam Bodhi
“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”
Meditations and Rituals | Prayers and Invocations
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Ekkirala Kulam Bodhi
Vidum Ânanda Rûpinam
Anantarya Tano Jâtam
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
Šrî Krishnamacharya
Ananta Putram
Sat Sâdhu Mitram
Karunâdra Netram
Gurum Gurunam
Pitâram Pitrunâm
Ananya Šesha
Sâranam Prapadye
Ekkirala Kulam Bodhi | You are the Sage Ekkirala in the ocean of the family (Kula) Anantacharya. |
Vidum Ânanda Rûpinam | You are the knowing form (Rûpa) of blessing and of bliss (Ânanda). |
Anantarya Tano Jâtam | You are born from out of your father whose name is Anantacharya. |
You are born as a form from out of the boundless energy (Ananta) which we call space. | |
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum | You are really Krishna, the World Teacher, and we offer you our salutations. |
Šrî Krishnamacharya Ananta Putram | Oh venerable Krishnamacharya, you are a son of Anantacharya |
and son of Ananta, the Father in Heaven, a Son of God. | |
Sat Sâdhu Mitram | You are a friend (Mitra) of all good righteous people |
who practice spirituality and Yoga (Sâdhus). | |
Karunâdra Netram | You are the one with eyes (Netra) full of compassion (Karunâ), |
like Lord Maitreya full of love and compassion. | |
Gurum Gurunam | You are the Teacher (Guru) of teachers. |
Pitâram Pitrunâm | You are the Father (Pitâ) of fathers. |
Ananya Šesha Sâranam Prapadye | We take refuge in you without an idea of anything else. |
There is nothing else. We only see the One in all. | |
It is the state of Ananya, meaning nothing but One. |