Sun – That I Am
Sun – That I Am (en)
When we think of Sun we need to think of the very consciousness, which is the basis of our solar system. Each one of us is but a unit of consciousness. Each one of us is a micro Sun. The other name for this consciousness is ‘I Am’. When we speak of Sun we speak of I Am consciousness. In other words we are speaking of ourselves. The self in you and in me is no different from the self of the Solar Angel. It is but the same consciousness manifested in different dimensions and magnitudes. The essence of the Sun and us is but one and the same. We are no different from our Sun.
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When we think of Sun we need to think of the very consciousness, which is the basis of our solar system. Each one of us is but a unit of consciousness. Each one of us is a micro Sun. The other name for this consciousness is ‘I Am’. When we speak of Sun we speak of I Am consciousness. In other words we are speaking of ourselves. The self in you and in me is no different from the self of the Solar Angel. It is but the same consciousness manifested in different dimensions and magnitudes. The essence of the Sun and us is but one and the same. We are no different from our Sun.
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Moon - The Key
Moon - The Key
Working with the cycles of the New Moon and Full Moon is the fundamental step to open the doors of initiation. It enables entering into the unseen and divine fields of light through the visible world. In one way or other, the ancient seers ensured for the human beings to relate to every Moon phase. It is but the seers’ concern for humanity.
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Working with the cycles of the New Moon and Full Moon is the fundamental step to open the doors of initiation. It enables entering into the unseen and divine fields of light through the visible world. In one way or other, the ancient seers ensured for the human beings to relate to every Moon phase. It is but the seers’ concern for humanity.
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Mercury -The Alchemist
Mercury -The Alchemist
Mercury is the golden middle principle that can compromise the high and the low, the left and the right, the male and the female, the positive and the negative, the spirit and the matter, and the Divine and the diabolic. Mercury is impersonal, and the one who is governed by Mercury is impersonal as well. He is the agent of divine alchemy, to synthesise seemingly divergent energies. Mercury is the friend with whom all agree. He is the centre around which things tend to gather. Mercury is the light of the soul that soothes, heals, magnetises and thereby enlightens the surroundings very impersonally. This book contains various dimensions of Mercury and the practises that lead one to receive the touch of Mercury for transformation.
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Mercury is the golden middle principle that can compromise the high and the low, the left and the right, the male and the female, the positive and the negative, the spirit and the matter, and the Divine and the diabolic. Mercury is impersonal, and the one who is governed by Mercury is impersonal as well. He is the agent of divine alchemy, to synthesise seemingly divergent energies. Mercury is the friend with whom all agree. He is the centre around which things tend to gather. Mercury is the light of the soul that soothes, heals, magnetises and thereby enlightens the surroundings very impersonally. This book contains various dimensions of Mercury and the practises that lead one to receive the touch of Mercury for transformation.
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Venus. The Path to Immortality
Venus. The Path to Immortality
Venus as a planet and as a principle is the higher counterpart of our earth. It depicts the higher life or divine life, unconditioned by the gross material. Venus is the guide and the teacher for the beings of earth. While being on earth one can attain in the earthy-body the Divine status by tuning up to the principle of Venus. The Venus principle is the principle of immortality, which is experienced by everyone as a soul. The book speaks upon the various aspects of Venus as a planet and also as a principle. This book is a summary of talks given by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar at Gunten, Switzerland, in November 1994.
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Venus as a planet and as a principle is the higher counterpart of our earth. It depicts the higher life or divine life, unconditioned by the gross material. Venus is the guide and the teacher for the beings of earth. While being on earth one can attain in the earthy-body the Divine status by tuning up to the principle of Venus. The Venus principle is the principle of immortality, which is experienced by everyone as a soul. The book speaks upon the various aspects of Venus as a planet and also as a principle. This book is a summary of talks given by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar at Gunten, Switzerland, in November 1994.
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Mars - The Kumara
Mars - The Kumara
Mars is of great help to the aspirant who wants to transcend the barriers of the lower planes. It is in this context the seers gave the higher dimensions of Mars. Utilizing these dimensions, an aspirant can gain the positive vibrations of Mars and progress on the path. The most sublime and divine aspect of Mars is presented in the sublime concepts of Saravanabhava, Subrahmanya, Kartikeya, Visakha, Shanmukha and Skanda. This book tries to capture these sublime dimensions of Mars, the Kumara.
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Mars is of great help to the aspirant who wants to transcend the barriers of the lower planes. It is in this context the seers gave the higher dimensions of Mars. Utilizing these dimensions, an aspirant can gain the positive vibrations of Mars and progress on the path. The most sublime and divine aspect of Mars is presented in the sublime concepts of Saravanabhava, Subrahmanya, Kartikeya, Visakha, Shanmukha and Skanda. This book tries to capture these sublime dimensions of Mars, the Kumara.
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Jupiter - The Path of Expansion
Jupiter - The Path of Expansion
Discipleship is a scientific process of rearrangement of the energy system within one's own being. Such rearrangement would enable free flow of energy, which is essentially triple by nature; that is, will, love/wisdom and intelligent activity. Jupiter is the principle that helps such rearrangement, as a result of which man is joyful, youthful, magnetic, benevolent, generous and distributive. A few hints are thrown for practice for those who wish to rearrange for the better of their energy systems.
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Discipleship is a scientific process of rearrangement of the energy system within one's own being. Such rearrangement would enable free flow of energy, which is essentially triple by nature; that is, will, love/wisdom and intelligent activity. Jupiter is the principle that helps such rearrangement, as a result of which man is joyful, youthful, magnetic, benevolent, generous and distributive. A few hints are thrown for practice for those who wish to rearrange for the better of their energy systems.
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Saturn - The Path to Systematized Growth
Saturn - The Path to Systematized Growth
The study of Saturn - the principle, and practice of the principle in daily life transforms an aspirant into an accepted disciple. Saturn is the Dweller on the Threshold of the Temple of Initiation. He affords opportunities through difficulties in life, which are messengers of what is wanting in life and what is to be learned. There is no other principle that teaches so meticulously as Saturn to follow the path for right relations.
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The study of Saturn - the principle, and practice of the principle in daily life transforms an aspirant into an accepted disciple. Saturn is the Dweller on the Threshold of the Temple of Initiation. He affords opportunities through difficulties in life, which are messengers of what is wanting in life and what is to be learned. There is no other principle that teaches so meticulously as Saturn to follow the path for right relations.
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Master CVV Saturn Regulations
Master CVV Saturn Regulations
Master CVV, the Aquarian Master, gave out Saturn regulations to his followers, to enable rectification of personality limitations. He proposes to round up the personality, which would enable the soul to manifest the purpose of life. Master KPK gives in this book the original regulations coming from Master CVV, followed by the revised and commented ones coming through him. Master KPK spoke out these regulations for the first time during the 2008 December Call at Bangalore, South India. The complete commentary is now given in brief for all those who are practising yoga in various parts of the globe.
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Master CVV, the Aquarian Master, gave out Saturn regulations to his followers, to enable rectification of personality limitations. He proposes to round up the personality, which would enable the soul to manifest the purpose of life. Master KPK gives in this book the original regulations coming from Master CVV, followed by the revised and commented ones coming through him. Master KPK spoke out these regulations for the first time during the 2008 December Call at Bangalore, South India. The complete commentary is now given in brief for all those who are practising yoga in various parts of the globe.
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Uranus -The Alchemist of the Age
Uranus -The Alchemist of the Age
Uranus transmits the cosmic sun principle and causes a rearrangement of life in man. On earth he brings the needed changes to inaugurate the New Era. The book “Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age”, by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, shows how in every field there are fast transformations for a rapid development through the stimulation of the Uranus energy.
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Uranus transmits the cosmic sun principle and causes a rearrangement of life in man. On earth he brings the needed changes to inaugurate the New Era. The book “Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age”, by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, shows how in every field there are fast transformations for a rapid development through the stimulation of the Uranus energy.
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The Aquarian Cross
The Aquarian Cross
The Aquarian Cross is one of the cosmic symbols. The cosmic mind is represented by a fourfold cross. It speaks of the fourfold existence at all planes. Each time we look at it we must get the recollection of our own fourfold existence. Then the purpose is well served. The symbolism of the cross and the astrological significance of the Aquarian Cross are well explained with deeper symbolism coupled with ancient wisdom.
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The Aquarian Cross is one of the cosmic symbols. The cosmic mind is represented by a fourfold cross. It speaks of the fourfold existence at all planes. Each time we look at it we must get the recollection of our own fourfold existence. Then the purpose is well served. The symbolism of the cross and the astrological significance of the Aquarian Cross are well explained with deeper symbolism coupled with ancient wisdom.
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Hercules - The Man and the Symbol
Hercules - The Man and the Symbol
The life and accomplishments of Hercules signify the experience of the Soul through its journey along the zodiacal path of the 12 sun signs. The life and accomplishments narrated in this book are of significant help to those who look for the symbolism of Hercules, the Greek hero.
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The life and accomplishments of Hercules signify the experience of the Soul through its journey along the zodiacal path of the 12 sun signs. The life and accomplishments narrated in this book are of significant help to those who look for the symbolism of Hercules, the Greek hero.
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Aries. Sign and the Symbol
Aries. Sign and the Symbol
Spring equinox is considered to be the most sublime time of the year. We need to know the cycles of time and understand what they can offer to us, to gain a better co-operation of Nature to transcend our limitations.
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Spring equinox is considered to be the most sublime time of the year. We need to know the cycles of time and understand what they can offer to us, to gain a better co-operation of Nature to transcend our limitations.
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The Mysteries of Sagittarius
The Mysteries of Sagittarius
All aspirants are considered to be Sagittarians. An aspirant is one who has set himself upon a long journey. His aspiration is the fuel to surge ahead upon a vertical path. He cannot rest until he realizes the self and the plan.
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All aspirants are considered to be Sagittarians. An aspirant is one who has set himself upon a long journey. His aspiration is the fuel to surge ahead upon a vertical path. He cannot rest until he realizes the self and the plan.
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In this booklet you will find a dimension of Time and a practical way of alignment with it. You will also find the fivefold key of time, the importance, characteristics and qualities of constellations, the relationship between the moon and the 27 constellations, the 12 houses, the effect of the planets on us, and how to liberate yourself through meditation.
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In this booklet you will find a dimension of Time and a practical way of alignment with it. You will also find the fivefold key of time, the importance, characteristics and qualities of constellations, the relationship between the moon and the 27 constellations, the 12 houses, the effect of the planets on us, and how to liberate yourself through meditation.
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Wisdom of Nakshatras
Wisdom of Nakshatras
The zodiac of 360 degrees is divided into twelve houses of 30 degrees each by the ancient seers. It is also divided into twenty-seven nakshatras (constellations) of 13°20' degrees each. Every constellation has its basic characteristics, and the transit of Moon brings out the characteristics of a particular constellation as it resides for about a day in each constellation.
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The zodiac of 360 degrees is divided into twelve houses of 30 degrees each by the ancient seers. It is also divided into twenty-seven nakshatras (constellations) of 13°20' degrees each. Every constellation has its basic characteristics, and the transit of Moon brings out the characteristics of a particular constellation as it resides for about a day in each constellation.
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Wisdom of the Nodes
Wisdom of the Nodes
Node and Anti-Node are two very important principles in astrology. These are also known as the ascending node and the descending node of the Moon. In Vedic astrology, they are referred to as Rahu and Ketu. These are two centers of intersection of the paths of the Earth and the Moon. They are centers of a three-fold magnetic current of Earth, Sun and Moon.
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Node and Anti-Node are two very important principles in astrology. These are also known as the ascending node and the descending node of the Moon. In Vedic astrology, they are referred to as Rahu and Ketu. These are two centers of intersection of the paths of the Earth and the Moon. They are centers of a three-fold magnetic current of Earth, Sun and Moon.
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Working with the Full Moon and the New Moon
Working with the Full Moon and the New Moon
Working with the cycles of the new moon and full moon is the fundamental step to open the doors of initiation. As occult students, we are expected to tune up to the new moon energies and the full moon energies of every month and experience the special characteristics of each of the twelve sun-signs in terms of the new moon and the full moon.
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Working with the cycles of the new moon and full moon is the fundamental step to open the doors of initiation. As occult students, we are expected to tune up to the new moon energies and the full moon energies of every month and experience the special characteristics of each of the twelve sun-signs in terms of the new moon and the full moon.
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