Agni - The Symbolism and the Ritual of Fire Agni - The Symbolism and the Ritual of Fire

Fire is the essence of creation. The Fire is called Agni in the Vedas. Agni means the foremost one. Agni is the first spur. This spur causes the emergence from seeming nothingness to apparent something. The spur causes the Light. The Light is called Awareness. The Fire details again into 3 fires and brings forth the 4th. It further details into 7, into 12. Fire is the creator, builder and destroyer. Fire works with all. This book presents in brief the profound symbolism of Agni as well as of the Fire Ritual.

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Listening to the Invisible Master Listening to the Invisible Master

This booklet is of interest to those who wish to tune inward, in search of the unknown. The book takes the reader on a flight into the Internal World and reveals much the phenomenal and noumenal worlds as one gets into regular practice of meditation.

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Mantrams - Their Significance & Practice Mantrams - Their Significance & Practice

The definition of a mantram is, „As much as repetitively chanted, so much the sound formula (mantram) protects.“ The mantram has a three-fold effect: it protects you, directs you in the right way and illumines the mind. When uttered with veneration regularly in a given centre of the body, the related sound vibration generates from that centre and moves circularly creating a funnel of Light. These aspects of mantrams are well explained to experience and practice. There exists a double-CD with intonations.

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Marriage - The Sublime Sacrament Marriage - The Sublime Sacrament

Marriage is an important sacrament to the human being. It sanctifies the one who marries. It purifies and transforms. Dr. Kumar conceived the whole ritual in a nutshell and presented it in an universal manner. It can be adopted by any couple proposing marriage in a sincere way.

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Occult Meditations Occult Meditations

These are occult meditations. Working with them enables psychological adjustments, which would lead to occult experiences. They would ultimately lead to experiencing the Divine. These are the meditations given to Master E.K. by those whom he followed (Hierarchy) to those who follow him. The meditations are global in their concept. Every day in the morning the student is advised to study a meditation relating to that day and contemplate upon its thought.

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Om Namo Narayanaya Om Namo Narayanaya

Narayana stands for the alpha and omega of the universe: The Vedic seers gained this four-lettered sound in their penances, found its significance and its meaning. They initiated the seekers into this mantra from ancient most times to enable self-realization and at-one-ment with Narayana.

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Rudra Rudra

In the scheme of Vedic Wisdom and its related Puranas, Rudra is the Lord of Will, the Lord of Fire, who opens the way for Creation at various levels. He is also the Lord that clears impediments to Creation. He is also seen as the Lord who helps to path of return. Thus for entry into and exit from the world, Rudra remains the chief helper, Guru, Teacher, Yogi.
New multilingual Edition 2006: English / German / Spanish

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Sound - The Key and its Application Sound - The Key and its Application

To understand sound you have to grow aware of silence, and to gain the ability to hear the sound you should first listen to silence. The book “Sound - The Key and its Application” explains step by step how our attitude towards sound and language should be. It is made clear how we can trace the source of sound when we learn to listen to harmonious sounds or mantrams and sing them.

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Sri Suktam Sri Suktam

One of those grand dimensions put out by the Veda is Srî Suktam. SU UKTAM means good utterance. This is contrary to the other utterances we carry. To be able to utter well is the most important aspect of discipleship, because it relates to the throat centre. Throat centre can put you to Akasha, to the etheric existence. We want etheric bodies, but we don't want to change the quality of our speeches. To attune true seekers to the best of utterances, so that the throat centre is purified, made magnetic and radiant, and also electric, sound formulae are conceived and given out to be uttered regularly.

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Ritual of Immortality (Saint Mark Festival) Ritual of Immortality (Saint Mark Festival)

The knowledge of death, and transcending death has been the goal of the truth seekers at all times. All true wisdom scriptures and teachers, aided in the pursuit of students through varied presentations of the knowledge of death and the science and techniques of transcending death. In the scriptures of the East, the story and symbols relating to Mārkaṇḍeya, Naciketa, and Sāvitri stand out as most popular and profound, among such presentations related to the knowledge of death. The legend of Saint Mark is known in the West as a similar symbol.

The booklet “Ritual of Immortality (Saint Mark Festival). A compilation“ is a compilation based on the teachings given out by Master K. Parvathi Kumar as part of the Merry Life Teachings.

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Eight Steps of Meditation through the Key of Time Eight Steps of Meditation through the Key of Time

In this booklet you will find a dimension of Time and a practical way of alignment with it. Eight steps are given for personal alignment through the key of time.

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