Overseas Messages Vol. 1 Overseas Messages Vol.1

Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) toured the European countries seven times during the period 1972 to 1983. He gave lectures at various places at the request of the groups. Twenty-five such lectures are published together into this volume styled as “Overseas Messages”. Master E.K.'s teachings continue to inspire even years after his departure from the physical.

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Overseas Messages Vol. 2 Overseas Messages Vol. 2

The 2nd volume of “Overseas Messages” by Master EK. contains a collection of seminar transcriptions from lectures given in Europe in the early 80ies: Advanced Astrology, Discipleship in the Modern Age, Spiritual Life, Journey of the Soul (The Evolution of Consciousness).

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Know Thyself. Overseas Messages Vol. 3 Know Thyself. Overseas Messages Vol. 3

he sentence “Know Thyself” is in every scripture. It is among the oldest of the sentences man discovered. Generally, in the beginning we don't understand the significance of this sentence, it appears simple and childish. Everyone knows himself by name and by the name of the parents, by the address and telephone number. Beyond this, it is doubtful if one knows oneself.

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Spiritual Constitution. Overseas Messages Vol. 4 Spiritual Constitution. Overseas Messages 4

The word 'spiritual' means something relating to the spirit. The word 'spirit' means the essence of everything. The matter in our body and the matter in the things around us are made up of atoms, and the atoms can be called the spirit of matter. All the atoms are made up of some great energy and the energy can be called the spirit of atoms.

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Spiritual History of Mankind. Overseas Messages Vol. 5 Spiritual History of Mankind. Overseas Messages Vol. 5

The spiritual history follows the spiritual evolution of the human beings. The story of evolution on this earth belongs to a very ancient date, whereas the date of the so-called biological evolution belongs to the date of Charles Darwin and his followers. There are many questions and many problems which the theory of biological evolution cannot solve. The real theory of evolution which is age old belongs to the ancient nations.

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The Science of Symbolism. Overseas Messages Vol. 6 The Science of Symbolism. Overseas Messages Vol. 6

We should understand the various aspects of symbolism because the ancient esoteric schools were teaching about the eternal wisdom; whereas man-made symbols differ from place to place and from time to time. The Science of Symbolism is very important if we want to make a correct approach into the spirit of the scriptures.

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The Seven Rays. Overseas Messages Vol. 7 The Seven Rays. Overseas Messages Vol. 7

Spiritual science is there only to elevate ourselves, not others. Those who want to understand this science of the Seven Rays should not believe that they are giving spiritual wisdom to others.

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Light upon Death. Overseas Messages Vol. 8 Light upon Death. Overseas Messages Vol. 8

The lectures contained in the book “Light upon Death” present hitherto unrevealed dimensions about death and other related topics. Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master EK) explains in a simple but highly spiritual and scientific way the meaning and nature of death, the place and purpose of death in our evolution, the role we have to play and the awareness we have to develop to overcome living a death-conditioned life. This book should be read by every occult student.

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Symbolism of the Scriptures. Overseas Messages Vol. 9 Symbolism of the Scriptures. Overseas Messages Vol. 9

The scriptures have their own language and their own symbols which are different from the technical man-made symbols. Wisdom is concealed in each symbol in the scriptures. Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) was a master of the six keys to the Veda without which the knowledge of the scriptures cannot be unlocked. His lectures in this volume “Symbolism of the Scriptures” playfully present the scriptural symbols and explain their significance.

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The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10 The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10

There is a saying by Gautama Buddha to one of his disciples, “Look not as to who has said it, look to what has been said”, and we believe it. We are the least bothered if the author of the books belongs to the 19th century or 15000 BC. But what we are interested is the import of the books; the ancient most thought of not only India but the world.

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The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11 The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11

The difference between a Master and all the other people is, mastery not upon any subject or any branch of wisdom, but at first a mastery upon themselves. For this reason, they are separately called the Masters of Wisdom. They have made a scientific study of their own constitution and discovered a wonderful mechanism having many dimensions in themselves.

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Sound and Colour. Overseas Messages Vol. 12 Sound and Colour

There are mainly seven colours producing many colours. If you study the classical music of the scripture, there are seven scales of sound called the musical scales. The utterance of the sacred word in the beginning of this creation was done as the expression of the first three colours and sounds or the expression resulted in the externalization of the first three colours or the first three sounds.

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Prayers by Master E.K. Prayers by Master E.K.

These prayers were given by Master E. K. to his disciples. They were first published in “Mihira”, an astro-spiritual monthly magazine in English in 1962. Again they were published in “My Light”, a spiritual magazine published by The World Teacher Trust, Visakhapatnam.

From the very beginning, some of his disciples, have been reciting them on special occasions. May his prayers show the Light and lead people on the path.

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The Science of Man The Science of Man

The need for practice of Spiritual Science by man is immanent, in the context of the upsurge of material science. Man should find the technique to be fit to experience that which is revealed by Nature through Science. The technique is contained in the World Scriptures. The Science of Man is an effort to furnish this technique, practice of which enables man to unfold from within. It is the application of technique upon oneself that reveals the Self to oneself.

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Spiritual Personality Development Spiritual Personality Development

Before understanding God, Creation or Nature, we have to understand first about ourselves. That is what Master EK has called “Spiritual Personality Development” or also “Man Know Thyself”.

The book “Spiritual Personality Development” is like a guide in our life. If we sincerely follow the teachings of any lecture or any sentence given in this book, they will transform daily life into spiritual life and also change the attitude towards life.

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Spiritual Psychology Spiritual Psychology

The spiritual anatomy of man is considered from the viewpoint of the wisdom teachings of the East, with constant correspondence to astrological keys, for astrology is one of the seven keys to spiritual wisdom. A detailed investigation of the occult significance of numbers, shapes, colours and sound is included, plus a series of meditations and an indispensable glossary of Sanskrit terms.

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