  • Meditation
  • Rituals
  • Sacred Places
  • Masters
  • Group Life


Meditation is the basis for all inner growth. The silent growth of the soul happens in moments of silence.


Worship, prayers, rituals and meditations are only the means to connect to the One consciousness.

Sacred Places

You have to be alert when entering sacred places. Don’t go with a predetermined mind. Do nothing but being in the Presence.


The study of the lives of Masters of Wisdom, their actions and teachings inspire us and thereby alter our thought patterns.

Group Life

The heart is the only gateway for group consciousness and group activity.

Transition of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

KPK Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, lovingly called Master KPK, left his physical sheath on 1 November 2022. It was 50 years of a grand work of teaching, healing, writing, consulting, and moulding the lives of people in tune with the Plan. more about Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

World Teacher Trust

WTT-symbol The World Teacher Trust (WTT) is an organisation of people, who are inspired by the lives and teachings of the great Teachers of Eternal Wisdom. more about the WTT How to begin? Some hints

Wisdom Teachings

Dr. E. Krishnamacharya and Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar have been teaching numerous concepts of wisdom. Short texts outline some facets of these teachings in a condensed form. more about Wisdom Teachings

New Books

Spiritual Personality Development Spiritual Personality Development

Before understanding God, Creation or Nature, we have to understand first about ourselves. That is what Master EK has called “Spiritual Personality Development” or also “Man Know Thyself”.

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Merry Life Day. The 26th of July Merry Life Day. The 26th of July

On 26th July 2021, Master K. Parvathi Kumar gave an inspiring and insightful talk on the Merry Life Day and the energy of Master CVV. As a part of the talk, he laid out aspects relating to Plenty of Prana and how Master CVV has ushered in the Aquarian speed into the process of spiritual evolution of humanity. The wisdom talk links up various facets of wisdom between the five pranas, their regulation, the symbolism of the Eagle, the importance of the order bestowed by 7th Ray, the yoga aphorisms of Patanjali, the related practices and the energy of Master CVV Yoga.

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more New Books

మరిన్ని వివరాలకు కొరకు ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చెయ్యండి

Уорлд Тичер Траст (WTT) — это организация людей, которых вдохновили жизнь и учение великих Учителей Вечной мудрости.

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Book of the Month

The Science of Yoga The Science of Yoga

The word Yoga is used in many directions nowadays, but there is also a scientific definition with a procedure which is called 'Yoga'. In the book “The Science of Yoga”, Master EK (Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is trying to give an aerial view of the yoga practice with exactitude and scientific precision as intended by Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga practice is no end in itself. But the end and the goal is the yoga way of living.

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The word Yoga is used in many directions nowadays, but there is also a scientific definition with a procedure which is called 'Yoga'. In the book “The Science of Yoga”, Master EK (Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is trying to give an aerial view of the yoga practice with exactitude and scientific precision as intended by Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga practice is no end in itself. But the end and the goal is the yoga way of living.



NEW: The Appearance of Hierarchy: We are to become aware of the Masters, their work and their teachings; then the expansion of consciousness will continue. Once we have understood the basics of their teachings, we must demonstrate this by fully and consistently engaging and acting on our own.

The Summer Solstice: The Summer Solstice At Cancer the impulse of the Solar Angel from the subtle spheres comes down into the objective world. Thus Cancer stands for the descent of the soul, for the birth into the physical body. More

Annual Report Annual Report: The Annual Report 2023 of the World Teacher Trust - Global gives a panorama of the group activities in the Western world inspired by the WTT.

Download the Annual Report

Aries 2024 – Pisces 2025 Full Moon and New Moon Meditation Formula: Full Moon meditation The full moon and new moon are the best days to conduct meditation within yourself; they are the days of great opportunity to contact the higher forces in you and the higher forces outside.
Download text as PDF

WTT Shambala Facebook group “WTT Shambala”: to implant the reality of Shambala in the consciousness of aspirants

World Health & Healing Order: In view of the persisting pandemic, World Health and Healing Order is perceived to neutralise the impact of the pandemic as also the raising sicknesses of various kinds. more about the World Health & Healing Order

NEW: Telegram channel 'World Teacher Trust - Global': Information about online activities in English.

Friends of World Teacher Trust: Friends of World Teacher Trust A platform where members can communicate and teach the essential teachings of the WTT.
YouTube channel “Friends of World Teacher Trust”.

Healing Mantram: OM Houm OM Zoom OM Saha: Healing Mantram The mantram can be chanted for the welfare of humanity or for the protection from any disease. There is no restriction to chant this mantram. It can be chanted as many times as possible and at any time you like.

Healing Prayer: Let us form the Circle of Planetary Healers…

The Pledge: Synthesis This is a pledge of the groups of good will to be ready for transformation. It is recommended to utter this pledge at new moon individually or in groups.

Global Prayer for Peace: Sri Yantra This prayer can be done as an act of goodwill-service by those who believe in it.

Podcasts, Videos, Websites

WTT Podcasts: Discourses of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar are available as a podcast.

The WTT Video Channel: an overview The WTT Video Channel youtube.com/@WTT-Global

Website of the WTT on Lord Dattatreya and his incarnations, Lord Dattatreya especially Sripada Srivallabha, to communicate the existence of the Grand Cosmic Teaching Principle and its appearance on Earth in our present Dark Age.

Website of The Circle of Goodwill, India, a social service organization


Meditation, study and service are the three sides of the triangle with which life works.

Therefore, the WTT recommends to meditate regularly, to study the knowledge of the Wisdom Teachings and to render service to humanity.

Master KPK Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Global Chairman of the WTT, says:

“Service becomes the bridge to link up to the higher awareness. Hence, the WTT strongly emphasises upon service activities concurrent with spiritual practice.”

Service Activity Insights:

more about Service Activities

Meditation and Rituals

Meditation is the basis for all inner growth. The silent growth of the Soul happens in moments of silence. There are many kinds of meditation.

more about Meditations and Rituals

Vaisakh News Letter

Astro Data Tools

“astroCloud” A free, multilingual astrology platform astroCloud
astroCloud is for calculating and printing horoscopes. Suitable for beginners, professionals and spiritual astrologers.

“smoon” An app for the daily astro data SMOON

A practical tool for working with the daily constellations, for meditation or interpretation.

For installation on iOS download "smoon" in the AppStore, on Android search for “smoon” in the PlayStore. All calculations are done for your local position and time zone - everywhere in the world.

Novus Vetus Calendar
A comprehensive soli-lunar almanac for using in combination with the normal lunar calendar

Online Study Groups

There are several online study groups meeting with the help of an online conference system, one study group in English and three groups in German. The English group is meeting on Saturdays; it starts at 08:00 pm Central European Time and goes till 09:30h.

Further details and registration