Enlightening Encounters Enlightening Encounters

Relating through the form of the Teacher to ‘The Teacher’ is the key given by all the Teachers of Wisdom. A restricted comprehension of the Teacher principle to a form, teaching or to a prescribed method is a personality trap. To set a student free from this trap is also a work that the Teacher conducts through the Wisdom of Synthesis that he gently and lovingly imparts.

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Hanuman - An Introduction Hanuman - An Introduction

The book ‘Hanuman: An Introduction‘ presents a few dimensions relating to Hanuman, collected from various teachings given by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar.

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Life and Teachings of Master Jupiter Life and Teachings of Master Jupiter

The grand sage Agastya is also known as Master Jupiter in theosophical literature. He has been with the planet and humanity over yugas, right from Lemurian times. He descended on this planet along with the other Sons of Will and Yoga and has been helping the planet and humanity. He resides in the South to enable stability for the planet and also to enable stability for the beings on the planet.

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Lord Maitreya Lord Maitreya - The World Teacher

Lord Maitreya is a sage of great brilliance descending from the order of Lord Vishnu - the Second Logos, the preserving Light, the Logos of Love-Wisdom, the Cosmic Second Ray.

The teachings of Lord Maitreya are those of synthesis, unity of existence, and love and wisdom. This book reveals the qualities of The World Teacher Lord Maitreya.

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Master CSG Master CSG

The Master of the seventh ray wisdom is Master Count St. Germain. He is in charge of the activity of ritualism that is conducted through the ritualistic temples all over the globe.

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Master CVV - May Call! Vol 1 Master CVV - May Call! Vol 1

Inclusion is the Path of Synthesis. Include to get included. If we reject, we get rejected. If we neglect someone, we are neglected. As we try to include and reconsider others, people consider and include us. That is why the fundamental teaching of Master CVV is “Learn to include”.

Master KPK has been transmitting the Energies of Master CVV and the Path of Synthesis in the West on the MAY CALL Days since 1988. The May Call messages of Master KPK represent the teachings of Master CVV. They are briefly given here as a first step of His teachings. Multilingual Edition 2006: English / German / Spanish

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Master CVV - May Call! Vol 2 Master CVV - May Call! Vol 2

There is a way to understand the synthesis of Existence, when Existence is recollected and we speak in awareness of Existence, in awareness of Existence we work, in awareness of Existence we sleep, and then there is One continuous Existence experienced through all. We shall have to remember that there is only Existence and nothing else. Master KPK has been transmitting the Energies of Master CVV and the Path of Synthesis in the West on the MAY CALL Days since 1988. The May Call messages of Master KPK represent the teachings of Master CVV. They are briefly given here as a first step of His teachings. Edition 2007: English

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Master C.V.V. - The Initiator Master C.V.V. - The Initiator

Master CVV opened the veil to inaugurate the Aquarian age. He is the Aquarian Master, who is multidimensional and unfathomable. He can be known and his work can be realized only through the prayer that he gave. He is a Grand Master that initiated the Globe and the humanity. He is the Global Initiator. Master EK has been a great inspirer into the path of yoga of Master CVV. He reached out to groups to inspire them into the Path.

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Master CVV - Yoga and Aphorisms to Disciples Master CVV - Yoga and Aphorisms to Disciples

The teachings of Master CVV, which he had originally received and recorded as MTA instructions, were given out once again in a fresh form by Master K. Parvathi Kumar in Telugu. Several teachings coming from Master CVV were given afresh, through which the groups derived necessary inspiration and knowledge for further practice. They were translated into English and the aphorisms were published in seriatim in the monthly newsletter ‘Vaisakh Newsletter' under the caption ‘Aphorisms to Disciples'.

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Master CVV and Sirius Master CVV and Sirius

The Avatar of Synthesis is none other than the energy of Love coming from Sirius. Christ is the Grand Master to the humanity. But to the Christ himself the Sirius energy of Love is a Grand Master. Master Djwhal Khul says, What the Christ is to us, the Avatar of Synthesis is to the Christ. That is the grand energy which is descending upon us through all the sun signs. And Master CVV has been a channel to it. When we say, ‘The Master’, we are referring to the energies of Love coming from Sirius. We are also referring to the first channel who is responsible for the visit of the energies to us.

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Master E.K. - The New Age Teacher Master E.K. - The New Age Teacher

Master E.K. (Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is a New Age teacher. The New Age teacher is one who demonstrates Divine life within the modern life. There is no such demarcation as divine and non-divine at the sublime stage. All is divine, if once the attitude is divine. The life and teachings of Master E.K. aroused and awakened many into the path of Truth in the East and West. The book contains a glimpse into the life and the works of the MASTER.

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Master K.P.K (by Sabine Anliker) Master KPK - An Expression of Synthesis. Short Biography (by Sabine Anliker)

The book contains various biographical details on the life of Master KPK and gives an insight into the greatness and uniqueness of his work. It shows how he brings down the impulse of the Avatar of Synthesis onto the fourth plane, the physical plane. Together with Master CVV, Master MN, Master EK the work of Synthesis is brought to a further level of completion.

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Master MN - The Fiery Flame Master MN - The Fiery Flame

Master MN is an outpost of Master CVV energy. He works at the micro and macro level for the planet and the planetary beings. His life and his work stand as a source of inspiration fuelling the aspiration of those who wish to follow the path of Truth. He is a good example for every person with modern outlook and yet bent upon the path of Self-realisation. The book describes his life, his initiation, his teachings and healing, and his glorious transcendence.

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Parikshit - The World Disciple Parikshit - The World Disciple

Spiritual aspiration happens to every human in one incarnation or the other. If you deeply intend to see the Lord and if your effort is towards that end, then you are symbolically called Parikshit. The story of “Parikshit -The World Disciple” by K. Parvathi Kumar is the story of transcendence of death through continuous aspiration.

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Rishabha, the Adi Buddha Rishabha, the Adi Buddha

Rishabha is the first of the Buddhas and Gautama is the last Buddha witnessed by the humanity until now. Maitreya Buddha is the incoming one according to the followers of Buddha.

The scripture Bhagavata presents Rishabha as an expression of divinity that laid the foundation to a path of unconditional mendicancy which is not beggary.

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Shasta, Sambala and Sanat Kumara Shasta, Sambala and Sanat Kumara

The ancients believe Sambala as the birth place of Shasta, whose other name is Sanat Kumara. The invisible is symbolized by Siva and the visible is symbolized by Shakti. Their meeting point is seen as the birth of Kumara. Kumara is the ruler of this planet with Sambala as his citadel. The Lord of Sambala is also known in Puranas as Subrahmanya. Sambala is known only to the Adepts. They are ever silent while relating to Sambala. They visit Sambala to receive the Plan. Their work is to be the messengers of God upon Earth.

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Sri Dattatreya Sri Dattatreya - The Symbol and the Significance

Dattatreya is the Grand Teacher or “Guru principle” in the universe. The teachers in various planes are the manifestations of the one teaching principle who is referred to in the ancient Indian wisdom as Dattatreya. Dattatreya also exists in a form in all planes. Just like the World Teacher is the principle that guides the beings of this globe, Dattatreya is also a principle that incarnates as per the time and need in any plane of existence.

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Sri Sastry Garu Sri Sastry Garu. Story of a Disciple

Discipleship is a process of transformation of man from his state of ignorance to the state of Light. On the Path he meets himself. A true disciple lives hiding the Light within and working silently for its further glow. The Light he sheds is in silence and simplicity. One such example of disciple is K.V. Sastry, whose story is inspiring to those who walk the Path of Light in simplicity. It demands simplicity to realise the Truth. The reader finds such simplicity in the life and the events of the life of Sri Sastry.

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The Aquarian Master The Aquarian Master

The Aquarian Energy is anchored on earth to quicken the evolutionary process relating to the planet and the planetary beings. The Aquarian Age promises deathless state of existence. It also promises the flight in air of humans. It dawns the etheric existence.

Master CVV is a grand initiate that steered the Aquarian energy into the planetary life and thus inaugurated the Aquarian Age. This book carries a detailed account of the work of Aquarius and enunciates the Yoga of Synthesis as propounded by Master CVV.

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