General / Practical Spirituality
Overseas Messages Vol. 1
Overseas Messages Vol.1
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) toured the European countries seven times during the period 1972 to 1983. He gave lectures at various places at the request of the groups. Twenty-five such lectures are published together into this volume styled as “Overseas Messages”. Master E.K.'s teachings continue to inspire even years after his departure from the physical.
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Overseas Messages Vol. 2
Overseas Messages Vol. 2
The 2nd volume of “Overseas Messages” by Master EK. contains a collection of seminar transcriptions from lectures given in Europe in the early 80ies: Advanced Astrology, Discipleship in the Modern Age, Spiritual Life, Journey of the Soul (The Evolution of Consciousness).
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Know Thyself. Overseas Messages Vol. 3
Know Thyself. Overseas Messages Vol. 3
he sentence “Know Thyself” is in every scripture. It is among the oldest of the sentences man discovered. Generally, in the beginning we don't understand the significance of this sentence, it appears simple and childish. Everyone knows himself by name and by the name of the parents, by the address and telephone number. Beyond this, it is doubtful if one knows oneself.
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Spiritual Constitution. Overseas Messages Vol. 4
Spiritual Constitution. Overseas Messages 4
The word 'spiritual' means something relating to the spirit. The word 'spirit' means the essence of everything. The matter in our body and the matter in the things around us are made up of atoms, and the atoms can be called the spirit of matter. All the atoms are made up of some great energy and the energy can be called the spirit of atoms.
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Spiritual History of Mankind. Overseas Messages Vol. 5
Spiritual History of Mankind. Overseas Messages Vol. 5
The spiritual history follows the spiritual evolution of the human beings. The story of evolution on this earth belongs to a very ancient date, whereas the date of the so-called biological evolution belongs to the date of Charles Darwin and his followers. There are many questions and many problems which the theory of biological evolution cannot solve. The real theory of evolution which is age old belongs to the ancient nations.
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The Science of Symbolism. Overseas Messages Vol. 6
The Science of Symbolism. Overseas Messages Vol. 6
We should understand the various aspects of symbolism because the ancient esoteric schools were teaching about the eternal wisdom; whereas man-made symbols differ from place to place and from time to time. The Science of Symbolism is very important if we want to make a correct approach into the spirit of the scriptures.
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The Seven Rays. Overseas Messages Vol. 7
The Seven Rays. Overseas Messages Vol. 7
Spiritual science is there only to elevate ourselves, not others. Those who want to understand this science of the Seven Rays should not believe that they are giving spiritual wisdom to others.
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Light upon Death. Overseas Messages Vol. 8
Light upon Death. Overseas Messages Vol. 8
The lectures contained in the book “Light upon Death” present hitherto unrevealed dimensions about death and other related topics. Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master EK) explains in a simple but highly spiritual and scientific way the meaning and nature of death, the place and purpose of death in our evolution, the role we have to play and the awareness we have to develop to overcome living a death-conditioned life. This book should be read by every occult student.
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Symbolism of the Scriptures. Overseas Messages Vol. 9
Symbolism of the Scriptures. Overseas Messages Vol. 9
The scriptures have their own language and their own symbols which are different from the technical man-made symbols. Wisdom is concealed in each symbol in the scriptures. Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) was a master of the six keys to the Veda without which the knowledge of the scriptures cannot be unlocked. His lectures in this volume “Symbolism of the Scriptures” playfully present the scriptural symbols and explain their significance.
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The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10
The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10
There is a saying by Gautama Buddha to one of his disciples, “Look not as to who has said it, look to what has been said”, and we believe it. We are the least bothered if the author of the books belongs to the 19th century or 15000 BC. But what we are interested is the import of the books; the ancient most thought of not only India but the world.
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The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11
The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11
The difference between a Master and all the other people is, mastery not upon any subject or any branch of wisdom, but at first a mastery upon themselves. For this reason, they are separately called the Masters of Wisdom. They have made a scientific study of their own constitution and discovered a wonderful mechanism having many dimensions in themselves.
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Sound and Colour. Overseas Messages Vol. 12
Sound and Colour
There are mainly seven colours producing many colours. If you study the classical music of the scripture, there are seven scales of sound called the musical scales. The utterance of the sacred word in the beginning of this creation was done as the expression of the first three colours and sounds or the expression resulted in the externalization of the first three colours or the first three sounds.
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Prayers by Master E.K.
Prayers by Master E.K.
These prayers were given by Master E. K. to his disciples. They were first published in “Mihira”, an astro-spiritual monthly magazine in English in 1962. Again they were published in “My Light”, a spiritual magazine published by The World Teacher Trust, Visakhapatnam.
From the very beginning, some of his disciples, have been reciting them on special occasions. May his prayers show the Light and lead people on the path.
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The Science of Man
The Science of Man
The need for practice of Spiritual Science by man is immanent, in the context of the upsurge of material science. Man should find the technique to be fit to experience that which is revealed by Nature through Science. The technique is contained in the World Scriptures. The Science of Man is an effort to furnish this technique, practice of which enables man to unfold from within. It is the application of technique upon oneself that reveals the Self to oneself.
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Spiritual Personality Development
Spiritual Personality Development
Before understanding God, Creation or Nature, we have to understand first about ourselves. That is what Master EK has called “Spiritual Personality Development” or also “Man Know Thyself”.
The book “Spiritual Personality Development” is like a guide in our life. If we sincerely follow the teachings of any lecture or any sentence given in this book, they will transform daily life into spiritual life and also change the attitude towards life.
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Spiritual Psychology
Spiritual Psychology
The spiritual anatomy of man is considered from the viewpoint of the wisdom teachings of the East, with constant correspondence to astrological keys, for astrology is one of the seven keys to spiritual wisdom. A detailed investigation of the occult significance of numbers, shapes, colours and sound is included, plus a series of meditations and an indispensable glossary of Sanskrit terms.
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Ayurveda is the science of Life. The vital body, senses and the mind form the field of study of health and disease in Ayurveda. It is the habit-forming nature of man that is to be used positively as a preventive method for all diseases. Master E.K. has written a fine introduction to this vast subject and his intention is to reach a wide public audience, so that the language remains relatively non-technical.
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Lessons on Homoeopathy
Lessons on Homoeopathy
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya had taken up homoeopathy as a media for healing the sick and propagated the same to thousands of his disciples in India and abroad who are now rendering valuable service in healing the sick. As a part of his teachings, he conducted a 3-day homoeo-seminar at Coxyde (Belgium) during his last visit to Europe in 1983. The lectures delivered there are brought out through this edition for the benefit of the posteriority.
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Organon - The Art of Healing
Organon - The Art of Healing
Healing it the age-old art of mankind. The origin of life includes the origin of the principles of life preservation. Knowledge is the heritage of man and primitive ages were no exception to it. All the ancient nations have their own approach to the Art of Healing. The present age of materialism in medicine has narrowed down the scope of healing but it is a passing through a phase which is necessary before a rediscovery of the ancient truth.
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Science of Healing
Science of Healing
Healing it the age-old art of mankind. The origin of life includes the origin of the principles of life preservation. Knowledge is the heritage of man and primitive ages were no exception to it. All the ancient nations have their own approach to the Art of Healing. The present age of materialism in medicine has narrowed down the scope of healing but it is a passing through a phase which is necessary before a rediscovery of the ancient truth.
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Science of Homoeopathy
Science of Homoeopathy
This small booklet contains the teaching notes that Master EK has used during the years. He had a rich experience of practising and teaching Homoeopathy. The definitions of health, symptoms, acute and chronic diseases and their treatment, as well as the study of the basic principles of Homoeopathy are all given in a clear and impressive manner.
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Meditation and Ritual
Book of Rituals
Book of Rituals
This book is a concise treatise on the Rituals of the Wisdom Religion. The work deals with the sacramental value of initiations and the changes brought to the student thereby. The dawn of the science of rituals is traced to the dawn of man on this earth and this is because the dawn of man itself is the result of an organized ritual of the unseen forces of nature ever at work.
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Full Moon Meditations
Full Moon Meditations
This small booklet reveals the preparation for and the method of full moon meditation used by the World Teacher Trust in India. It also includes a lecture on the significance of the full moon and is followed by a short explanation of the esoteric purpose for each of the meditations upon the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
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Mystic Mantrams and Master CVV
Mystic Mantrams and Master CVV
Master CVV is known for his Mystic Mantrams, meditations and teachings. Through such mantrams (= composition of sounds), he stimulates the inquisitive faculty of the seeker of truth and recruits him into the inner side of things. Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) is an excellent exponent of the teachings of Master CVV and renders a lucid commentary on the mantrams which throws significant light for proper understanding and application of the process of enlightenment.
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Spiritual Astrology
Spiritual Astrology
Spiritual Astrology
The purpose of this book is to provide some of the keys to what was given out to Madam H. P. Blavatsky in her occult classic „The Secret Doctrine” and further developed through the writings of Alice A. Bailey. The astrological key is inevitable to read the Scriptures of the world and understand them in a proper manner. „Spiritual Astrology“ deals with the spiritual evolution of man and for this a definite idea of the spiritual order of the universe and the solar system is necessary. This book is highly recommended for all serious students of astrology, symbolism, and the occult sciences.
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Wisdom of the Heavens
Wisdom of the Heavens
Wisdom of the Heavens” is a beam of light coming from the MASTER to help the sincere seekers. The one who reads the eleven chapters given in this book and understands them will be better equipped to transact in life with life.
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Your Birthday Gift
Your Birthday Gift
Astrology holds the key to life. It is necessary to get into the secrets of the time relating to one’s own life in particular and relating to the humanity in general. The “Birthday Gift” is the first step towards understanding of Time and also right understanding of human psyche.
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Astrology - An Occult and Spiritual Perception
Astrology - An Occult and Spiritual Perception
The ancient Indian seers compared astrology with a lamp in the room. If you illuminate the lamp in the room, then you will be able to see what is there in the room and walk around without stumbling and faltering. But the light in the room never adds anything to the already existing articles in the room. In a similar manner, the knowledge of astrology works only as a light in your own life. Neither does it add anything to your life, nor does it take away anything from your life. It decides what is there in you and what you are born for and what your endowments are in this world. In that way it is very valuable.
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Wisdom Teachings
Agni Yoga - Yoga of Synthesis
Agni Yoga - Yoga of Synthesis
The oldest yoga path is the Raja Yoga Path. And the Yoga of the future is what is called Agni Yoga. We are expected to practice this Agni Yoga in our daily routine. Our contact with others should be taken as the laboratory of our Yoga practice.
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Lessons on Purusha Sooktam
Lessons on Purusha Sooktam
Purusha Suktam is a hymn of the Rig Veda that is offered to the Cosmic Person as a worship Sukta. The Veda recognises a Cosmic Man who was prepared and fixed (crucified) in the Mahat by the Devas and the whole universe is visualised in him. The Cosmic person is described as having four hands which represent the four-fold creation. Later when creation progressed, human form is also prepared in the image and likeness of the Cosmic Person. Master E.K. regularly chanted Purusha Sukta for decades and imparted the Sukta to his followers. He instructed his followers to regularly chant Purusha Sukta on a daily basis.
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Lessons on the Yoga of Patanjali
Lessons on the Yoga of Patanjali
The whole practice of Yoga is to sublimate one’s own activity of the lower nature and get it absorbed into the Original Existence so that one can live with the same machine of the human constitution in terms of true existence. Master E.K. makes us experience a masterly synthesis of the essence of Patanjali unfolded by dynamic teachings that simplify complex ideas, and through a process of correspondence to everyday life makes them accessible to the modern mind.
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Lessons on Vedic Hymns
Lessons on Vedic Hymns
The Vedic seers know “how it is and how it is becoming”. The becoming of creation upon the background of “Being” is a process of sound and light. The sound uttered forth in creation resulting in universe was well realised by the seers. If an aspirant regularly listens to and utters the Sookthas, he gets slowly transformed. The Vedic hymns have the system, the rhythm, and the metre to conduct the necessary transformation. Every spiritual aspirant is well benefitted by regular uttering of Sookthas at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. Hence the present booklet is an offering to the aspirants by the WTT brotherhood.
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Man Sacrifice
Man Sacrifice
This book presents the events relating to Krishna’s life at the time of His dropping the physical sheath. Even the so called event of death has also been made use of the Lord for the benefit of humanity in a perfect yogic style. Through this book the author intends to disperse away the illusion of death and bring nearer the experience of life.
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Master E.K.'s life has been his message to those who observed with keen eye. His message was given to those who wished to follow him. The message contains the keys to socio-spiritual living in the contemporary world. The 14 messages printed in the booklet give the necessary clues to those who attempt to live by the instructions given. May the Master give His presence to the readers.
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Messages to Aspirants
Messages to Aspirants
The booklet contains extracts from letters of Master EK sent to persons in the West and in India. It is meant to inspire aspirants and disciples. The letters contain many instructions and advices of the Master, concerning spiritual practice, everyday living or spiritual questions – a jewel for the seekers. “Spiritual qualifications do not depend upon social perfection and formality. It is the warmth of the heart that makes us respond to each other from such a distance.”
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Music of the Soul
Music of the Soul
The main characters of this book, Maitreya, Maru, Devapi, are gathered from the Puranas and it is shown how they live through births and rebirths with the continuity of consciousness which enables them to have a continuous plan of their work. Their plan is called The Plan of the Masters and it has no other purpose except fulfilling the purpose of the World Teacher. Maitreya is known by the same name in the modern age; he is also known as the Christ. Maru of the Puranas is known as Morya, while Devapi is known as Koot Hoomi. Djwhal Khul, the Light of the present day, who is also known as Master D.K. or the Tibetan, was trained into discipleship by Maru and Devapi through centuries. This book presents the facts that took place at the time of Lord Krishna, 5000 years ago; it also describes the trend of things that made Djwhal Khul a Master.
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Narayana Kavacham
Narayana Kavacham
Many people who suffer from misfortune, diseases, obsessions, oppression, tension and the onslaught of the social and planetary influences which stimulate the experience of his past deeds, take refuge under the Kavacha (shield). Invariably they find stunning results both from the mundane and the spiritual point of view. This is considered to be one among the most powerful formulae of the Mantras.
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Our Heritage
Our Heritage
In the form of questions and answers sessions the reader is taken into a very readable and enjoyable tour of the following subjects for investigation: Vedas - Religion - God - Yoga - Man and Dharma - Law of Karma - Astrology - The Guru -Spiritualism - Miscellaneous. A book full of practical answers and wisdom for the seeker of truth.
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Suparna Suktam. Commentary on the Hymn of Suparna
Suparna Suktam. Commentary on the Hymn of Suparna
The hymn on the book of Suparna is the 164th hymn of the 1st canto (Mandala) of the Rig Veda. It has 52 mantras which are called ‘Riks’. The Ancient Wisdom pertaining to the Light (Jyothir-Vidaya) and salvation (Moksha-Vidya) is extolled in them.
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Symbolism of the Scriptures. A Compilation
Symbolism of the Scriptures. A Compilation
The World Scriptures are hidden treasures. They remain veiled until and unless an ardent student makes an appropriate approach. All world scriptures are invariably presented through symbols and through allegory. Unless the science of symbolism is studied and comprehended, the intended meaning of the scripture is not revealed.
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The Evolution of the Consciousness of Man
The Evolution of the Consciousness of Man
The soul has no development at all at any point of time, because when we are fully developed, we will be in the soul and the goal is the soul consciousness. So, we are supposed to develop towards the soul. The soul has nothing to develop. In fact, what we call Soul is the highest degree of illumination of consciousness.
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The Science of Symbolism
The Science of Symbolism
Among the creative sciences, Symbolism stands foremost. It is also the simplest and easiest of all the creative sciences. The Science of Symbolism enables the readers to understand the World Scriptures in their true light, which is different from the religious approach. The booklet, though small, covers a vast area and a deep volume of the scriptures with a unique way of revealing the synthesis of the Ancient Wisdom.
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The Science of Yoga
The Science of Yoga
The word Yoga is used in many directions nowadays, but there is also a scientific definition with a procedure which is called 'Yoga'. In the book “The Science of Yoga”, Master EK (Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is trying to give an aerial view of the yoga practice with exactitude and scientific precision as intended by Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita. Yoga practice is no end in itself. But the end and the goal is the yoga way of living.
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The Mandra Scripture (Bhagavad Gita)
The Mandra Scripture (Bhagavad Gita)
Mandra means the music of the cosmic consciousness. This book is an English rendering of the original import of the Bhagavad Gita, the Song of the Lord, in human language. The rendering is unique in handing over the experience directly on the Buddhic and higher planes. This is a rendering of the content with fidelity to every word in the Scripture Bhagavad Gita, but it is not a translation of the verses.
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The Yoga of Patanjali
The Yoga of Patanjali
Yoga is the science par excellence of Man. It is the oldest of the real sciences that remain with mankind today. Patanjali’s aphorisms are given in the form of instructions. With this study, Master E.K. has made a valuable contribution to the growing awareness and spiritual fusion between East and West which was his chosen mission.
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Triangles. An Esoteric Approach
Triangles. An Esoteric Approach
If you want to do anything, you have the triangle composed by: the doer, the deed and the done. Thus, everyone has his own triangle in the process of doing anything in this world. No one can avoid this triangular process in any branch of activity. It is called the triangle of inevitability in the Ancient Scriptures. It is also called the threefold nature of mind, because this triangle exists nowhere except in the mind.
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Vishnu Sahasranamam
Vishnu Sahasranamam
Vishnu Sahasranamam means “The Thousand Names of the Lord” and represents the quintessence of ancient Indian thought. The text of this Scripture is the 13th book in the great epic poem of Vedic literature, The Mahabharata, composed by the sage Veda-Vyasa, a contemporary of Lord Krishna, more than 5000 years ago. Word meaning for each of the stanzas is described, followed by a lucid explanation which utilizes the etymological, astrological and spiritual keys to bring out the significance of each of the 1000 names of the Lord.
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Wisdom Tales
Wisdom Tales
The Seers of all times communicated intricate wisdom principles through lucid and simple stories. A good teacher is invariably a good story teller. Master E.K. was known for such story telling. He inspired many into the path of righteousness through his teachings and inevitably there was story telling in every talk that he gave. When he talked on Homoeopathy, the listeners could figure out a patient, from the description of the drug that he used to give. That was his ability. These stories help the readers to find wisdom clues to enrich their comprehension.
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Masters and Teachers
Masters and Disciples in the Modern Age
Masters and Disciples in the Modern Age
As per Madam Blavatsky, the word Master denotes mastery over many things. Mastery over the physical body, mastery over the desire nature, mastery over the mind and thoughts and finally mastery over themselves. They are the Masters who can handle the human constitution, to make the machines of the body and the mind function in their proper manner so as to tune them to the higher intelligence in man.
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Master CVV
Master CVV
The word Master means one who has a complete mastery over the threefold personality. This fascinating book describes the work of the Master CVV and the work of senior disciples, Master M.N. and Master V.P.S., plus the founder of the World Teacher Trust, Master E.K.
A section of the book is also devoted to the science of Yoga where Master CVV is described as “…the founder of the raja Yoga path in a form which is most suitable and practical in the modern age.”
This is a book that gives a valuable perspective into the work of the Masters who serve the divine Plan for the evolution of humanity and our planet Earth.
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The Wisdom of Pythagoras
The Wisdom of Pythagoras
Pythagorean wisdom unfolds itself through initiates who function as souls. It can not be learned in classrooms through intellect. It needs to be lived in life and that needs firm resolve. The teachings contained in this book help the readers to understand the oneness of the Ageless Wisdom expressed differently at different places and at different times. The aim is to accomplish spiritual fusion of East and West. It also gives an initiate's approach to wisdom.
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The World Teacher. Advent of Lord Krishna
The World Teacher. Advent of Lord Krishna
An Avatar is the descent of the Omnipresent One, to be one with the beings. He descends to uphold the law and to establish the law in the beings. Among such Avatars the Avatar of Krishna is considered full and complete, not only by the Puranas and Itihasas but also by the acts of the Lord as Krishna. The wheel of light that emerged from him has been piercing through the envelope of darkness that dawned around him during his time and the present times. The actual incidents in the story of such a “World Teacher” have taken to the form of this book.
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