108 Names of Kumara 108 Names of Kumara

The most sublime and divine aspect of Mars is concealed in the spiritual path of Subrahmanya, the Kumara. Kumara is the eternal and divine brilliance, which is ever fresh. Kumara may be envisioned when the six centers in us are brought into alignment. The worship of Kumara is seen as most auspicious.

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Ashram Leaves Ashram Leaves

A mosaic of morning thoughts that encompass yoga, philosophy, astrology, sound, colour, symbol and number. Each leaf of wisdom is a stimulant that drives the reader deep into his own being. Recommended for quiet study and contemplation.

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Ashram - Regulations for the Entry Ashram - Regulations for the Entry

Entering into the ashrams of Masters is possible by adopting oneself to the cardinal occult regulations and practices. Emotional approach would not lead one to the ashram and in as much as one tends to be impractical, one gets derailed from the normal and simple journey of life.

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Cow Cow

The Vedas extol Cow as the most sacred being. Cow is essentially celestial. As per the prayers of the planetary Devas it condescended to be on Earth also to nourish the beings with its milk, to restore health to the beings and to fertilise the Earth with its dung and urine. The presence of the Cow sanctifies the surroundings. Man's attitude to the Cow decides his wellbeing.

This book is a humble presentation to inform the thinking man the significance of Cow. May this help mankind to regain right orientation towards the Cow.

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Doctrine of Eternal Presence Doctrine of Eternal Presence

When you stand in the Presence of the Lord, Wisdom can flow through you. Love can flow through you. Light can transmit itself through. Healing can also happen. Stand in Light, Light flows through you, is the dictum of Masters of Wisdom at all times.

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Good Friday Good Friday

Good Friday is the most important day for the ritualists who practise the inner ritual in the secret and sacred temples. Friday is very important because it is the day that opens the doors to us to the subtle kingdom, which is the kingdom of Light with its rainbow colours.

A 10 minutes talk on Good Friday in a Temple on 13 April 2001.

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Kapila and Kardama Kapila and Kardama - The Quintessence of the Path

Kapila is the first and foremost teacher on the planet. This booklet contains the conversation between Kapila and his father, Kardama. This conversation has profound value and is also a teaching in a capsule form. When the author discoursed upon it, a group of ardent German listeners called forth the teachings in a book form. It is dedicated to the students of wisdom. This booklet may be read as a prelude to the book ‘The Teachings of Kapila’.

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Lectures on Secret Doctrine Lectures on Secret Doctrine

Secret doctrine means a doctrine that is experienced, that is revealed in secrecy. The secrecy is within the heart of one’s own being. What is secret is also sacred. Normally sacred things are kept secret. All that is secret need not be sacred, but all that is sacred is secret! The book “Lectures on Secret Doctrine” emphasizes: “If we go within, we understand The Secret Doctrine, otherwise not.”

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Lectures on Secret Doctrine 2 Lectures on Secret Doctrine - Vol 2

The Adityas are the light of awareness, unmanifest. They are the Devas of consciousness. The Rudras bring them down. They are called the Devas of force. The Vasus are the Devas who manifest. How these Devas are responsible for the formation of the creation and also for the formation of man is to be understood.

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Lectures on Secret Doctrine 3 Lectures on Secret Doctrine - Vol 3

Air is necessary for all movements, for vertical movement, for horizontal movement, for rotational movement, for spiral movement and so on. The book gives a good understanding of Vayu, the cosmic intelligence of air, which details into the seven winds called Maruths.

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Messages of Master EK. A Compilation Messages of Master EK. A Compilation

Courage, discrimination, purity of mind and quietude are inborn qualities of an aspirant standing at the door of initiation for discipleship. They are the result of actions of goodwill rendered in the past life.

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OM is beyond the three qualities. OM details into the triple sound A U M. A stands for the Will, U stands for Love and Wisdom, M stands for intelligent activity. Continuously contemplate upon OM which enables the realisation of Oneself as OM. Therefore, continue to contemplate upon OM.

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Saraswathi -The Word Saraswathi -The Word

Every principle in Creation is seen as a deity, in the esoteric world. The Goddess of the Word is called Saraswathi, literally meaning the flow. It is the flow of energy as Consciousness, also called the Word. The Word was recognized by the ancient seers as the background of all that is created. It emanates from Pure Existence. Every scripture gives paramount importance to the Word, because it emerges periodically and manifests in manifold forms, to return again and again to its Source, i.e. Pure Existence.

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Shambala Shambala

Shambala was prophesied at the very beginning of the Kali Age, 5000 years ago. It is considered to be the seat of the Lord Sanat Kumara who esoterically rules over this Earth. Shambala is the mystic land. It contains the energy of deliverance to the beings on the planet. It has been a matter of great interest at all times.

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Shirdi Sai Sayings Shirdi Sai Sayings

Sai Baba of Shirdi has been a great inspiration to the theists all over the globe. He is one initiate in whom people from all religions agreed. He demonstrated humanism and super humanism without the colour of any religion. This book contains important teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba for better understanding and practice.

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Teachings of Lord Maitreya, Vol. 1 Teachings of Lord Maitreya, Vol. 1

Lord Maitreya is a sage of great brilliance. He teaches synthesis, the unity of existence, and Love and Wisdom. His work of the Lord is to orient the seekers to Truth. The book “The Teachings of Lord Maitreya, Vol. 1” contains instructions of Lord Maitreya, which have been propounded by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar in the Vaisakh News Letters.

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Teachings of Lord Maitreya, Vol. 2 Teachings of Lord Maitreya, Vol. 2

Maitreya community tends to heal every mishap on the planet. The members of the community are very dear to Lord Maitreya. Maitreya community predominantly prays for the well-being of people and for restoration of order in disturbed conditions. These are the true servers. They are the mobile, magnetic healers spread all over the planet. The term 'world-server' truly applies to them.

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Teachings of Madame HPB Teachings of Madame HPB

Helena P. Blavatsky or HPB as she is lovingly called is one of the true initiates who had access to the visible and invisible worlds. HPB has been the grandest intelligence in the recent centuries. She had all the courage to speak the Truth in its original and was brave enough to destroy the dogmas of the East and the West. In order that her teachings reach the aspirants of truth, certain dimensions are presented in this book, which are but a sample that provide a taste of her expression and teachings. May the readers who called forth this book find it useful.

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Teachings of Master Koot Hoomi, Vol. 1 Teachings of Master Koot Hoomi, Vol. 1

The World Teacher Maitreya, the Masters of Wisdom Morya, Koot Hoomi, Djwhal Khul, Serapis and Jesus are some of the important Masters in the Hierarchy guiding the destiny of humanity. Having been liberated according to the time and need of the place they have been taking bodies to help spiritual progress of man, to co-operate with the evolutionary process of creation and to neutralize the karma of the race.

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Teachings of Master Koot Hoomi, Vol. 2 Teachings of Master Koot Hoomi, Vol. 2

A good teacher deploys people into work and those who are consistent in the work are given teachings. Giving teachings to those who do not apply the wisdom in their daily work causes constipation and congestion in the minds of the students. For this reason, in yoga, rhythmic action stands prior to imparting of knowledge.

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Teachings of Master Morya, Vol. 1 Teachings of Master Morya, Vol. 1

Master Morya states: “Be grateful for what is given”. We always know what we are not given, but are oblivious to what is given. When we do not value what is given, why should we be given more? Learn to use what is given.

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Teachings of Master Morya, Vol. 2 Teachings of Master Morya, Vol. 2

Master Morya states: “Let the new age begin with you. Evaluate your own work and your own ability to manifest a thought of goodwill into action. Let every individual strive at his level. It is much better than looking for some leader or some messiah doing it for us. This would be truly Aquarian!”

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Temple Service. An Introduction Temple Service. An Introduction

If we do business without knowing the discipline of business, we would land ourselves in loss. Likewise, the wisdom science also has its discipline. The moment one adapts to it, the knowledge or science reveals itself. Adapting to rhythms of daily life, setting up rhythms to relate to respiration and pulsation, one can gradually develop the will to enter into oneself and start rebuilding the temple in tune with the inner rhythm.

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The Doctrine of Ethics The Doctrine of Ethics

Ethics are the need of the present times. In truth, ethics have an eternal value in human activity. Ethics need to be studied and understood from their force aspect and not for their moral, religious or spiritual value. Ethics help transference of the Soul from self-centred emotional nature (solar plexus) to harmonising rhythm of life (Heart Centre).

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The Golden Stairs The Golden Stairs

With the growing interest in esoteric and spiritual subjects in recent years, a person who has sown the seeds for this in the 19th century also has a renaissance: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891), called by her friends in short H.P.B. More important than the events of her life, however, are the traces of her spiritual work in the service of those whom she dedicated her whole life: The Mahatmas, also called “Masters of Wisdom”. 'Golden Stairs' is one such contribution from her.

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The Seven Waves of Life The Seven Waves of Life

Humanity on this planet is as old as the planet itself. According to Eastern scriptures the planet was conceived as a habitat for the beings, who are seven in their gradations (mineral, plant, animal, human, and three gradations of devas). Seven are the waves through which the human evolution on the planet is traced and envisioned. The topic is intricate and is beyond a chronological presentation. The initial presentation was given by the seers, which is preserved in the world scriptures. Madame H. P. Blavatsky spoke of the seven waves in her classical work “The Secret Doctrine” which are but the seven waves of the humanity which come again and again into incarnation for self-realization.

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The Splendor of Seven Hills The Splendor of Seven Hills

This is the talk given to the European brotherhood on the occasion of their tour to Tirumala with Master K. Parvathi Kumar in January 1995. The entire group walked up the hills to experience the splendor and significance of the Seven Hills.

The Seven Hills represent the seven centres of human awareness and seven planes of existence of creation. Master K. Parvathi Kumar explains their significance of the benefit of the Seekers.

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The Teacher The Teacher

Master, Teacher are the other names to Sat Guru. The Teacher is essentially a Son of God. He is seen as representative of God on earth, to enable the seeking souls to enter into the Kingdom of God. The Teacher imparts Wisdom to lift up the student from ignorance to knowledge. And through His looks, His word and His love, He continues to uplift the oriented student. The Teacher leads and the student follows until the student enters into the bliss of existence and transforms himself into yet another Son of God.

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The Teachings of Kapila The Teachings of Kapila (prev. Sankhya - The Sacred Doctrine)

Sankhya is holistic wisdom. It is the wisdom of God, the path to reach God. It enunciates:

a) Consciousness, its fourfold existence.
b) The path of yoga to realize the consciousness within form.
c) The preparation required for treading the path of yoga.
d) The utility and futility of form.

Kapila is the foremost of the teachers on the planet that gave the fourfold wisdom. Sankhya is a lucid explanation of the Truth, the path to the Truth and the preparation to join the Path.

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The Teachings of Sanat Kumara The Teachings of Sanat Kumara

The planetary Logos of our Earth took incarnation in the form of Sanat Kumara. HE is a direct reflection of that Great Entity who lives and breathes and functions through all the evolutions on this planet. Lord Sanat Kumara gave us the teachings relating to the path of discipleship in 24 Sutras, aphorisms or commandments. The book “The Teachings of Sanat Kumara”, by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, present the 24 commandments to help the people to recollect what is already known to them.

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The White Lotus The White Lotus

The booklet speaks of the symbolism of the Lotus. The Lotus is a profound Vedic symbol that enchants the student of symbolism.

The booklet is a spontaneous talk flowing through the author.

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Thus Spake Master CVV Thus Spake Master CVV

The Yoga of Master CVV is no different from the path of yoga propounded by the ancient most scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Master CVV gave out a new yoga which gave a new impetus for the evolution of Life. It works to hasten the process of evolution.

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Vishnu Suktam Vishnu Suktam

Vishnu means the permeating light of the universe. It is in this light all forms live, move and have their being. It dwells in all forms, while the latter dwell in it. Vishnu is like the ocean of light, while the beings live as tides of the ocean. Essentially the tide is also the ocean, though seen differently.

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Wisdom Buds Wisdom Buds

A booklet that contains talks on seven topics of spiritual value. The talks are short, but deeply effective. They cover such topics as: 1. The White Island; 2. The New Age Teacher 3. The Path of Gradual Unfoldment, etc.

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Wisdom Teachings of Vidura Wisdom Teachings of Vidura

Vidura was the chief counsel in the Royal Court of Dhritharashtra. He is an initiate that knew the law and admonished the king untiringly and patiently. He is considered as the Machachohan in the theosophical world. His teachings to the king are eternally valid. They are given in brief, culling out from the Mahabharata.

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